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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

In the YouTube video "Cooperativismo no Agro," Elito Espanha introduces the Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras' (OCB) new business program called "Programa Negócios." The program is geared towards enhancing agricultural cooperatives, with a focus on small cooperatives in the agropecuary sector. The program offers solutions to boost revenue and competitiveness, while also improving organizational structure and communication with members. The assessment process consists of seven immersive and participatory stages, starting with a dialogue about the cooperative's history and management level, followed by identifying potentialities, prioritizing issues, analyzing deficiencies, and creating a plan of action for up to 12 months. The socially-focused program aims to make a significant difference for cooperatives and their rural producer members, emphasizing the cooperative's sustainability in its social, economic, and environmental aspects.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Cooperativismo no Agro," Elito Espanha discusses the OCB's (Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras) new business program aimed at improving cooperatives, particularly those in agriculture. The program, called "Programa Negócios," was presented at an event in Goiás and is designed to assess and strengthen small cooperatives in the agropecuary sector, with a focus on those involved in agriculture familiar and extraction. The program offers solutions to increase revenue and competitiveness, as well as improve organizational structure and communication with cooperative members. The assessment process involves seven immersive and participatory stages, starting with a dialogue about the cooperative's history and management level, followed by identifying potentialities, prioritizing issues, analyzing deficiencies, and creating a plan of action for up to 12 months. The program has a social perspective and aims to make a significant difference for cooperatives.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Cooperativismo no Agro," the speaker discusses the importance of cooperatives in supporting small rural producers. These families, often organized through associations and transforming into cooperatives, are the focus of the program. The program aims to generate wealth and promote consciousness and structuring of the cooperative, with the understanding that the cooperative itself is the business. The cooperative's sustainability is emphasized in its social, economic, and environmental aspects, increasing its chances of success and prosperity. Stay tuned for more on Cooperativismo no Agro on Rede Mais Record. [Applause]

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