Summary of Agricultora de 79 anos preserva sementes antigas

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

In the YouTube video "Agricultora de 79 anos preserva sementes antigas" (A 79-year-old farmer preserves ancient seeds), the focus shifts to the life of a resilient farmer who defies the trend of modern technology replacing human labor. Born and raised in São Domingos do Sul, she has spent her entire life working the land and maintaining a simple, self-sufficient lifestyle. Despite being a widow and living alone, she continues to produce most of what she consumes on her property. The farmer shares stories of her past, including how she came to live in Santa Catarina and the challenges she faced. She is deeply connected to the land and the traditions of the past, continuing to plant and harvest ancient seeds using traditional methods and tools. The video showcases the farmer's vitality as she works in her garden, collecting and preparing crops like sweet potatoes and beans. She also shares how she obtained some ancient seed varieties, which were almost lost but were saved with the help of a neighbor. The farmer stores her crops, including the ancient seeds, in large plastic containers for use in the next harvest. Despite undergoing surgeries for a broken foot and a verruga, she continues to attend mass every week and work in the field.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Agricultora de 79 anos preserva sementes antigas" (A 79-year-old farmer preserves ancient seeds), the focus shifts from technology and modernity to an agricultural lifestyle that defies the trend of machines replacing human labor. The farmer, who is 79 years old and has spent her entire life in São Domingos do Sul, shares her experiences of working the land and maintaining a simple, resilient life. Born and raised in the interior of São Domingos do Sul, she has been an agriculturer all her life, working hard and taking care of the soil, plants, and animals. Despite being a widow and living alone, she is self-sufficient and produces most of what she consumes on her property. Her children visit regularly, and she shares stories of her past, including how she came to live in Santa Catarina and the challenges she faced there. The farmer's life is marked by a deep connection to the land and the traditions of the past, as she continues to plant and harvest ancient seeds, using traditional methods and tools.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Agricultora de 79 anos preserva sementes antigas" (A 79-year-old farmer preserves ancient seeds), the farmer is seen working in her garden, collecting and preparing various crops, including sweet potatoes and beans. She shares the story of how she obtained some of her ancient seed varieties, which were almost lost but were saved with the help of a neighbor. The farmer explains that she stores her crops, including the ancient seeds, in large plastic containers for use in the next harvest. She also mentions that her garden is just one of her hobbies, and she continues to attend mass every week and work in the field despite having undergone surgeries for a broken foot and a verruga. The video showcases the farmer's vitality and dedication to her traditional farming practices.

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