Summary of Como regularizar a propriedade de um imóvel? | Pronto Atendimento

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00:00:00 - 00:00:00

In the YouTube video "Como regularizar a propriedade de um imóvel? | Pronto Atendimento," Daviane Moreira Silva asks about the legitimacy of purchasing a property without a registered contract of deposit. The speaker clarifies that while a contract of deposit, signed between the buyer and seller without public authority intervention, can be legally binding, the buyer faces risks until it's registered. The speaker suggests three methods to regularize the property: registering the sale in a notary's office, seeking help from a bailiff when losing contact with the original owner, or utilizing the "Right to Property" federal law for dividing properties built on the same land. The recommendation is to address this situation promptly for enhanced security in the future.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Como regularizar a propriedade de um imóvel? | Pronto Atendimento," a viewer named Daviane Moreira Silva asks about the validity of a property purchase without a registered contract of deposit. The speaker explains that a contract of deposit is one in which the buyer and seller sign the contract without the intervention of public authority. While such a contract can have legal validity, the buyer is at risk until it is registered. The speaker outlines three ways to regularize the property: through public registration of sale in a notary's office, by losing contact with the original owner and seeking the help of a bailiff, or through a federal law called the "Right to Property" which regulates the division of properties built on the same land. The recommendation is to regularize the situation as soon as possible for greater security in the future.

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