Summary of Controle biológico conservativo

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section of the YouTube video "Controle biológico conservativo", Alessandra de Carvalho Silva discusses the importance of using the controlled biological method for managing agricultural pests in organic systems. The speaker focuses on the plant milo, which is crucial for food production in Latin America and provides resources to attract natural agents for pest control. However, this method is not well known among Brazilian farmers and technical personnel, as obtaining results requires time and testing in real-world production environments. To promote the adoption and success of this method, it is important to increase awareness among relevant groups and provide education on the basics of biological control. The speaker emphasizes the recognition of natural pest predators and increasing their populations in the system.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of a YouTube video titled "Controle biológico conservativo", Alessandra de Carvalho Silva, an agronomist with a postgraduate degree in entomology and a researcher at Embrapa's agrobiology department, discusses the importance of using the controlled biological method for managing agricultural pests in organic systems. The milo is specifically discussed as a plant that is crucial for food production in Latin America and can provide resources to attract natural agents for pest control. However, this method is not widely known among Brazilian farmers and their technical personnel, as obtaining results requires time and testing in real-world production environments. To promote the adoption and success of this method, it is important to increase awareness among the relevant group of people and provide education on the basics of biological control, emphasizing the recognition of natural pest predators and increasing their populations in the system.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the transcript excerpt introduces the speaker Doutora Helen de Lima, a specialist in agricultural biosciences. She will present her findings on the science-based concepts of conservative biological control for the production of organic corn. The discussion will cover the legal aspects of it, along with plant-based solutions and handling of pests. Participants in the panel include Doutora Ellen de Lima Aguiar, a professor of agronomical studies at Universidade Federal de Lavras; Doutora Madelaine Venzon, from EPAMIG, and specialitant José Luiz Barreto, a professor at Emater SESI. The themes of the presentations will be followed by a Q&A session, with questions being responded to at the end of the discussion.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of natural and economic resources and the cultural abilities of rural communities with the objective of maximizing benefits and minimizing dependence on non-renewable energy. The speaker also allows the use of cultural and mechanical biological methods in contrast to synthetic materials and the elimination of genetically modified organisms and ionizing radiation in any stage of production, processing, storage, distribution, and commercialization. The speaker emphasizes that the use of certain biological methods is allowed, including those that use natural insect predators and parasites to control pests and diseases in plants, as well as methods that use plant extracts or biotics as pesticides. The speaker also highlights the inclusion of certain inimigos naturales as agents biológicos e microbiológicos de controle de pragas e doenças em manejo orgânica, with natural predators and parasites being examples. The speaker stresses the importance of the scientific regulation of these methods through institutions such as the "Instrução Normativa Conjunta de 2006" and the identification of specific agents in the "Anexo 7" of the "substances e práticas a autorizadas para o manejo e controle de pragas e doenças em Sistemas orgânicos de produção", including the approval of natural pesticides through the registration process as fitossanitários and the prioritization of specific alvo biológico for treatments. The speaker also points out that while natural predators and parasites are effective against certain pests, they must be carefully managed to prevent damage to beneficial insects and other organisms in the ecosystem.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses the use of control biologico conservativo in agriculture, specifically in the context of protecting and increasing the abundance of natural pests in milho and sorgo fields. They emphasize the importance of using this technique in promoting sustainable and effective pest control, and highlight the various natural pests in the field. The YouTuber also discusses the role of sustainable practices in pest control and stresses the importance of preserving biological diversity in natural ecosystems. The use of selective fitossanitários is also mentioned as a possible technique in the context of control biologico conservativo.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Controle biológico conservativo," the speaker discusses the effects of certain products on parasitism levels in insects. Specifically, they examine the impact of oil products on the parasitism levels of various insect types. The speaker compares the results of experiments using these products to those using water alone and highlights the differences in the time of life and longevity of the insects. They also show the effects of these products on the formation of insect eggs and the resulting parasitism levels. The speaker suggests that these findings could be used in the development of better biological control methods for insect populations.