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In the YouTube video titled "Sorgo granífero é usado na produção de etanol" (Sorgo granular is used in ethanol production), the speaker discusses the growing potential of using sorgo (sorghum) as an alternative to corn in ethanol production in Brazil. The video highlights a new investment of R$ bilhões in an ethanol production industry in Sidrolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul, which aims to produce ethanol from sorgo. The use of sorgo for ethanol production is still new in Brazil but is widely used in the United States, where approximately 30% of all sorgo produced is transformed into ethanol. The speakers discuss the benefits of sorgo for ethanol production, including its sensitivity to herbicides, the quality of co-products, and its potential for soil protection. The video also addresses concerns about nematodes in the soil and the importance of increasing organic matter in the soil to address the issue. The speaker mentions the potential growth of the sorgo industry in Brazil, with over 30% increase in area planted the previous year, and the potential for exports to countries like China and Africa. The video also highlights the advantages of sorghum in ethanol production, including its ability to generate more biomass with less water, superior carbon-nitrogen ratio, and better soil protection compared to corn or other crops. The use of sorghum in ethanol production is expanding beyond Brazil, with cooperatives like Coper Camps and Timbo investing in ethanol production in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, using a combination of corn, wheat, or barley, and now sorghum.
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