Summary of Como cuidar de ASPLÊNIO

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The video "Como cuidar de ASPLÊNIO" introduces two popular varieties of asplenio, the blue saliva plant and the Samambaia Ruiva, and provides information on their care requirements. While both plants can tolerate less light and require different types of substrate fertilizer, the blue saliva plant is more fragile and prone to allergies. The presenter also discusses the proper way to care for an Aspen tree, including proper watering, substrate selection, air circulation, and lighting. Additionally, the importance of keeping the environment around the asplenium plant moist is highlighted to prevent drying out and damage to the foliage.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video titled "Como cuidar de ASPLÊNIO", the presenter introduces two popular varieties of asplenio, a most commonly cultivated plant in Brazil. The first variety is the blue saliva plant, which is a type of asplenio with a succulent foliage that can tolerate less light, making it well suited for indoor environments. Another popular variety is the Samambaia Ruiva, which is characterized by its white foliage and is a relatively easy plant to care for. However, the nature of this plant and the requirements for its growth and care are different from those of other asplenios. The nature of the samples is that they have a thick foliage covered with fine hairs, which blocks the water before it flows through them. Thus, unlike other asplenias, you must add a substrate fertilizer if you do not want your plant to end up being enriched by the house dust.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the proper way to care for an Aspen tree. One important aspect of caring for an Aspen tree is proper watering. The speaker advises against watering excessively, as this can be harmful to the tree. Instead, the speaker recommends watering the tree at a high frequency, especially if it is being planted in a pot. Additionally, the speaker advises choosing a substrate that is well-draining and will provide the tree with the necessary air circulation. Finally, the speaker recommends planting the tree in a location with good lighting, but not direct sunlight, as this can damage the tree's foliage.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses the importance of keeping the environment around the asplenium plant moist to prevent it from drying out. They explain that excess adubo, or fertilizer, can cause the plant to dry out and damage the foliage. If the asplenium plant is in a bar or exposed to excess moisture, this can also lead to drying out. The YouTuber suggests that leaving the plant in a more humid location and avoiding overwatering it can help to prevent these issues.

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