Summary of PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL - 25/02/2024

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00:00:00 - 00:55:00

In the "Programa Revista Rural" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, various agricultural topics were discussed, including the success of cheese production in São Paulo, buffalo milk processed cheese, sweet potatoes, daikon radish, and innovative farming methods such as Pink Farms and microgreens. Producers shared their experiences and challenges, leading to the development of unique, local cheeses and the creation of groups like the "Caminho do Queijo Paulista" and "Rota do Queijo" to promote cheese production. The video also touched on the cultivation of ornamental flowers, specifically dahlias, and the challenges of dealing with excessive heat and proper irrigation. Additionally, the importance of proper spacing between plant pots and the use of netpots filled with LED lights for faster plant growth were discussed. The video also highlighted the growth of microgreens in a dark room and their potential as a sustainable and convenient produce option for restaurants and consumers.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the "Programa Revista Rural" YouTube video, the focus is on the growing success of cheese production in São Paulo, Brazil. Producers of various types of cheese share their secrets to success, with the Milo white variety having good market potential. The tradition of cheese-making in the Northeast region is driving the growth of this industry. Representatives from the Distrito Federal have come to learn from these practices with the intention of forming a "Rota do Queijo" (Cheese Route) in their region. The agro-industry of cheese production in the Distrito Federal is a new development, with a need to add more value to the production. Producers from São Paulo shared their experiences and challenges, leading to the idea of creating a more elaborate cheese production process and developing unique, local cheeses. The exchange of experiences was beneficial for all parties involved, and the "Caminho do Queijo Paulista" (Paulista Cheese Path) was a group of 17 cheese producers spread throughout the state of São Paulo, working together to promote Paulista cheese throughout Brazil. The producers, who are part of the Rural Producers group in Pilar do Sul, Sudoeste Paulista, produce buffalo milk and run a small artisanal cheese factory, offering over 15 types of cheese, yogurt, and sweet cream derivatives, all made from 100% buffalo milk, and holding the seal of recognition from the Brazilian Buffalo Breeders Association.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, the speakers discuss the importance of buffalo milk processed cheese and the challenges faced by artisanal cheese producers in São Paulo. They explain how a group of eight cheese makers came together to promote and improve the production and commercialization of artisanal Paulista cheese, leading to increased visibility and better quality. The conversation then shifts to the cultivation of ornamental flowers, specifically dahlias, which have gained popularity and are featured in an annual flower festival in Suzano. The speakers discuss the care required for the flowers, including pruning and irrigation, and the importance of both sunlight and water for their growth. They also mention the challenges of dealing with excessive heat and the need for proper irrigation to ensure the flowers bloom properly.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, the topic is about planting and caring for different varieties of sweet potatoes. The speaker discusses the importance of replanting due to excess heat, which causes the broth to cook and the plants to wilt. The larger varieties are ideal for farming but require support systems to prevent them from falling over. The smaller varieties can be grown in pots without the need for support. The speaker also mentions the challenges of pests and diseases, which require producer intervention, and the use of fungicides. The most popular sweet potato variety is the D20, which is not currently available, but is known for its vinous-colored flower and high demand. After the sweet potatoes have flowered, they are left to dry and are harvested when the winter begins. The harvested sweet potatoes are then treated with fungicides and bactericides and stored in crates in a cold room until they are ready for planting the following year. The speaker also explains the process of making cuttings from the mother plant and the advantages and disadvantages of using seeds versus cuttings. The video also shows the process of planting sweet potatoes in a prepared hole with the broot facing up.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" episode from February 25, 2024, the topic revolves around the tending and cultivation of daikon radish in Suzano, Brazil. The process includes waiting approximately 90 days after planting before podding, which lasts around 40 days. The radish variety can grow from 1 meter to 1.70 meters tall, with some being quite short. The plantation began through volunteers who donated land to help maintain a local care home. The first daikon radish was brought from Japan with the intention of aiding in the home's upkeep. Visitors can now visit the farm, purchase the radish, and enjoy traditional Japanese dishes such as yakisoba, which originated in Suzano, Brazil. The city is known for its yakisoba, and various cultural performances, including dance and music, are part of the annual daikon radish festival.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, the hosts discuss various agricultural products and their production methods. They mention contacting a producer of apples in Barbacena, Minas Gerais, and a producer of olive oil who contacted them after a previous show. The hosts also greet a viewer named Tia Suzi from the Amazonas region. The topic then shifts to a new variety of white corn called Al Bianco, which is primarily used for human consumption and has gained attention in the market due to its physical and genetic development. The hosts emphasize the importance of paying close attention during production to maintain the corn's white color and separate it from other varieties. They also mention that the price for white corn is higher than for yellow corn due to its better payment for producers and its status as a more desirable crop. The hosts also touch on the manta de carneiro do Zinco, a symbol of northeastern gastronomy, which has a unique production method based on regional traditions. Despite the challenging conditions of drought and high temperatures in the northeast, the population of goats and sheep in the region has grown significantly. The numbers are 18,38 and 15,94, respectively, in the Sertão dos Inhamuns.