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the importance of considering ecological and nutritional requirements of insetos entomófagos when using them as biological control agents. The speaker emphasizes that these insetos can also feed on nectar and pollen, which are crucial for their survival and reproduction. Additionally, the speaker mentions that certain insetos predadores can feed on the "meta" of their prey, such as leaves, fruits, seeds, and even other insects. The speaker suggests that visiting flowers frequently is a common behavior of these insects as they seek out these floral resources. Furthermore, the speaker highlights the importance of understanding the nutritional content of these floral resources in relation to the diet of other predatory insects, as they can complement or supplement their diet when the available prey offers low-quality nutrition.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the benefits of using plants to control pests in organic farming. He gives examples of how using flowers such as tagetes patula and cravo-de-defunto can improve the reproductive ability of insects and lead to increased parasitism. He also mentions that these flowers can attract other beneficial insects, such as predators, and serve as a source of nectar for pollinators. The speaker emphasizes the importance of planning these crops in the composition of agroecological systems and using them in conjunction with other crop varieties to create a more resilient and pest-resistant farming system.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Controle biológico conservativo", the speaker discusses the importance of considering the margins of crops as a source of biological control. They also talk about how using a mix of flower species, rather than just one, can provide a more effective way to control pests and attract beneficial insects. The speaker mentions a company called Abigail Organico in Arizona, United States, which sells plants specifically meant to attract and protect beneficial insects. They mention that this blend of plants is a way to provide insects with a habitat, support, and refuge, and to promote the pollination of crops. The speaker also notes that although this method may not work in Brazil yet, it can be a good option for crops in countries with temperate climates, such as New Zealand. Finally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of considering everything in the context of biological control, including the interactions between organisms, the influences of external factors, and the potential effects of roundworms and other pests.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses strategies for conservative biological control. The doutora Madelaine Vezon, a speaker in the video, addresses the audience with expertise on the subject, having earned a degree as an agronomic engineer and conducted research in fitossanidade, entomology, and biology populacional. The doutora Vezon works as a researcher at EPAMIG in Viçosa, Brazil, coordinates the local government's agricultural science program, and serves as an advisor in pests defense vegetal, viagens sanitárias e proteção vegetal at a local university. Madelaine Vezon highlights the importance of combining multiple biological control strategies to achieve better results. She explains that controlling pests requires an array of mechanisms, which must be applied together. This approach is referred to as the "junction of strategies." Vezon emphasizes the need to consider the economic viability of using these methods and avoid overusing agrotóxicos, which can have detrimental effects on the environment, including the proliferation of pests and the decline of natural enemies. Vezon gives an example of applying a selective product to control weevils, which can be harmful to other beneficial microorganisms in the ecosystem. In contrast, conservative biological control involves using a naturally occurring bacterium or other microorganism to target the specific pest, without disrupting the natural balance of the ecosystem. This approach helps to build natural defenses and reduce the need for chemical pesticides. Overall, conservative biological control is a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option for controlling pests. By carefully selecting and applying the right strategies, farmers can minimize the use of agrotóxicos and support the performance of beneficial natural enemies, ultimately preserving biodiversity and protecting plant health.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of biological control against pests. They note that plants can serve as hosts for pests or predators of pests, and that the primary differences between these two types of plants lie in their nutritional needs and natural enemies. They also introduce the concept of associating certain plants for different agricultural purposes, such as planting flowers near coffee plants to attract beneficial insects. Furthermore, they mention the use of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies to combine different control methods, including the utilization of natural predators like insects and other animals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of educating the public about these strategies and their effectiveness in controlling pests and promoting a sustainable agricultural system.
  • 00:50:00 in this section, the speaker discusses the use of the Agroforestry system in the Zona da Mata region of Brazil to control pests in a coffee plantation. The system incorporates the use of the native plant, Ingá, to attract natural enemies of pests to control them. The experiment revealed that the use of the Ingá plant led to a decrease in the number of pests and an increase in the production of brocaded fruit. The system is also beneficial for pollinators as it provides a source of nectar. The speaker concludes that the use of native plants in agroforestry systems can be an effective strategy for pest control and can also provide benefits for pollinators.
