Summary of SBT Agro 29/04/24:Veterinários alertam para a importância da vacinação contra a brucelose em animais

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In the "SBT Agro 29/04/24: Veterinários alertam para a importância da vacinação contra a brucelose em animais" YouTube video, veterinarians underscore the significance of vaccinating animals against brucellosis to prevent the transmission of this disease to humans through contaminated milk. Brucellosis symptoms include animal abortions and placenta retention. Two cycles of vaccination are necessary, with the first occurring between April and June, and the second from October to December, due to animals' birth cycles. Calves should receive their first vaccination at 3 years and 8 months old. Jean Carlos, the State Control Program for Tuberculosis and Brucellosis Bovina coordinator, emphasizes the importance of farmers having vaccination certificates. Only a bovine tuberculosis vaccine is available, and as of April 1, the first phase of its vaccination has commenced. Farmers must vaccinate all their females aged 3 to 8 months with either the b19 or rb51 vaccine, purchasing it from a trusted veterinarian or agent and obtaining a vaccination certificate as proof.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "SBT Agro 29/04/24: Veterinários alertam para a importância da vacinação contra a brucelose em animais," veterinarians emphasize the importance of vaccinating animals against brucellosis. Brucellosis is a disease that can be transmitted to humans through contaminated milk. Producers may identify signs such as animal abortions or retention of placenta during the year. Two cycles of vaccination are required, with the first occurring in April, May, and June, and the second in October, November, and December due to the animals' birth cycles. The vaccination is given in a single dose to calves starting from 3 years and 8 months old. Jean Carlos, the coordinator of the State Control Program for Tuberculosis and Brucellosis Bovina, stresses the importance of farmers having the vaccination certificate. Only a bovine tuberculosis vaccine exists, and as of April 1, the first phase of vaccination against this disease has begun. Farmers must vaccinate all their females aged 3 to 8 months with either the b19 or rb51 vaccine. They should purchase the vaccine from a trusted veterinarian or agent and ensure they receive a vaccination certificate as proof of the vaccination.

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