Summary of Desarrollo sustentable en México: oportunidades y limitantes; Julia Carabias

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses the importance of sustainable development in Mexico, highlighting the opportunities and limitations of developing sustainably. It discusses how human activities have degraded the planet's resources and how this is affecting the population. The video also discusses the impact of energy consumption on the environment.

  • 00:05:00 The author of the video, Julia Carabias, is giving a lecture on sustainable development in Mexico. She talks about the opportunities and limitations of developing Mexico sustainably. First, she introduces the speakers, who will present on the topic of sustainable development. She then gives the floor to the doctor, Eduardo Peñalosa Castró, who will speak on the importance of sustainable development in Mexico. Next, the doctor, Rodrigo Díaz Cruz, speaks on the rector of the iztapalapa university's role in sustainable development. Finally, Adrián Fernández Bremauntz, the head of the sustainable development department, gives a presentation on Julia Carabias, the special guest of the day.
  • 00:10:00 This important event, held at the Julia Carabias University Maestra conference, features distinguished speaker Julia Carabias. I welcome her and Dr. Adrian Fernandez, who is also an alumnus of the university and has had a distinguished career in all topics to be discussed today. Doctor Rodrigo Díaz, Sector of the Iztapalapa Unit of the UNAM, also welcomes the audience. Julia Carabias is one of the most influential women in Mexican society, with a vast scientific career. She is a professor at the Faculty of Sciences at the UNAM, and has been since 1977. She has been awarded many distinguished honors, including the Getty Oteguia Prize in Ecology in 2000, and the Cosmos Prize in 2004. She is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the World Wildlife Fund's Campeones de la Tierra Award Winner in 2005. She was elected a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences in 2017. This event is important because it brings together academics from different fields to discuss topics related to sustainable development, a topic of increasing importance in today's world. It is also an opportunity for the university to share its thoughts and experiences with society. Julia Carabias, one of the most important Mexican women in
  • 00:15:00 Doctor Julia Carabias is speaking at a conference on sustainable development in Mexico. She discusses the opportunities and limitations of developing sustainably in Mexico. Doctor Adrián Fernández, a lecturer at the conference, gives a brief introduction to the doctor's talk. Julia Carabias was born and raised in Mexico City, studied biology at the University of Mexico, and earned a Master's degree in environmental science from the same institution. She has been a dedicated advocate for environmental protection and social justice for many years, and has played an important role in developing Mexico's sustainable development policies. Her tireless work has earned her the respect and admiration of many people, including students who attended her lectures many years ago.
  • 00:20:00 Julia Carabias, a Mexican academic, discusses the development challenges and opportunities in her country. She describes experiences in which she and a group of academics went to the field to try to put into practice cutting-edge environmental and social interventions that were at the time pioneering. Julia was president of the Institute of Ecology, and subsequently, Secretary of Environment. The doctor Peñalosa has mentioned her several prestigious awards and recognitions, most notably her receipt of all the important environmental awards. Julia has always been involved in environmental activism, even if it has not always been well-known. She is highly respected for her integrity and commitment to principle, as well as her political independence and thinking. Finally, Julia is an excellent role model for students, as she is always the first to arrive and the last to leave, and she is also characterized by great consistency in her principles and lifestyle. Today, it is a great privilege to listen to Julia. Thank you.
  • 00:25:00 This presentation covers various sustainable development topics, including opportunities and limitations in Mexico. Many professionals who have graduated from the Metropolitan Autonomous University are in attendance, and it is a great privilege to be here. One speaker, Dr. Peñalosa, mentioned that he has a "gut feeling" that he is able to achieve things that he has inherited from his mother and has been sustained by his sister all his life. This intuition has helped him build a team of the best people, which has led to significant change and progress over the past 45 years. ADRIAN FERNÁNDEZ was also mentioned and his importance was recognized. The speaker then goes on to discuss some of the challenges Mexico is facing, including an unstable global economy. He ends the presentation by emphasizing the importance of an informed and motivated team, regardless of experience or field of work. This talk provides an overview of the current state of sustainable development in Mexico, and provides a roadmap for those who are interested in pursuing it in any field.
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses the development issues in Mexico and the opportunities and limitations that exist. Economic inequality and environmental crises are among the most important topics on the global agenda that need to be addressed at national, regional, and local levels. There are a number of important perspectives and reflections that have been raised in this document, which includes an assessment of the conditions of ecosystems and the social condition and its development. One of the most important works in which hundreds of researchers from all over the world collaborated was the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, which was carried out in Mexico. Many researchers from the University of Guadalajara participated in this effort. I am sure that many researchers from UAM also participated. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was about assessing the state of ecosystems around the world and proposing a fundamental thesis about the analysis of all assessment of ecosystems in all regions of the world. We are wasting our natural capital faster than it can be replaced, and this is not good from the natural sciences and from the exact sciences. We are always comparing or putting economic terms into natural language, and this has been a very useful tool when we talk about economics. We have more dialogue with decision-makers and this is imagine if we develop sustainably based on nature, nature is this base for development. We
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the development of sustainable development in Mexico, highlighting opportunities and limitations. It discusses how human activities have degraded the planet's resources and how this is affecting the population. The video also discusses the impact of energy consumption on the environment.
  • 00:40:00 The speaker discusses the development of sustainable development in Mexico, with opportunities and limitations. She mentions that since the 1970s, the number of vertebrate species has decreased by 28%, putting many species at risk of extinction. The speaker also mention that the loss of biodiversity is also due to human activity, such as deforestation and the use of pesticides and herbicides. The speaker discusses the Amazon rainforest as an example of a region with high biodiversity and valuable resources. She also mentions how climate change is affecting biodiversity, with some areas losing resources and becoming more vulnerable to invasions.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in Mexico. It points out that we all have a responsibility to help manage our financial markets together, so that they can be used to resolve sovereignty issues. If we look at the issue of sovereignty from a country's perspective, it should be one of the decisions that it takes, as there is a sovereignity of the country, but it is one of the places on Earth where mitigation of climate change, water shortages, loss of biodiversity, etc. are being managed. Another big problem we're facing is the fact that we're seeing an increase in species extinction, due to the changing use of land, climate change, invasive species, deforestation, etc. in all sorts of ecosystems. We also see this in marine ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, mountain ecosystems, and the polar region. Red and orange are the colors that are indicating increasing pressure on ecosystems, and this is something that we should be very worried about. This video provides a teaching tool by discussing some of the red and orange colors that indicate the increase in pressure on ecosystems. It also discusses the importance of resilience and its connection to sustainable development. It points out that we're exceeding planetary boundaries, which is allowing the functioning of a planet. We've never
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses sustainable development in Mexico, highlighting opportunities and limitations. Julia Carabias discusses how biodiversity has been depleted, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles are being disrupted, and climate change is accelerating. Paul Crutzen, recipient of the Nobel Prize in physics, has proposed a new term for our time, the "anthropocene," to describe the human-led changes to the planet. Young people are urged to take an interest in this issue and to act on it before it becomes too difficult.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses the 17 objectives of sustainable development, also known as the "CESC" goals, and how they are relevant to Mexico. The presentation goes over the different aspects of each goal and how they are interconnected. The video also mentions that these goals are not only environmental, but also social and economic. Finally, the 11th goal is discussed, which is to ensure that all people have access to a sustainable energy source.

