Summary of Escolas suecas redescobrem livros – e alunos se surpreendem

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In the YouTube video "Escolas suecas redescobrem livros – e alunos se surpreendem," we visit a school in Sjöbo, Sweden, where students hand over their cell phones at the entrance and receive their first printed books after nearly four years of digital learning. Until now, mathematics and other subjects have been taught primarily through laptops. However, teachers are now returning to traditional approaches due to the negative effects of purely digital classes. The Swedish government is making a significant investment in books to encourage more reading and reduce screen time for young students. Teachers are given the flexibility to decide when and how to use digital tools in the classroom. Despite occasional technical difficulties, students appreciate the benefits of combining traditional books with digital tools.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Escolas suecas redescobrem livros – e alunos se surpreendem," we visit a school in Sjöbo, southern Sweden, where students are required to hand over their cell phones at the entrance. Most students already own smartphones by the fourth grade. The teacher collects the phones every morning. The first lesson is mathematics, and today the teacher has a surprise: these are the first printed books the children have received after nearly four years in school. Until now, they have learned mathematics primarily through laptops. The students soon notice the differences. Flipping through real pages once again. In Sweden, many classrooms are gradually returning to this traditional approach. For years, even elementary school students were taught almost exclusively digitally. Five years ago, the Ministry of Education issued national guidelines recommending more digital educational tools, such as laptops or apps, instead of books. The next teacher, Jeanette Wilberg, also noticed the negative effects of purely digital classes. In Sweden, there are both state and private schools, and the educational policy is not centralized. This means that schools and teachers do not have to follow a uniform approach to digitalization. The current government wants to change this. The prime minister, Ulf Kristersson, invited the winners of a reading competition to a small celebration. He believes that students in primary school should read more. This year, the government is making 60 million euros available for the purchase of books. If the Swedish government achieves its goal, teachers will soon receive new guidelines. The minister wants to prevent young people from becoming too attached to screens at a young age. In the Sjöbo school, it's now time for geography class. Students take out their laptops to explore Sweden: to learn where cities and regions are located and mark them on the map. The Swedish government emphasizes the role of teachers in deciding when and whether to use digital tools in the classroom. They must use these new tools correctly. Intuitively, one of the students has already realized the advantage of this combination. The computer screen froze, and he quickly turned to the exercise book.

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