  • 00:55:00 This section of the video by Carvalheiro discusses natural control methods for agricultural problems, specifically targeting plant parasites. One experiment showed that using nectar from Picão preto and serralha reduced the presence of pests, as Joaninha survived longer when it had these plants as food. This demonstrates the survival benefits of nectar for pests. Finally, a discussion of using aromatic and medicinal plants to attract predators is mentioned as another organic method of pest control.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This section of the YouTube video titled "Controle biológico conservativo" reviews the biological control methods used by farmers to combat insect pests in their crops. These methods include the conventional use of pesticides that can be harmful to beneficial insects and the more ecologically friendly method of biological control, which involves introducing natural enemies of the pest to kill it off. The video highlights how the use of biological control can improve the overall health and productivity of the crop, as well as increase biodiversity in agricultural lands. It also advises viewers to consult with experienced agricultural experts regarding the implementation of biological control methods.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the YouTuber reviews the biological control methods used by farmers to combat insect pests in their crops. The methods discussed are the conventional use of pesticides, which can be harmful to beneficial insects that regulate the ecosystem, and the more ecologically friendly method of biological control, which involves introducing natural enemies of the pest to kill it off. The video also highlights how the use of biological control can improve the overall health and productivity of the crop. It is a conservation-focused method that is less harmful to the environment and that can increase biodiversity in agricultural lands. The thespian also advises viewers to consult with experienced agricultural experts regarding the implementation of biological control methods. The video concludes with a call to continue supporting and promoting the use of biological control methods in agriculture so that they can contribute to the improvement of food systems and environmental sustainability.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Alessandra shares her experience with organic milk production and the challenges posed by the infestation of the "spodoptera frugiperda" pest in their organic milk fields. The plant "cartilha argente" was used to attract and retain beneficial insects such as bees and parasitic wasps that help control the pest population. The cartilage argente has also played a significant role in agroecosystems, as it improves soil fertility and organic matter content. During the presentation, a discussion was held with farmers and agricultural professionals to plan the establishment of a wholly organic seed production field and a research location where they could collaborate with the farming community to develop better pest management strategies.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses an attack on a milo plantation in São Paulo, Brazil. The attack, caused by the Spodoptera moth, severely damaged the foliage of the milo plants. The speaker, Ricardo Neves, the regional manager of Januário, was able to borrow milo seed from the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais Varzelândia, donated by the STF Varzelândia, to replant the milo. The idea was for the farmer to return the seed in double quantity to the syndicate, thus maintaining the seed bank and allowing other farmers to benefit from it. The speaker talks about the importance of maintaining a diverse and complex environment for organisms to thrive, as simple environments can lead to the disappearance of certain species. The speaker mentions the use of certain plants, such as craytilia argentea (a plant species native to South America), as a way to compose a complex system that supports a variety of species.
  • 01:15:00 A cratylia, a planta central do município of Sete Lagoas Spirit Fortuna in Brazil, has important characteristics that make it highly valuable. It is a leguminous plant that plays an important role in the nitrogen fixation of soil. Additionally, the cratylia can provide food for many different animals including caprinos and can help to control parasites and worms in the human intestinal tract. The insetos visitantes in the area also provide important information for the growth and survival of the cratylia’s environment, as there are few resources know as provider of potential microhabitat. Control has a choice of different options guaranteed to work to protect the cratylia, which are of insects and small animals like the isopor, the joaninha and a pair of lacewings. The isopor feeds on pollen and nectar from flowers, and they produce fertilizer for oxygenating plants and for air conditioning, the Joaninha is a carnivore from birth and adolescence, which feeds on pulp and aphids, while the lacewings are important for the control of some insects. Other insects that can help to manage and protect the ecosystem are the joaninha is a carnivore from birth and adolescence, which feeds on pulp and aphids, while the lacewings are important for the control of some insects. Finally, it pointed that there are other important insects like parasitoides that are not mentioned in the previous ideas, which play a vital role in controlling and protecting the ecosystem.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of control insects, specifically in agriculture. They mention that some insects are difficult to detect and control, such as the yellow jacket, but that others, such as bees, play a highly important role in pollination. The speaker mentions the use of oil for the protection of bee nests, and the importance of studying the role of nectar and pollen in plant health. They also discuss the harmful effects of excessive use of agriculture toxins on bees and other beneficial insects, and the importance of
  • 01:25:00 In this section, proponent Zé Luiz states the importance of native and spontaneous plants in the ecosystem. He highlights the contribution of zoological parks to the preservation of these plants through photosynthesis, pollination, and beekeeping. He emphasizes the need for more detailed research on the potential of these plants for conservation and their role in agriculture.
