Summary of Webinar Perspectivas para a Agropecuária Chinesa nos Próximos Dez Anos

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this webinar, the speaker discusses various aspects related to the Chinese agriculture industry and its future prospects. They highlight the importance of the relationship between Brazil and China in the agricultural sector, with China being a significant market for Brazilian agricultural products. The speaker emphasizes the need for diversification of exports and mentions the challenges faced by Brazilian farmers in entering the Chinese market, including import tariffs and competition with local production. The speaker also discusses the projected economic growth rate in China, the Chinese market for soybean and corn imports, and the growth of the Chinese market for animal products. Overall, the webinar provides insights into the opportunities and challenges in the Chinese agriculture industry and emphasizes the importance of cooperation between experts and audiences to address these issues.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the Confederação Nacional de Agricultura e Pecuária (CNA) in Brazil, which represents over 5 million rural producers across the country. The CNA aims to enhance the productivity of rural producers through various initiatives that focus on technology, sustainability, and education. The organization collaborates with state federations, syndicates, and other institutions to implement programs and projects that support rural development. In particular, the CNA offers educational and technical assistance to farmers, facilitating access to information and resources that promote entrepreneurship and improve productivity. Overall, the CNA's mission is to empower rural producers and promote their role in economic growth and development in Brazil.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the partnership between Brazil and China in the agricultural sector. The speaker notes that China has become Brazil's primary commercial partner and accounts for a significant portion of Brazil's balance of trade. The speaker emphasizes the importance of diversifying Brazil's export portfolio and increasing efforts on the Brazilian side to promote this partnership. The speaker also highlights the competitive advantage of Brazil's agriculture industry on a global scale, and suggests that it deserves special attention and investment.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of the relationship between the Brazilian and Chinese agropecuária economies in the near future. The speaker highlights the fact that China is a significant market for many agricultural products produced in Brazil, including soy, beef, pork, poultry, corn, and sugar. China accounts for nearly 32% of Brazil's agricultural exports, representing a broader category than the European Union and the United States. In 2013, China's share of Brazil's agricultural exports was 13%, which has since grown to a significant portion of the market. The speaker also mentions the importance of sustainability and the need for more research on investing in the Brazilian agropecuária market. The speaker concludes by briefing the audience on the Chinese market and the Brazilian agricultural exports' diversification over the years.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the growing demand for food in China as the population continues to urbanize and become wealthier. Despite the growing demand for local food production, there will always be an important market for imported foods, particularly grains like milho and soja. The speaker mentions that Brazil has recently gained a foothold in the Chinese market for grains, while still importing milk, sugar, and meat to supplement local production. The speaker notes that China's closed industry is hindering trade, particularly in the fruit sector, but suggests that there is still a large opportunity to export premium products from Brazil. The speaker also notes that the Chinese market is relatively open, but the national trade industry can be difficult to enter due to red tape and making it difficult to compete with local production.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker is discussing the challenges faced by Brazilian farmers in entering the Chinese market. The speaker notes that while the Chinese market can be a significant market opportunity, it tends to be difficult for high value-added products to gain access. The speaker also mentions that the nomenclatura aduaneira, or import tariffs, can have a significant impact on the success or failure of Brazil's exports to China. The speaker points out that Brazil has several strategic partnerships with China, including New Zealand, Australia, and the Southeast Asian region, but still faces challenges in expanding its market presence in China. The speaker suggests that other forms of commerce, such as e-commerce, may be able to provide opportunities for small Brazilian farmers to access the Chinese market. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of expanding the business relationship between Brazil and China, and working together to find viable strategies for growth in both markets.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker provides an overview of a webinar perspective on the Chinese agricultural industry at the present time. He emphasizes the importance of listening closely to questions and comments from the audience and encourages participants to share their thoughts and opinions. He explains that the webinar is intended to foster mutual understanding and cooperation between experts and audiences. The speaker acknowledges the existence of a report on China's agricultural outlook (China Agricultural Outlook) and highlights the fact that it proposes a reduction of China's dependence on international markets. He also mentions that the review has been conducted by an office in Shanghai, which is an office of a Brazilian organization in China, established in 2019 and represents the Brazilian organization overseas. The organization is responsible for supporting exchanges between China and Brazil. The speaker notes that the report aims to address several topics, including agricultural consumption, production, and perception, and their strategic importance in the agricultural context in China. He also notes that the conference in Beijing is an event that presents an outlook on Chinese agriculture, including the perception of the industry. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of continuing to work together to address the challenges and opportunities in the agricultural industry in China. He also notes that the webinar can serve as a useful resource for understanding the perspectives of China's agricultural sector and learning from the experiences of experts in the field.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the projected economic growth rate of 4.9% per year for 2023 to 2032. Institutions that have conducted the study project that the urban population of China will reach 71.8% in 2032. This will transform cities into new areas and enable mechanization of agriculture in China. Unfortunately, the limited agricultural land poses challenges, but advancements in technology through irrigation, research, and development help improve the productivity of agriculture. Consumption patterns will change, with the stabilization of consumption and increasing satisfaction, leading to greater autosufficiency. The general crops mentioned in the study are arroz Point, trigo milho, soja, and oleaginosas. Additionally, the study touched on protein sources such as algodão, açúcar, legumes, batatas, frutas, carne suína, frango, beef, bovina, ovina, ovos, lácteos, and pescados.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the China's investment in the Indian seed industry and their focus on autosufficiency for products like soybeans. A strong preference is shown for genetic diversity and using local resources to achieve greater yield and production. The speaker finds Brazil as a major player in soybean production, and stresses the differences in productivity and scale, with Brazil having much larger acreage and consumption compared to China. The speaker points out that China also has a large population, highlighting the government's focus on achieving agricultural efficiency to meet the needs of the rising population. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of maintaining relations between the two countries, suggesting that China will continue to be a major buyer of soybeans from Brazil, with a significant market share for the product.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the Chinese market for soybean and corn imports, focusing specifically on the Brazilian market. The Brazilian soybean industry has seen significant growth in recent years with the increasing demand for soybeans in the Chinese market. However, the Chinese market for corn import has also seen a significant decline due to the high tariffs imposed by the Chinese government, which has led to a decline in demand for Brazilian corn. The speaker also discusses the projected growth of corn production in China, which is expected to reach 328 million tonnes by 2032, with a projected autonomous consumption of 97% of the total demand by this time. In conclusion, the Chinese market presents opportunities for Brazilian soybean and corn exports, but the Chinese government's protectionist policies can impact these opportunities in the short term.
  • 00:45:00 This section of the video, "Webinar Perspectivas para a Agropecuária Chinesa nos Próximos Dez Anos," discusses the growth of the Chinese market for animal products in the coming years. The study found that 11 million tonnes of carne will be consumed in China in 2022, up from 9.8 million tonnes in 2021. The import of carne from Brazil is expected to reach 3 million tonnes in 2022, up from 2 million tonnes in 2021. It is pointed out that Brazil represents 40% of this market. The video also raises the idea of diversifying exportation promotion and entering the Chinese market, which is a challenging task.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the Webinar Perspectivas para a Agropecuária Chinesa nos Próximos Dez Anos, the speaker discusses the current growth rate of the Chinese economy, which has recently been decreasing. The speaker notes that this decrease is not necessarily a bad thing, as the size of the Chinese economy remains enormous, and the focus is on increasing consumer spending. The speaker also mentions the importance of property and notes that the Chinese have a strong habit of saving, which can have both positive and negative impacts on economic growth. In response to a question from the embassy, the speaker discusses potential challenges and opportunities for the agriculture industry in China, and the importance of evaluating specific products and sub-products to gain market access. The speaker encourages taking a more detailed approach to understanding the Chinese market and considering specific market segments.
  • 00:55:00 in this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of long-term strategies in the agricultural sector in Brazil. They emphasize the need to shift away from the traditional way of sharing information and towards working together through collaboration and joint initiatives. The speaker mentions the example of a seminar that they co-organized with two banks to share knowledge on best practices, which was a successful initiative. The speaker then turns to answering some questions related to specific sector perspectives. The first question is about the abacate, with Rodrigo Veloso asking for a perspective on external demand in China. The speaker admits that they do not know the specific details of the abacate market in China, but notes that there is a possibility of a robust demand increase as the production of lácteos is expected to grow to 56 million tonnes by 2024, with an annual growth rate of 4%. The second question is about the consumption and production of lácteos in China, which the speaker argues will grow rapidly, with a target of self-sufficiency of 71% and a constant increase in consumption. The third question is about the relation between lácteos and coffee, with the speaker emphasizing that while coffee is not explicitly discussed in the study, there is a possibility of a positive correlation between the two products.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