01:00:00 - 01:45:00

The video discusses the development of sustainable development in Mexico, highlighting the opportunities and limitations. It interviewed Dr. Julia Carabias, an anthropologist who has written about the issue. She suggests that policymakers consider strategies such as sharing the world, which is a possible scenario if we do not learn to cooperate.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the development of sustainable cities in Mexico, with particular focus on the challenges and opportunities that exist in this area. It provides a variety of references to support the adoption of urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. The video also discusses the need to protect oceans, seas, and marine resources, and to restore and promote sustainable use of land, forests, and ecosystems. The video also discusses the need to fight hunger, obesity, and other health problems linked to chronic malnutrition. Finally, the video discusses the need for a coordinated, intergovernmental approach to addressing climate change, and points out that, because of its weakened state, Mexico has made significant progress in developing a national strategy for change.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses Mexico's development challenges and opportunities, focusing on the issue of sustainable development. Approximately seven percent of the country's territory is designated as national lands, which includes all of the forests and other ecosystems that generate ecological services such as clean air and water. However, the rest of the country's land is distributed over the course of history, with most of it acquired in the 20th century. This has led to the loss of Mexico's tropical forests, which are home to a vast biodiversity. The landowner of a tropical forest, who receives four thousand pesos per hectare for every hectare of forest he or she owns, can either keep a cow or not, and otherwise won't receive anything. If he or she does not keep a cow, he or she can't eat, can't live, and can't develop the forest. This then leads to the forest being logged and becoming a field to which we are referring, in which government policies are directed at the agricultural sector, where most of the rural peasantry lives. These policies include programs such as 400 million pesos for the country, which is fourteen times more than what is spent on agriculture and livestock, and eighty percent of the rural peasantry lives in these conditions. There is no way
  • 01:10:00 Mexicans comprise 30 million additional people who, if added to the current population, would make Mexico the most populated country in the world. Mexico's burgeoning population is placing an immense strain on the country's resources, and the development of sustainable economies is a challenge that must be faced if Mexico is to achieve true economic progress. The video discusses the pressing issues that Mexico's burgeoning population poses, including the need for a more efficient food production system, increased access to clean water, and the over-consumption of meat. The presenter also points out that, due to the country's rapid urbanization, the demand for ecological resources has increased significantly, and that this population is also demanding more meat products than ever before. If these challenges are not met, Mexico will face insurmountable challenges in achieving sustainable development. The presenter provides a number of statistical projections that suggest that the Mexican economy will grow by 3.4% over the next several years, and that this growth must be sustained in order to create more jobs and increase income levels for the population as a whole. The presenter urges the Mexican government to take action to protect the nation's natural resources, improve forest management, and develop more sustainable agricultural practices. The presentation ends with the recommendation that Mexico adopt a new culture that is
  • 01:15:00 In Mexico, development that is sustainable is possible, but there are many limitations. The legal framework is necessary to operate effectively, but new institutions have been created, and existing institutions have been consolidated. There are policies and instruments for climate change that I discussed in a previous video. The best institution in the world in terms of biodiversity is the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This requires collective action by institutions. There is a greater awareness of the environment and the importance of the environment among the young. There are hundreds of successful experience with civil society organizations working in communities. There is information and accessibility that has never been seen before in history, but there are many limitations. There is no coordinated plan for developing sustainable land use, and there is no territorial orientation from government. There are always fiscal policies that favor industry, which will waste resources in the environment. Today, I'm going to talk about protected areas and paying for environmental services. Then, I'll talk about an area that is being protected and a payment for services that is being introduced. Finally, I'll talk about the director general and how he is making decisions. The development of sustainable development in Mexico is possible, but there are many limitations. The legal framework is necessary to operate effectively, but new institutions
