Summary of "I FOUND YOU" | REBOOT.EXE Ch.18 | Cyberpunk Tabletop RPG Campaign (season 2)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The protagonist of the video, Jen, is playing a cyberpunk tabletop RPG campaign as Morgan Freeman's cousin, Prodigy. In the last episode, Pro made the impetuous decision to pull a gun on Joseph, the surgeon who has been torturing people in the slums. Pro believes that Joseph needs to be brought to justice for what he's done to Sebastian. Jen also added a four-page supplement to the reboot of her cyberpunk game, which is for patrons only.

  • 00:00:00 The protagonist of the video, Jen, is playing a cyberpunk tabletop RPG campaign as Morgan Freeman's cousin, Prodigy. In the last episode, Pro made the impetuous decision to pull a gun on Joseph, the surgeon who has been torturing people in the slums. Pro believes that Joseph needs to be brought to justice for what he's done to Sebastian. The patreon campaign for the video is having a bit of an overhaul, and there will be changes to clarities goals, among other things. Jen also added a four-page supplement to the reboot of her cyberpunk game, which is for patrons only.
  • 00:05:00 In the last episode of the season, Pro found himself alone for the first time since the start of the series. He reflects on the events that have led up to this moment, including his encounter with a sentient AI that could be malicious and out of control, and the plague. He decides that he cannot let these things continue and sets out to find and kill the mad scientist who talked to him in that episode.
  • 00:10:00 The protagonist finds another player in the game, Joseph, and they battle. Joseph appears to be faster than the protagonist, but the protagonist uses a technique to gain an advantage. Joseph then reveals his cybernetic enhancements, which alter the balance of power in the battle. Ultimately, the protagonist defeats Joseph and gains a level in the game.
  • 00:15:00 The video depicts a battle between a cybernetic character and a regular human, with the cybernetic character eventually winning by choking the human's windpipe.
  • 00:20:00 The protagonist defeats Joseph, who was trying to get up and save Eve. Joseph has negative four injuries and is Prime, meaning he is immune to being killed. The protagonist saves Eve and writes an insurance check.
  • 00:25:00 The protagonist shoots and kills the man who attacked them, and then demands to know the terms of the other man's challenge. The other man reluctantly agrees, and the protagonist kills him in a challenge with level four difficulty.
  • 00:30:00 After making a call to a friend, the protagonist finds themselves in handcuffs with a hostile stranger. The stranger tells the protagonist that he is not here to cause trouble, but rather to get what he wanted. The protagonist tries to put the stranger down, but the stranger pulls out a taser and holds it towards the protagonist. After a brief negotiation, the protagonist is taken into a medical tent where he meets a familiar mindset. Pro tries to focus on the environmental clues to figure out where he is, but he is interrupted by a conversation with the guard outside the tent.
  • 00:35:00 The video follows a protagonist as they walk into a camp full of sick people and find themselves at the center of their day. Suddenly, the protagonist's movement is restricted and they are given a description of their opponent. They are then told to return to their power station, and as they do, they hear the sound of a card being played and a red light going on.
  • 00:40:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:45:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:50:00 The protagonist discusses how they were 100% certain that their ally, Pro, would take the path of violence, but how their perspective changed after they discovered Pro's Hero Forge. They speculate that Pro may have abandoned the path and returned to their peaceful roots.
  • 00:55:00 Rob returns to the game after a hiatus and finds that things have not progressed as he had hoped. He discusses his concerns with Seb and decides not to role play that night.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The protagonist of the "I FOUND YOU" chapter of the Cyberpunk tabletop RPG campaign wakes up from a deep sleep to find themselves in a dark and surreal place. They eventually realize that they are in a nightmare, and they wake up. The protagonist then finds themselves in a cyberpunk world, where they are infected with a plague. They are given a gift by the infected Eve, which is a way to communicate with the protagonist while they are infected. The protagonist's final words are for Eve to tell her parents and Johnny that they love them.