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video dated February 25, 2024, a local farmer in Ceará shares his family's tradition of raising goats and cows for leather production, known as "manta." This practice, which involves salting and drying the de-boned animal hides in the sun or a cold chamber, has been passed down through generations and has become a significant source of income for the community. The farmer explains that the leather is highly sought after and brings substantial financial gains to both the cooperative and individual producers. He also emphasizes the importance of adhering to sanitary and agricultural regulations to qualify for the "arte" label, which can increase export value and facilitate commercialization. The farmer expresses his belief that the unique flavor of the meat from this region is due to the local vegetation and pasture conditions.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, the discussion revolves around local agriculture and its integration into school meals and the introduction of new, profitable crops. The municipal government initiated a program to regionalize the school cafeteria menu with local products, including goat meat, which is popular among students and supplied by local farmers. The goat meat, which is rich in protein and iron, is a mandatory source of nutrition. Additionally, a new hybrid cassava variety called "cajueiro anão precoce" has gained the interest of producers in the semi-arid region, transforming cassava cultivation into a lucrative activity. Researchers from Embrapa Agroindustria Tropical have developed a clone of this cassava variety, named BRs55, which has superior production potential compared to other existing varieties. The success of this cassava cultivation in the region is attributed to the persistence of farmers and the adoption of new technologies. The Embrapa initiative has significantly impacted the lives of small farmers in the region, making cassava cultivation a productive and profitable chain. The farmers work with soil analysis, calibration, and fertilization, among other techniques, to ensure success.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video titled "25/02/2024," the speaker discusses the origins of Pink Farms, a vertical farming project that began in 2016. The founder, who has a background in electrical engineering with a focus on automation and control systems, was inspired by the concept of controlled environment agriculture. After researching and discovering this farming method, he and his two co-founders decided to create a vertical farming business. The initial setup was simple, with a small space and basic equipment for testing. In 2017, they built a pilot project, which was a commercial isolation unit, where they conducted production and economic validations. The results showed significant productivity gains, with up to 170 times more yield compared to traditional farming methods. The speaker then introduces Luiz, the production leader at Pink Farms, who explains the planting process, which involves using foam phenolic mats and planting five specific cultivars in specific positions for optimal growth. The plants remain in this environment for approximately one week.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video titled "25/02/2024," the speaker discusses the growth process of plants using netpots filled with LED lights. The netpots are left for a period of 14 days before being transferred to another tray in a different room. The LED lights are used to supplement the sun's light and provide necessary nutrients for the plants to grow. The speaker explains that the plants in the controlled environment using LED lights grow much faster than those grown in soil, taking only around 40 days to reach maturity compared to the three months required for soil-grown plants. The plants are transplanted every two days and are grown in trays with different sizes, with the smaller trays having a diameter of 3 cm and the larger ones having a diameter of 15 cm. The next step in the process is moving to the cultivation room, where the plants receive final nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus for seven days before being transferred to larger trays and reaching maturity in a shorter period of time.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, the speakers discuss the importance of proper spacing between plant pots to ensure optimal growth. They explain that by separating the pots by seven days, the plants do not hinder each other's development, and the process enhances the plant's growth through added nutrients. The speakers also mention that they only use water in their hydroponic system and add specific nutrients to promote growth. The plants are examined every 14 days for any abnormalities, and the farm maintains strict hygiene standards to ensure food safety. Additionally, they discuss another type of cultivation called Michael Greens, which are mini-brots that undergo photosynthesis for a short period before being moved to another room for further growth.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, Michael Greens, a type of microgreens, are discussed. They are grown in a dark room to force their growth and extend their stems, unlike alfalfa which grows larger when exposed to light. The varieties cultivated include onion chives, carrots, cabbage, mustard greens, radish, red cabbage, and arugula, with plans to add more such as beans and possibly cumin. The microgreens are grown using LED lights in a small space, allowing for the production of seven different crops, totaling 7 to 10 kg per day. The farm, Pink Farms, employs engineers, agronomists, and other experts to support this innovative growing method. Research institutions like the Instituto Agronômico in Campinas and BRAPA are also exploring this concept. The market for microgreens is growing due to the convenience of ready-to-consume produce, and Pink Farms aims to expand its reach to over 100 distribution points. The farm caters to various sales channels, including restaurants, retail, and direct sales to consumers, who prefer the freshness and sustainability of the product.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the "PROGRAMA REVISTA RURAL" YouTube video from February 25, 2024, the topic revolves around a specific product with a long shelf life that helps restaurants reduce waste and offer higher quality ingredients, particularly in salads. The product's longevity allows for the full consumption of the product and less disposal, making it more cost-effective and eco-friendly compared to conventional options. Restaurants, which often prioritize natural and visually appealing ingredients, are significant buyers of this product. The seller also mentions that they work with high-end fruit suppliers to maintain a consistent supply of premium products. The video encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel and stay updated.

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