Summary of Agregação de Valor de nas Cadeias do Pinhão e Erva-mate

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the presentation by Dr. Rosana Cathy de Godoy, she discussed the potential for value addition in the production chains of Pinhão and erva-mate, focusing on the need for innovation and better planning in the commercialization process. Regarding Pinhão, the speaker emphasized the importance of technology in the post-harvest conservation process and the need for careful selection and classification of different varieties based on consumer preferences. They also highlighted the potential for certified products such as organic or social-certified Pinhão to add value and appeal to environmentally and socially conscious consumers. The focused on the potential of Pinhão in the food industry, mentioning that the Agrobioflorestal Programme developed by Embrapa and the agro-industrial sector of Brazil aimed to improve the production and quality of Pinhão and produced a whole range of food products from it, such as bread, biscuits, and pastries. The speaker also discussed the importance of eco-gastronomy in promoting sustainability and preservation of biodiversity, and mentioned that turismo rural is an attractive segment of the economy that requires careful planning to add value and promote sustainability. Regarding erva-mate, the speaker emphasized the need for accurate sensory profiling and standardization in order to create loyal customers and improve the industry. They also discussed the potential of erva-mate's compounds to be further developed for use in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, and emphasized the need for advanced sensorial analysis and comparison with other beverages. The session also explored the importance of traceability in the production and sale of agro products, focusing on ethical and sustainable principles and emphasizing the need for companies to be close to their consumers to develop products that meet their needs and desires. The session concluded by discussing the potential of value aggregation in the food and drinks industry, focusing on the need for innovation, planning, and effective commercialization strategies.

  • 00:00:00 During the presentation by Dr. Rosana Cathy de Godoy, who is an agronomist, researcher at Embrapa, and a professor at the UFPR postgraduate course in engineering of foods, the topic of value aggregation in the production chains of Pinhão and erva-mate was discussed. It was noted that the production of these products has increased in recent years, and the receipt of extraction was also highlighted. While not to oversimplify, it was stated that the production of these products was the focus of agrarian research, emphasizing that there is an increasingly assertive value of production, which is close to five times that of the period 2015-2019. In conclusion, given the lack of formal channels for the articulation of the strengthening of agregation of added value in the production scenario of Pinhão and erva-mate, further investigation is necessary to formulate options for better value aggregation, supported by policy and incentive mechanisms.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential for value addition in the production and sale of Pinhão, a type of araucária plant, in the context of a "cadeia produtiva." They start by mentioning that different varieties of Araucária, such as São José and Kaiowá, produce Pinhão at different times of the year, and that this affects productively and the demand for it. The speaker then talks about the importance of technology in the post-harvest conservation of Pinhão, highlighting practices such as frigoconservação (modification of the atmosphere) and combined methods. They then discuss the selection and classification of Pinhão, mentioning that producers can benefit from understanding consumer preferences and incorporating them into the production process, thereby creating better value for the final consumer. The speaker also touches on the concept of certified products, such as organic or social certified Pinhão, which can be valuable for environmentally conscious consumers and add social appeal to the product. Lastly, the speaker talks about the process of developing new agroindustrial products, with several stages, from idea generation to product launch, emphasizing the need for careful planning to avoid wasting resources and to add value to the product.
