Summary of Política industrial verde e atração de investimento | EXAME Renováveis

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00:00:00 - 00:40:00

In the YouTube video "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento | EXAME Renováveis," a panel led by Natália Viri from EXAME Insight discusses the opportunities and challenges of renewable energy, focusing on wind energy in Brazil. Renewable energy has become competitive and a good business, but faces challenges with supply chain issues and insufficient demand. The panel advocates for a "Política Industrial Verde" to strengthen the renewable energy industry, with a focus on setting sectoral missions and preserving domestic production chains. Biogas and biometano are seen as significant opportunities in Brazil, especially from agriculture, and could provide substantial environmental benefits and investment opportunities. The speakers discuss the importance of a well-established value chain and regulatory framework to implement green industrial innovations, and emphasize the need for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from mobility. The panel concludes by expressing gratitude for the audience's participation and urging listeners to read the policy carefully and participate in its construction.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento | EXAME Renováveis," Natália Viri, editor at EXAME Insight, leads a panel discussing the opportunities and challenges of renewable energy, focusing on wind energy in Brazil. Renewable energy has become competitive and a good business in Brazil, surpassing other sources such as hydroelectric. However, the sector faces challenges both globally and locally, with many equipment manufacturers leaving the market, but at the same time creating a major opportunity for offshore wind. The panel discusses the need for structural policies that can unlock the potential of wind energy in Brazil, with Natália expressing her support for EXAME's commitment to covering the renewable energy sector and applauding the presence of her colleagues Renata Teixeira from Aeolica and Jeferson de Oliveira Gomes from Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI). The panel members reflect on the current state of the renewable energy sector and acknowledge the challenges ahead, but remain optimistic.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento" YouTube video titled "EXAME Renováveis," the speakers discuss the importance of structural policies for the renewable energy sector in Brazil. They acknowledge that the country has survived without strong structural policies but now faces challenges with a struggling supply chain and insufficient demand. The speakers advocate for a "Política Industrial Verde" to strengthen the renewable energy industry, specifically focusing on wind energy. This policy includes setting sectoral missions and preserving domestic production chains. The government and private sector are working together towards this goal, with the launch of the policy taking place recently. Despite ongoing criticisms, the speakers remain optimistic about Brazil's transformation into a renewable energy powerhouse.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento | EXAME Renováveis" YouTube video, Elba and Renata discuss the opportunities and challenges of renewable energy sectors, specifically focusing on offshore wind and biogas in Brazil. Elba emphasizes the need to seize the current energy transition as an opportunity for economic and social transformation. She highlights the challenge of having to approve and regulate laws, conduct environmental studies, and hold the first lease auction for offshore wind energy projects. In the medium term, renewable energy sources will become more viable due to the advancements in hydrogene production. Additionally, circular economy sectors such as biogas and biometano hold great potential in Brazil, as they generate energy from industrial residues and waste. Despite the absence of a structured plan, these sectors are growing rapidly, and biogas is seen as a complement to renewables like eolica and a potential substitute for fossil fuels in certain industries like steel and natural gas usage. The panelists stress the importance of seizing the current moment to prepare for the future of renewable energy in Brazil.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Política industrial verde e atração de investment | EXAME Renováveis," the speaker discusses the potential growth of biometano (biomethane) production in Brazil and the opportunities and challenges associated with it. The speaker explains that with the current political approvals, Brazil could quadruple its biometano plants, reaching 90 plants by 2027, producing around 6 million to 7 million cubic meters per day. This represents a significant shift in Brazil's energy production, as the country currently uses only 2% of its residues for energy, providing a substantial environmental passive and investment opportunity. However, challenges exist, such as the need for a structuring policy and industrialization, overcoming the current infrastructure relying mainly on natural gas, and establishing a mechanism to monetize the biomethane's renewable attribute. Despite these challenges, the speaker sees a significant potential for growth in Brazil's biomethane sector, with a theoretical potential of around 120 million cubic meters, nearly double the country's current natural gas consumption. To fully realize this potential, efforts must be made to structure the policies and overcome infrastructure challenges while recognizing and monetizing the biomethane's renewable attribute within Brazil's evolving energy landscape.