The YouTube video "Webinar Perspectivas para a Agropecuária Chinesa nos Próximos Dez Anos" by Embaixador do Brasil discusses the projected growth of milk consumption in China over the next decade. It is estimated that milk consumption will increase rapidly, reaching 56 kg per capita per year, with imports expected to reach 23.2 million tons in 32 years. The speaker also reveals that the trend towards dairy product consumption is increasing, with Chinese consumers moving away from meat consumption. The speaker highlights the potential market opportunities for Brazil in the Chinese agricultural sector, emphasizing the importance of understanding the needs of the Chinese government. They also note the importance of education and assistance for rural producers in Brazil, as well as the efforts of the CNA to provide technical training and support to farmers. The video conveys the importance of partnerships between China and Brazil in promoting agriculture and improving the wellbeing of rural producers in Brazil.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the projection of milk consumptions in China for the next 10 years, which is estimated to grow at a rate of 3.3% per annum and reach 56 kg per capita. The consumption of dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt is predicted to increase significantly, with imports expected to reach 23.2 million tons in 32 years. The speaker also addresses the changing trends in Chinese dietary habits and notes that although meat consumption has not decreased, there has been an increase in dairy product consumption. He mentions that organic dairy products could help promote these changes and that the fowl's feet dish, which is a specialty in China, could be explored as a niche market. Finally, the speaker emphasizes the growing market opportunities for Brazil, which covers 4.99% of the Chinese economy, creating significant trading space and complementary value-added factors between the two economies. The Brazilian Business Council in China and the Brazilian Agricultural Confederation are great resources for Brazilian entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on these opportunities.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video by Embaixador do Brasil, the Embaixador is thanking their audience for their presence and acknowledging all the knowledge that they have shared with them. They are also noting that they will be open to answering questions in the future, whether through live or non-live means. The Embaixador is also mentioning that they don’t expect Brazil’s agricultural industry to have an easy access to the Chinese market, as the focus needs to be on understand what the Chinese government is looking for in the agriculture sector. The video and the podcast by CNA will explores this topic in more detail. The main topics of the podcast are highlighting the partnership between China and Brazil, the agricultural production, and the potential benefits that this partnership could bring to Brazil’s farmers. The focus is on education and assistance, as well as promoting social activities and technical training. The Embaixador also mentions that the CNA, the main entity representing Brazil’s rural producers, has already reached around 80 million of support worldwide. Overall the video conveys the importance of the partnership between China and Brazil, tea Agropecuária, and the efforts that the and CNA are doing to improve the economy, education, and wellbeing of rural producers in Brazil.

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