Summary of [remastered] Dr. von Franz on dreams (10h)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Dr. von Franz discusses the significance of dreams and how they can be used to access the unconscious. She also talks about the recurrent motifs and figures that she has discovered in her dreams, and how they can be used as reference points for dream interpretation.

  • 00:00:00 The speaker shares that they don't dream, but shares a dream that he remembers. He talks about how dreams are a mystery to him and how people think different things about dreams.
  • 00:05:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreams and shares her observations about how they originate from nature. She notes that many dreams represent something that the individual hates hearing, and that nightmares are not dreams. She shares an example of a dream she had as a child in which she was rolled up in a window shade and unable to scream.
  • 00:10:00 Dr. von Franz discusses her personal interest in dreams and how dreams can be used as a way to interpret one's own subconscious thoughts and feelings. She recalls a time when she met Dr. Jung and he explained that inner events, such as dreams, are just as real as the external reality. Von Franz credits Jung with teaching her how to cope with her dreams, which she did by gradually stopping telling him her dreams. She now tries to interpret her dreams herself, though she admits it is a difficult task.
  • 00:15:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the difficulty of dream interpretation, noting that it is an elite profession that requires professional skill. She recalls a dream in which she was throwing rocks in the ocean and a hand grabbed her from behind, telling her not to let go of the things she loved. She reflected on the dream and realized that it could be interpreted in many ways and that the interpretation is often different for each person. She advises against interpreting one's own dreams, as it can be difficult to see the dream as it is, and recommends instead exchanging dreams with colleagues to get different perspectives.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the significance of dreams, specifically Dr. von Franz's dream of descending into the underworld. Von Franz describes the dream as a very powerful experience that changed the course of his life.
  • 00:25:00 Marie-Louise von Franz discusses the importance of dreams and how they can be used to access the unconscious. She also talks about the recurrent motifs and figures that she has discovered in her dreams, and how they can be used as reference points for dream interpretation. She shares an anecdote about a dream that she thought was important, but which she could not remember the next day.
  • 00:30:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the meaning of the term "complex," which are energy centers in the psyche that give the drive and impulse to the psyche. He notes that if we had no complexes, we would be dead. He goes on to say that the complexes are simply the energy centers of the psyche, but we generally use it only in its negative form. Von Franz discusses a dream of a young woman in which the complex is personified by the father. All the energies of the dream focus around this father figure, and she eventually finds him sitting at the wheel of a car apparently dead.
  • 00:35:00 Dreams reveal aspects of one's personality, which can be difficult to understand because of the "unconscious" nature of the dream. nightmares represent a fear or dislike of something within oneself.
  • 00:40:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:45:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the pattern of dreams over a person's lifetime, focusing on the first half of life. She discusses the concept of the self, and how dreams are letters from the self telling us to do a bit more or a bit less of something.
  • 00:50:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreams, noting that they can reveal one's future or feelings at the time of dreaming. She shares an example of a dream in which she was unable to move when heavy objects were placed on her head.
  • 00:55:00 Dreams can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but Dr. von Franz emphasizes the importance of feeling and mediumistic connection in dream interpretation.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the symbolism and interpretation of dreams. She explains that dreams often reflect the concerns of the individual and that they can be used to access the subconscious. She cites the example of Jacob's dream of a ladder as a way to connect the unconscious with the divine.

  • 01:00:00 The dreamer recalls a dream from the past in which he is at a high school prom with one of his coworkers. Although the dream is not lustrous, he feels guilty in the dream and wakes up feeling guilty.
  • 01:05:00 The speaker discusses the consequences of dreaming about spending time with another woman while his wife is away. He shares that this is a natural consequence and that he even shared the dream with the girl this morning to alleviate any guilt he might have. He explains that dreams can be interpreted subjectively or objectively, and that archetypal dreams often have no personal associations. The speaker shares that he can't interpret his own dreams, and that the dream never tells him what he knows already. He mentions that this is why a person can't interpret their own dream, and that blind spots in one's psyche are like backs or arses.
  • 01:10:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the difficulties of interpreting one's own dreams and the importance of consulting with another person, even if that person does not know about dreams. She explains that this is because dreams are often specific to the individual and that a dictionary interpretation is often not sufficient. She concludes by stating that dreams are a vital part of the psychoanalyst's work and that it is important to be honest about one's own understanding of a patient's problems.
  • 01:15:00 Dreams can provide insight into a person's destiny and character, but should not be taken as factual information.
  • 01:20:00 Dr. Von Franz discusses the symbolism of dreams, noting that often the images and events in dreams are linked to past, present, and future events. Dreams can also be interpreted through the knowledge of symbols. Dreams can be exhilarating or terrifying, depending on the context and meaning of the symbol. Dreams can also be interpreted as messages from the subconscious.
  • 01:25:00 Gilgamesh was a king who dreamed of a star that fell from the sky and everyone kissed its feet. This dream has meaning for us today because it symbolizes the arrival of a great leader.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the symbolism of dreams, noting that dreams from ancient times to the present often reflect the concerns and experiences of the individual. In particular, she points out that in today's society, it is easier to admire a great personality who is fulfilling a collective role instead of being unique and individual. The dream character Gilgamesh, for example, is typically seen as a great man who is successful in fulfilling a collective role, but he is eventually called upon to become himself and fulfill his unique destiny.
  • 01:35:00 This video discusses the dangers of inflation - when someone's opinion of themselves becomes too high or too low. It explains that most people have a swing between these two extremes, and that a normal personality is when the estimation of oneself is approximately reasonable.
  • 01:40:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the dangers of infantile dependence, saying that it can lead to monarchies or dictatorships. She also mentions that a person's psychology can be reflected in an entire society.
  • 01:45:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreams in biblical texts and throughout religious history. She discusses how dreams can be used to predict the fate of a nation or individual.
  • 01:50:00 This video discusses the significance of dreams and how they can be used to access a person's subconscious. Jacob's dream of a sacred place is cited as an example of this.
  • 01:55:00 Jacob's ladder is a motif found in various religions and used to represent a connection between the unconscious and the divine. In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the symbolism of the ladder and how it relates to dreams.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreams in human society. She explains how they can be used to communicate messages to the individual and to the whole community, and she gives examples of how dreams can be interpreted.