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento" YouTube video by EXAME Renováveis, the speaker discusses the potential of green industrial projects, specifically those focused on biogas and biometano, in Brazil. The UN and MCTI, along with various ministries, have identified the potential for over 780,000 jobs in this sector. The speaker is optimistic, comparing the process of transforming waste into clean energy to turning garbage into gold. He considers biogas and biometano to have significant potential, especially from agriculture, with large ethanol industries having the capability to become major biogas and biometano producers. The speakers emphasizes the growing interest in these projects due to their competitive pricing and attractive tax incentives. Investments in biogas and biometano production come from various sectors, with some projects already operational, especially those producing biogas from solid waste and those near gas pipelines or demand centers. Smaller producers are also being assisted, with co-operatives and funding initiatives being established to help them join the market and become viable. For these smaller producers, access to financing can be a challenge, but initiatives like the Fundo Garantidor de Garantias Empresariais (FGAE) are being explored to help secure financing in the initial years of operation. Overall, the speakers highlights the significant opportunities in the biogas and biometano sector, emphasizing the social benefits and potential for sustainable development in various regions.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento | EXAME Renováveis," the speakers discuss the intersection of innovation and decarbonization in the industry. Renata, a representative of the renewable energy sector, shares that there is a new program called Brasil CNE focusing on decarbonization. The speakers express their excitement about this topic and its potential impact on the industry. Renata also mentions the increased importance of sustainability in business, recalling a time when she had to teach a sustainability course due to a lack of professors. Today, competition is fierce to be part of the sustainable agenda, which has become a macroeconomic issue. The speakers also touch upon the role of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) and the need for engineering solutions to make this agenda a reality. The ultimate goal is to make consumers more conscious of their energy consumption and its impact on the planet, aiming to reduce overall consumption and shift towards more sustainable energy sources and mobilizing the remaining energy budget towards transformation and transition to various energy intensities.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento" YouTube video by EXAME Renováveis, the speakers discuss Brazil's position in the global value chain in industries such as electric power and mobility. According to the speakers, while Brazil has a significant potential in areas like solar energy with 26,000 MW of potential, the real differentiator lies in mobility. Brazil sells around 25 million vehicles per year and could benefit from producing electric aircraft engines, as 98% of consumption in the aeronautics sector is from two domestic companies. However, the challenge lies in developing the necessary infrastructure and technologies, particularly in the case of hydrogen, which requires advanced materials and the prevention of intergranular corrosion, a process that takes time and substantial investment. Therefore, while the potential for innovation is vast, the calculation of initial investments for short, medium, and long-term horizons is crucial in this process. Additionally, speakers touch on topics like onshore and offshore energy, near-shoring, and power-shoring, among others.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento | EXAME Renováveis," the speaker discusses the importance of a well-established value chain and regulatory framework for implementing green industrial innovations. He uses the example of solar panels on boats in the Amazon and emphasizes the need for maintenance, cleaning, and appropriate regulations. The speaker then highlights the need for addressing critical points such as financing and improving conditions for investors in the new industrial policy. He acknowledges the challenges in the details but also sees great opportunities for Brazil to lead in renewable energy and sustainable manufacturing. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of a well-planned approach and the need for Brazil to move beyond exporting raw materials and importing low-carbon products. He encourages listeners to read the policy carefully and participate in its construction.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Política industrial verde e atração de investimento | EXAME Renováveis," the speakers discuss their recent visit to the Ministry of Development (MD) to contribute to the country's green industrial policy. They emphasize the importance of reducing mobility involving trucks, particularly in Brazil, which is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. They highlight the presence of a government interested in the cause and investors looking to get involved. A low-entropy approach is recommended, though not achievable with 100% success. With a budget of over 300 billion reais for financing and projects, it's necessary to be cautious and selective when considering themes such as energy and food security. Ultimately, the attractiveness of the remaining sectors follows from the prioritization of these sectors. The speakers express their gratitude for the audience's participation in the panel discussion. [Music and applause]

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