  • 01:20:00 The speaker talks about the development challenges Mexico faces, including the lack of leadership at the national level and the declining environmental quality in many states. She also discusses the opportunities and limitations of sustainable development in Mexico. She mentions a successful project she worked on, 'La Belleza Si Ustedes Tienen,' which focuses on environmental awareness and education. She believes that if the government and citizens work together on sustainable development projects, Mexico will be able to overcome its development challenges. However, she also notes that if sustainable development is not integrated into political agendas and is not made a priority by the government, it will be very difficult to achieve change. The speaker also discusses the importance of scientific information and knowledge being used to make decisions, and the need for an organized and unified society to demand change. She believes that the current era is favorable for change, but it will depend on the speed at which the government moves forward on these projects. Finally, the speaker asks the audience if they have any questions.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the development of sustainable development in Mexico, highlighting the opportunities and limitations. It interviews Dr. Julia Carabias, an anthropologist who has written about the issue. She suggests that policymakers consider strategies such as sharing the world, which is a possible scenario if we do not learn to cooperate. In 2001, Nobel Prize-winning Mexican scientist and politician, Mario Molina, said that oil and gas will run out before gasoline does. His statement was not well-received, and has not been discussed since. Julia Carabias, an anthropologist, asks the doctor if she knows of any plans to address disaster management in the current administration. The doctor responds that she does not know of any specific plans, but advises citizens to participate in organized, positive ways, and to start looking for a solution to the problems currently facing Mexico. Mexico is facing a number of issues, including poverty, crime, deforestation, and desertification. Dr. Carabias suggests that policymakers take into account scientific knowledge in their decision-making. She also suggests that the government invest in transnational research projects to start addressing these challenges.
  • 01:30:00 Mexico is developing sustainably, but there are many opportunities and limitations; Julia Carabias discusses some of the key questions. She then talks about how to produce food without depleting resources, but it will require a lot of work to restore ecosystems and expand agricultural borders. If this is not done, the area will be permanently unsustainable and the country will lose its agricultural sector.
  • 01:35:00 In this video, Julia Carabias explains the development of sustainable development in Mexico and the opportunities and limitations of the situation. She talks about the importance of educating people about ecology and the need for more aggressive laws to control the food market. She also discusses the issue of exotic animal feed, which is wasted due to overconsumption of animal by-products. All of this is complicated by the inter-institutional relationships between government, society, and the private sector. There is always a fear of the government opening up participatory spaces, as it is unpopular and challenging. However, through social media platforms, citizens can vocalize their concerns and these will eventually lead to change. It is not easy to receive pure criticism, as it often meets with resistance. Nevertheless, the government is becoming increasingly aware of the need to allow for public input on policymaking, as reflected in the number of consultative councils currently in operation. Engaging the public in a meaningful way is a monumental task, but it is achievable with concerted effort on the part of all involved.
  • 01:40:00 In this video, Julia Carabias discusses the development of sustainable development in Mexico, highlighting opportunities and limitations. She talks about her time as a witch who flew with a broom made of fire, and how this led her to develop a PR strategy for dealing with forest fires. She notes that during emergency situations, governors are allowed to suspend fire permits, but this is difficult to enforce. Carabias discusses the need for universities to play a role in developing consensus around decisions, and notes that this is a more complex process than simply relying on scientific data. She says that in order to achieve sustainable development, a scientific body organized in this way must be developed.
  • 01:45:00 The Mexican development model is sustainable, but there are some limits to what can be done. Scientists should not play a role in policymaking, but this is not the case at the National College. Therefore, it is up to everyone to build the institution and make it a reality. The Climate Change Special Program was created to address these challenges, but it has not been successful so far. The program's director, Adrian, is responsible for the doctor Tudela's work, which is a climate change program. Other goals include energy, health, economy, and the treasury department. These are all laid out in a program and need to be implemented, but this will not happen if the government does not provide funding. There are also critical issues that need to be addressed, such as the lack of recognition for scientists who are now vying for the position of secretary of education. If these teams are not successful, the next generation of scientists will be very limited. Finally, we would like to remind the audience that the next magistral lecture will be delivered by Lorenzo Meyer, historian, on November 7th at the Xochimilco campus. Thank you.

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