  • 01:30:00 In this section of the video titled "Controle biológico conservativo", the speaker discusses the use of plants to control insets in agriculture. The speaker emphasizes that not all plants are effective in controlling insets and it is important to identify the specific insets that are attracted to certain plants. The speaker also notes that the distance between the plant and the inse is important and has been studied. The speaker suggests using a wider planting distance for hortaliças and a narrower distance for coffee. The speaker mentions that there are different levels of effectiveness for different plant varieties and the level of overhead must be taken into consideration. The speaker suggests that using a wider planting distance can be more effective in controlling insets because it allows for more diverse plants to be planted which in turn attracts a variety of predators. The speaker also notes that the use of certain plant varieties can be effective in controlling specific inse, such as using the tangerina plant to control the citrus tip.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses their experience with controlling whiteflies, a common pest in organic gardening. They suggest using plants with natural enemies, such as aromatic plants, as well as companion planting with plants like chrysanthemums and marigolds. The YouTuber also mentions the importance of observation and regularly checking for whiteflies on plants, even if the area is treated with natural predators. The YouTuber then goes on to answer a question about spider mites, a type of pest that can hitchhike on various plants. They suggest using a carnivorous plant called the Venus flytrap or sticky traps to control them. The YouTuber also emphasizes the importance of using non-chemical methods to prevent pests from becoming resistant, such as rotating crops and using barrier methods to separate problematic plants from the rest of the garden. Overall, the YouTuber encourages organic pest control practices that promote the use of natural predators, intricate planning, and careful observation, while avoiding the use of harmful chemicals.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Controle biológico conservativo", the speaker discusses the use of aromatic plants as a natural insect repellent. They mention that these plants have a variety of qualities that make them useful for controlling insects. The speaker also highlights the use of Tephrosia, a plant that acts similarly to mint as a natural insecticide. Tephrosia has been observed to repel insects and has been registered in the Ministry of Agriculture for use in organic farming. However, the speaker cautions that the frequent use of Tephrosia can lead to a decrease in its effectiveness.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of various products for biological control and how they can enhance the system. They mention the importance of different ecological services and functions of the plants involved, including their medicinal properties. The speaker emphasizes the need to complement the control methods with the use of green additives, organic pesticides, and other strategies to improve the system's performance and reduce the negative impacts of pests. They also acknowledge the benefits of mucuna-preta as a cover crop and the potential of predators to control pests in the soil and reduce the need for chemical intervention. Overall, the speaker highlights the importance of taking a holistic approach to integrated pest management and emphasizing the role of biological control and sustainable practices.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Controle biológico conservativo", the speaker discusses the importance of considering the presence of natural enemies when using organic farming methods. The speaker argues that this approach allows for the control of pests and diseases without the use of harmful chemicals. The video also showcases examples of how this strategy can be applied to different types of crops and sizes of land, including organic milo farming in larger areas or using selective products in smaller areas. The speaker emphasizes the need for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among farmers and researchers to advance the use of sustainable farming practices.
  • 01:55:00 In this section of the video, the producer discusses the importance of diversifying a production system, even for crops that were previously considered difficult to manage. The use of natural pest control methods, such as plant-based repellents and the introduction of native plants, is emphasized as a way to improve crop yields while reducing the need for harmful chemicals. The speaker also stresses the need for scientific research and institutional support in order to implement these strategies effectively. They provide examples of successful implementation in certain areas of Brazil and conclude by highlighting the benefits of a more diversified and sustainable approach to agriculture for both producers and the environment.

02:00:00 - 02:05:00

The YouTuber in the video talks about the significance of informed consumption in promoting sustainable agriculture. They note that various institutions such as universities, schools, families, academia, and research institutes can play a crucial role in providing farmers with the information necessary to implement sustainable practices. Additionally, the YouTuber stresses the importance of providing opportunities for students to participate in alternative agriculture initiatives and respecting their opinions. Consumer education and awareness are vital tools in promoting sustainable agriculture and protecting the environment. Regarding biological control, the YouTuber highlights the importance of accurate information in its implementation. They argue that access to basic information is critical for understanding who is involved in biocontrol and detecting potential threats. The event is viewed as informative and potentially impactful on future practices and decisions related to biocontrol. Finally, the YouTuber thanks Zé Luiz, Madelaine, and Ellen for their contribution to the program's moderation.

  • 02:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of being informed as a consumer and how this can help in promoting sustainable agriculture. He mentions the role of various institutions such as academia, schools, families, universities, and research institutes in promoting ecological awareness and providing information to farmers. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of respecting students' opinions and providing them with opportunities to participate in alternative agriculture initiatives. He also highlights the significance of using appropriate tools and resources to promote the use of organic farming practices and the need for continuous improvement in rural extension. Overall, the speaker stresses the need for a more informed and conscious consumer base to promote sustainable agriculture and protect the environment.
  • 02:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Controle biológico conservativo," the speaker discusses the importance of accurate information in biocontrol. They note that access to basic information is crucial for understanding who is involved in biocontrol and for detecting potential threats. The speaker considers this event to be informative, emphasizing that it has the potential to guide future practices and decisions for effective biocontrol. They also express their gratitude to Zé Luiz, Madelaine, and Ellen for their contributions to the program and its moderation.

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