  • 00:10:00 This section of the YouTube video discusses the process of commercializing a new product within a manufacturing chain. It explains that the commercialization of a product takes time, includes multiple steps, and requires multiple teams and decision-makers. The first step is a preliminary investigation, followed by additional investigation, development, testing, and validation. Acceptance testing of a product should involve at least 100 consumers to evaluate itsAcceptance testing is an important step in determining the commercial success of a product. Use of a product should be tested using accepting a specific number of consumers as a scale to evaluate its acceptability. The figuresability of a product affects its ability to be successful.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the potential of Pinhão in the food industry. The Agrobioflorestal Programme (Agronomia and Florestry Measurement), which was developed by Embrapa and the agro-industrial sector of Brazil, focused on improving the production and quality of Pinhão. To facilitate the production process, the programme developed a descending mechanization process for integrating Pinhão into various foods. The focus of the project was to produce various food products from Pinhão, such as bread, biscuits, and pastries. Apart from the material benefits, Pinhão promotes lower gluten content, enhances the flora intestinal, and can be used without fear of allergens. In addition to adjusting production processes, the programme also developed a line of products. The example given was for quinoa, which was more expensive than traditional grains due to its high-quality production process but could be sold for higher prices in domestic markets. Similar products, such as snapdragons and pastries with quinoa, were also launched, which received significant acceptance among consumers. The programme made various innovations and collaborations with universities that work closely with the food industry. Eco-gastronomy, in particular, is of importance because it unlocks new possibilities for food can help to strengthen the cultural identity of different regions. Pinhão, in this context, became known in the world of Slow Food, restoring cultural identities in the field of food.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of eco-gastronomy in promoting sustainability and preservation of biodiversity. They emphasize that turismo rural is a valuable segment of the economy that generates employment and revenue worldwide, and gastronomy plays a significant role in that context. The speaker also highlights the commercialization, production, and non-seasonal nature of the herva-mate industry in Brazil, making it an attractive segment for value aggregation. They mention that there are 64 patent requests for herva-mate-based products in various sectors, including food and cosmetics. Additionally, the speaker suggests that herva-mate's compounds can be further developed for use in cosmétics and pharmaceuticals, which could generate significant opportunities for value aggregation. Overall, the speaker is optimistic about the potential for herva-mate to contribute to the economic and cultural development of various regions through sustainable production and innovation.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses different applications of value aggregation in the pine nut and yerba mate supply chains. They mention a discontinued product called Farimate, a blend of wheat flour and yerba mate developed by Moinho Sangalli. The speaker also mentions ongoing partnerships with Embrapa Floresta to produce a recipe book featuring yerba mate and collaborations with chefs and culinary experts from Rio Grande do Sul. There is a growing trend in the consumption of ready-to-drink teas, especially yerba mate-based beverages, due to their environmentally friendly and sustainable cultivation practices. The speaker believes that yerba mate has the potential to enter the market of energy drinks as it contains caffeine and antioxidants. They emphasize the importance of differentiation in the raw material, such as genetic variations for caffeine content and flavor, to increase the value of yerba mate. They also highlight the need for standardization in sensory aspects of yerba mate beverages to create loyal customers and sustain the industry. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of variability in the raw material due to cultivation and climate conditions and mentions the ongoing research to determine the influence of sunlight and shade on the bitterness or smoothness of yerba mate.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the video discusses the importance of creating an accurate sensory profile for erva-mate, a popular beverage in South America. The speaker highlights the need to consider various factors that can influence the sensorial profile of the product, such as water industrial, temperature, type of secagem, time of secagem, and the use of madeira. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of developing studies that are fidel and reliable, and to standardize the sensorial profile of the product according to each industry's standards. The speaker encourages the use of advanced sensorial analysis and comparison with other beverages that have already been classified. The speaker also mentions that Embrapa Floresta has already conducted some studies and the speaker is currently working on it.
