Summary of Milho: consultoria projeta preço na B3 a R$ 95 por saca até junho

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In the YouTube video "Milho: consultoria preço na B3 a R$ 95 por saca até junho," the speaker discusses the record-breaking price of Milho, or corn, in Campinas, São Paulo, which reached 87 reais for the first time. The indicator saw a one-cent increase and a 10.69% value rise over the past year. Milho prices on the B3 stock exchange are also projected to hit R$ 95 per sack in the coming months due to insufficient summer corn harvest, high domestic meat production demand, and high prices for alternatives like soybean meal and wheat. The next corn harvest may also experience a reduction in area due to a delay in soybean planting, leading to a Milho shortage in Brazil until June. With significant international demand and limited Milho supply, domestic consumers will compete with external buyers, maintaining Milho prices at R$ 95 or more in the B3 market and potentially impacting local prices.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Milho: consultoria preço na B3 a R$ 95 por saca até junho," the speaker discusses the historic high price of Milho, or corn, in the Campinas, São Paulo market, which surpassed 87 reais for the first time. The indicator experienced a one-cent increase from the previous day, marking a 10.69% increase in value over the past 12 months. The speaker also notes that Milho prices on the B3 stock exchange are also rising, with the potential to reach R$ 95 in the coming months. The reasons for this price increase include insufficient summer corn harvest to meet Brazil's needs, high domestic demand for meat production, and high prices for Milho alternatives such as soybean meal and wheat. Additionally, there is a prediction of a reduction in the area of the next corn harvest due to a delay in soybean planting, leading to a Milho shortage in Brazil until June. With international demand being large and limited Milho supply, domestic consumers will have to compete with external consumers, keeping prices elevated at R$ 95 or more in the B3 market and having implications for local prices.

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