  • 01:00:00 The video covers the events of "I FOUND YOU" chapter 18, in which Cyberpunk tabletop RPG campaign protagonist Pro waits for a response from his colleague Zhang, who has gone on a journey. Pro then makes a phone call to his parents.
  • 01:05:00 The protagonist finds a white spherical disc in a room with a large projector array, which he refers to as "what you seek". The disc is a key component of a project he has been working on, and he is pleased to have finished it. The protagonist asks the inventor what he wants, and the inventor replies that he wants to say hello and show him his progress. The inventor shows the protagonist a map of the protagonist's movements and data points related to their interactions.
  • 01:10:00 The protagonist discusses plans to try and take out their competition, Reboot, and get Pro rebooted. Johnny suggests using a package to implant memories of Chinese food into his head, and the protagonist is not happy with the idea.
  • 01:15:00 The protagonist is discussing how he thinks Pro is feeling, and how he thinks Pro might react if he ever saw Jason again. Pro is enjoying himself, but seems to be avoiding Jason.
  • 01:20:00 In this video, the narrator tells the story of how he found himself and how he was able to find happiness again. He thanks those who have been a part of his life and tells them that he will miss them. He then bids them farewell and makes a move to leave. However, he is stopped by his old friend and Drinking Buddy, Ugly. Ugly congratulates the narrator on finding happiness and tells him that he wants him to have a family. The narrator agrees and they all raise their drinks in a toast.
  • 01:25:00 Eve and Harry try to save Pro, but he is unconscious and breathing. Incongruent picks up the disc on the table and starts to walk towards the door. Eve grabs her arm, and they all hide behind the slab. Incongruent opens the door and walks in, leaving Eve and Harry to check on Pro.
  • 01:30:00 The protagonist is trying to help a friend who has been hurt, but the friend insists on killing the protagonist's friend, who is in a coma. The protagonist rolls for a chance to save the friend's life, and gets a massive Destiny roll, indicating that the friend's will is strong enough to resist the protagonist's attempts.
  • 01:35:00 In this video, Johnny explains to Eve that he will be able to inhabit the shell of Pro's current body after he is killed, and then reboot will back him up. However, Pro will still be without a body. Johnny's father can solve this problem.
  • 01:40:00 The protagonist finds a sleeping person and decides to kill them without leaving any marks so Zhang won't know. However, he struggles with the decision and eventually breaks down.
  • 01:45:00 The protagonist finds himself in a dark and surreal place after abruptly waking up from a deep sleep. He gradually realizes he is not in his own body and is aware of what is happening around him, though he is not in control. He is also aware of his fellow players, who are all in different parts of the room. One player has been injured and is bleeding; another has walked away; and another is missing. The protagonist makes a Perception check to discern that something is wrong, and is successful. He then makes a Deception check to try to understand what is happening, and is again successful. He comes to the realization that he is not in control and that he is in a nightmare. He eventually wakes up from the nightmare and returns to his own body.
  • 01:50:00 The protagonist finds themselves in a cyberpunk world, where they are infected with a plague. They are given a gift by the infected Eve, which is a way to communicate with the protagonist while they are infected. The protagonist's final words are for Eve to tell her parents and Johnny that they love them.
  • 01:55:00 The protagonist finds their former friend, Riley, who was brainwashed and controlled by a rival company. Riley had been looking for the protagonist, and they share a touching moment before the protagonist dies. Riley is then able to escape and live a happy life.

02:00:00 - 02:05:00

The video discusses a cyberpunk tabletop RPG campaign, and how one player found out his character had died in the previous session. The player enjoys playing the character and feels he has progressed well in the campaign. Despite this, he is able to find a happy ending for his character.

  • 02:00:00 The protagonist of the video finds herself in a state of sadness after finding out that the reboot was real, but eventually unlocks a happy ending.
  • 02:05:00 The video discusses a cyberpunk tabletop RPG campaign, and how one player found out his character had died in the previous session. The player enjoys playing the character and feels he has progressed well in the campaign.

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