  • 00:35:00 In this section from the YouTube video "Agregação de Valor de nas Cadeias do Pinhão e Erva-mate", we learn about the classification of the product in terms of its sensorial value. The video was published at the beginning of the year and Jair has been independently classifying products to improve production efficiency, both domestically and for international markets. The study finds that the erva-mate looked and tasted the same day, causing confusion for the importing company; with the help of a small company (CPR) that sponsored its development and creation of gomas de mascar which were formulated with erva-mate, the production value was classified and could be sold in both the domestic and international market. The ideal is to create a product that helps promote caffeine for a state alert customers such as drivers, athletes, and those participating in training, but it was discovered that the erva-mate, due to its sensorial characteristics, could be adopted. The video explores this idea of sensorial value as a non-first approach to determining value, and its potential value in the competitive consumer market. It is the Brazilian government that agreed to this approach to benefit the full range of benefits that generate a product's origin, as well as the cultural and territorial identity. The differential in competitiveness between market segments, as well as the historical case where the denomination of origin was used in Portugal to protect local products, make the molecule of origin a crucial product component. The process of creating this differential is linked to both the culture of the product and the industry that develops it, and the actual product origin can determine the profitability of both producers and consumers.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of the concept of traceability in the cadeira de erva-mate, a Brazilian drink made from the yerba mate plant. Traceability refers to knowing the origin and journey of a product from its inception to its consumption. The speaker highlights two examples of energetic herbs used in the beverage, sourced from states in Brazil. He mentions that these herbs have a rich history and context, encompassing the conservation of native species as well as the cultivation of maté in São Mateus do Sul. The speaker notes that traceability provides opportunities for differentiation of these ingredients, making it easier to promote and market them. In the global market, the fluency and understanding of the beverage differ greatly from country to country, so step traceability is necessary to better understanding the product. He adds that traceability offers the potential to increase the consumption of maté in foreign markets, which presents an exciting opportunity. Finally, he mentions that the exploration of new markets, such as the Expo Dubai event, could provide a chance to test the acceptance of the Brazilian erva-mate among international consumers. In summary, this speaker is discussing the importance of proper traceability in the world of drink production, presenting examples of energetic plants Nevada and explaining how this traceability could increase appetite and promote the erva-mate to international markets.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenges of conducting a sensorial test for a tea product in order to determine its acceptance in the international market. He explains that in order to participate in a fair, it is necessary to follow certain protocols and obtain approval from regulatory bodies. However, this process can be costly and involves bureaucracy. The speaker also talks about the importance of the consumer in the development process and how genetic modification programs can help improve product quality, but only if they are done in conjunction with consumer studies. He emphasizes the need for companies to be close to their consumers in order to develop products that meet their needs and desires. Finally, the speaker discusses the potential challenges of patenting certain food products, given the emphasis on intellectual property protection.
  • 00:50:00 In a recent study published in The Journal of Assistant Research and Review, a group of scientists from the University of São Paulo investigated the qualities of Brazil nuts grown in different soils in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. The team found that the nutritional qualities of Brazil nuts varied depending on the soil type, with those grown in sandy soil having a higher antioxidant content than those grown in clay soil. They also found that the level of selenium in the nuts was highest in those grown in nutrient-poor soil. The study highlights the importance of soil quality in nutritional value and could potentially impact the choice of soil for Brazil nut cultivation.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speakers make a comparison between agroforestry systems and single-crop farming systems and argue that agroforestry systems are better for sustainable land management in the long run as they promote the use of locally adapted plant materials, genetic improvement, and test for improved productivity and environmental benefits. Amanda is praised by her colleagues for her research work, and they wish to collaborate with her to conduct more extensive research on the production and acceptance of a particular drink called erva-mate. They wish to know if consumers can have a strong preference for a particular type of erva-mate compared to others. The speakers also discuss the importance of testing the feasibility of consuming erva-mate in different parts of the world and emphasize the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to research. Luis Torres asks if some of the sensorial analyses for taste perception are carried out with consumers from outside the region in the south of Brazil in order to better understand their preferences. Amanda suggests that when conducting taste tests, they had to take into account the habits of consuming erva-mate in the area where they are conducted. The speakers acknowledge the importance of understanding these habits to get a more accurate assessment of consumer preferences. The development of new products is also considered an essential aspect of sustaining the production chain.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

The YouTube video titled "Agregação de Valor de nas Cadeias do Pinhão e Erva-mate" discusses the integration of industry with producers and the challenges of implementing a new product, such as erva-mate, as a daily diet for consumers. The speaker highlights the importance of understanding the consumer's habits and dietary preferences before introducing a new product. They also emphasize the need to consider both the internal and external markets when developing a strategy for a new product and suggest that by focusing on improving the quality of the product and positioning it as a premium item, the company can increase its value in the market. The speaker thanks the audience for their participation and encourages them to visit Embrapa's portal of events to learn more about the various products being developed in the sector.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the integration of industry with producers and the challenges of implementing a new product, such as erva-mate, as a daily diet for consumers. The speaker highlights the importance of understanding the consumer's habits and dietary preferences before introducing a new product. The speaker also emphasizes the need to consider both the internal and external markets when developing a strategy for a new product. They suggest that by focusing on improving the quality of the product and positioning it as a premium item, the company can increase its value in the market. The speaker thanks the audience for their participation and encourages them to visit Embrapa's portal of events to learn more about the various products being developed in the sector.

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