Summary of Alex Newman: A real journalist on climate, censorship, freedom, and guns | Tom Nelson Pod #176

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00:00:00 - 00:50:00

In a recent YouTube video called "Alex Newman: A real journalist on climate, censorship, freedom, and guns," international journalist and educator Alex Newman discusses his experiences and observations at various climate conferences, including COP15 in Copenhagen and COP27 in Egypt. He discusses the evolution of the language used to discuss climate issues, the increasing prominence of religion at these meetings, and the frustration of scientists on the issue. He also criticizes the COP meetings for having a bizarre atmosphere and expresses frustration with the political nature of the discussions. Additionally, Newman discusses his experiences at the UN climate Summit in Paris in 2015, where he points out that while younger people are generally convinced of the need to address climate change, many at the highest levels do not genuinely believe in it. He also criticizes the loss and damage mechanism introduced last year at the conference, which he sees as an attempt to shift the blame for climate change onto developed nations and force them to pay financial reparations without evidence or due process. The video also touches on the upcoming COP28 and the potential negative consequences that nations will face for disagreeing with the climate change narrative, including "stopping agreeing to the world dictates."

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Alex Newman, an international journalist and educator, talks about his perspective on climate change and his experiences at COP meetings, including COP15 in Copenhagen and COP27 in Egypt. Newman discusses the evolution of the language used to discuss climate issues and the increasing prominence of religion at these meetings. He also mentions the skepticism of scientists on the issue, including those interviewed by him, and the reluctance of alarmists to discuss their views on camera. Newman describes the COP meetings as having a bizarre atmosphere and expresses frustration with the political nature of the discussions.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the transcript, Newman discusses the upcoming COP28 climate conference in Dubai, which he believes is part of a larger trend of using taxpayer money to fund a global climate crusade. He argues that the conference has become a platform for elites to perpetuate power structures and control over populations by tapping into fears about the environment and the threat of climate change. Newman also criticizes the media, particularly journalists who cover the event, for failing to scrutinize the agenda and motives behind the conference.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the transcript excerpt, Alex Newman discusses his experiences and observations at various climate conferences, including the UN climate Summit in Paris in 2015. He points out that while younger people are generally convinced of the need to address climate change, many at the highest levels do not genuinely believe in it. Newman highlights the absurdity of global leaders' claims that reducing CO2 emissions will save the planet when, in fact, countries like China are emitting far more CO2 than the United States and other developed countries. He also criticizes the loss and damage mechanism introduced last year at the conference, which he sees as an attempt to shift the blame for climate change onto developed nations and force them to pay financial reparations without evidence or due process.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Alex Newman discusses the upcoming COP28 and the potential punishment that nations will face for disagreeing with the climate change narrative. He specifically mentions the elections in Argentina and the Netherlands, where parties that do not believe in climate change have won. He also talks about the negative reactions of government and private sector entities to leaders such as Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, who do not share the same fundamental beliefs about climate change. Newman also discusses the idea that climate change is being argued as a health emergency in an attempt to bypass political opposition and obtain funding to address it.
  • 00:20:00 Some of the population has stopped believing in the idea of climate change and considers it a waste of time, given there is no indication that it is an actual threat. This is a shift from previous beliefs and behaviors which supported the idea of climate change as a pressing issue. The World Health Organization and the United Nations have also changed their stance on the matter, prompting them to search for new ways to convince people to surrender more freedom and money. This was seen in a recent World Economic Forum call where a speaker suggested that a water crisis might be used to convince people to give up more freedom. The term Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has also recently fallen out of favor among investors. A lot of State Attorneys General in the United States are investigating these organizations and individuals involved in promoting ESG, alleging fraud, anti-competitive behavior, collusion, and cooperation with the UN to suppress Western people's views on eating meat.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Alex Newman, a real journalist, discusses the push to transition to a digital currency. He believes that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are tied to the climate agenda and are being used as a way to track carbon emissions. He also notes that CBDCs are unpopular and that many people are unaware of their existence, suggesting that a major crisis may be necessary to justify their introduction. He mentions that the banks in the United States are sitting on huge losses and that they are hesitant to talk about it.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video, Alex Newman discusses the current banking crisis and the potential for the government to unleash a big crisis on the public in order to implement its plans for a digital currency. Newman argues that the government's move towards Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) is a threat to privacy and freedom and that alternative systems, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, can provide valuable tools for individuals to protect their assets. Newman also discusses the possibility of a totalitarian global system where all assets are tokenized and must be bought and sold using CBDCs. He urges viewers to think rationally about the potential risks and to have a plan in case alternative systems are not available.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of being prepared in the face of potential natural disasters and government censorship. They describe their experience in Florida, where they have been hit by hurricanes every year and have learned to be self-sufficient. The speaker also cautions against relying on the government to rescue them in emergency situations, as seen in situations where there are mandatory evacuations. The speaker then discusses the possibility of increased censorship on social media, including plans by UNESCO to suppress misinformation and disinformation. They believe that the government and businesses are concerned about the growing backlash against their agenda and are likely to implement more censorship in the months ahead. The speaker also talks about the censorship of climate misinformation and how Google and other search engines have been suppressing information. They also mention Twitter and the efforts being made by Elon Musk to keep it open and free.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the transcript extract, Alex Newman discusses his experiences with censorship on social media platforms such as Google and Facebook. He claims that these companies were started with the intention of becoming tools for manipulation and surveillance, rather than simply being social media platforms. Newman also discusses the impact of Google's algorithms on information search results, citing his own experience where an article he wrote about Agenda 2030 was no longer visible on Google after Google entered into a partnership with the United Nations to silence "misinformation." Newman also talks about the heavy armed population in the United States and how it scares evildoers who want to take away guns. He believes that the evildoers have now settled on two different approaches to achieving their goals: ammo control and turning Americans against each other.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Alex Newman discusses the idea that political power flows from the barrel of a gun, and the importance of the Armed American middle class in restraining the power of oppressive regimes. He highlights the example of Switzerland, where citizens are required to own and carry weapons, and yet have a very low crime and murder rate. He also touches on the idea that disarming a civilian population can lead to increased crime and terror, as seen in countries like Mexico and Venezuela. Newman feels that RFK Jr.'s views on gun ownership and control should be allowed in debates, as long as there is a healthy exchange of ideas in different perspectives.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the video, Alex Newman discusses the topic of censorship and the dangers posed by the fusion of big government and big business. Newman believes that the mandates related to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as mask mandates and vaccine mandates, are part of a larger effort to control individuals and their autonomy. Newman also argues that the establishment has targeted individuals like him who are critical of these mandates and are perceived as a threat to their agenda. Newman suggests that the media is being manipulated to promote certain politicians and prevent others, such as Kennedy, from participating in debates. Newman urges people to get involved in the fight for freedom and self-governance, and to take action to preserve civilization for future generations.

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