  • 02:00:00 In this video, von Franz discusses the idea of angels, and how they can be found in dreams, as well as in other aspects of our lives. She discusses how modern man has largely forgotten about angels, and how they can be helpful in our lives.
  • 02:05:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the idea that dreams often represent an encounter with something greater than oneself, which can be found in every person. She also discusses the idea that certain personalities or ideologies can be projected onto leaders, and that this can lead to fanaticism or even suicide.
  • 02:10:00 Dreams can show an individual's inner election to become a leader or an outstanding personality, and they often have trouble with family members who are jealous or misunderstand.
  • 02:15:00 This video discusses the significance of dreams and the role they can play in one's life. It discusses the dream of Joseph, which revealed important information about Egypt and its future. Joseph's interpretation of the dream saved Egypt from starvation.
  • 02:20:00 This excerpt from a YouTube video discusses the importance of dreams in the interpretation of prophecies. Dreams can reveal hidden truths about the future, and can be interpreted with the help of a spiritual leader.
  • 02:25:00 This video discusses the importance of dreams in human society, and how they can be used to communicate messages to the individual and to the whole community. It also mentions the example of the Senui tribe, who use dreams to interpret rituals and ceremonies.
  • 02:30:00 The video discusses the importance of dreams and how they can be used to access one's innermost desires and fears. It discusses the prevalence of dreams in primitive societies and how, by understanding this, modern psychology can learn a lot about human nature.
  • 02:35:00 Jung's model of the psyche includes complexes, archetypes, and the power of the unconscious. These entities are essential to human beings and originate in the archetypal world.
  • 02:40:00 In this video, Dr. Von Franz discusses how addiction can occur due to a craving for something that is not actually satisfying, such as chocolate. She goes on to explain that this craving can be a result of an archetype, which is a part of us that we do not know. In order to overcome this addiction, it is essential to understand and work with the shadow side of the ego.
  • 02:45:00 In Jung's understanding, there is a natural gradient towards wholeness, not perfection. This gradient is represented by the two snakes in the yogic world. The one snake (masculine) begins to move and finds the strength, while the other snake (feminine) begins to move and they move to a point of meeting. They kiss, and then they have to separate. The one may become stronger, while the other is then forced into a place of strength. They work their way through until they come again to meeting.
  • 02:50:00 In a dream, the archetypal structure is the same as in a classical play--the introduction, rising action, climax, and dénouement. The only difference is that in a dream, the lysis is often omitted, leaving the dreamer with a less clear understanding of the dream's ending.
  • 02:55:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the power of dreams and how they can help us navigate our lives. She points out that, though dreams can be confusing, they always have a meaning that can be unlocked if we are willing to explore them. She also discusses the importance of having an "archetypal image" in our dreams, which can help us connect with our spiritual side and find guidance in our next steps.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

In the video, "Dr. von Franz on dreams (10h)," the importance of dreams is discussed. Dreams are seen as a way of initiating a person into adulthood, and they are also seen as a way of revealing the shadow side of the self. Dr. von Franz also discusses the role of the feminine in dreams and the importance of recognizing the compensation inherent in them.

  • 03:00:00 Dr. von Franz discusses dreams and their importance in relation to the unconscious content that they bring up. She stresses the importance of recognizing one's own heritage and honoring it when studying dreams, as it will be manifested in ways one could never have imagined. Dr. von Franz discusses a businessman's dream about fishing in a pond from his childhood, and how the trilling of a bird brings him into a place in himself where he can hear those songs, which were unheard before. She discusses how the great biblical figures wrestled with their angels, and how sooner or later they realized they were walking down a path that the ego did not want to go.
  • 03:05:00 <could not summarize>
  • 03:10:00 <could not summarize>
  • 03:15:00 The video discusses the importance of understanding and accepting our own shadow side, and how it can be a valuable tool for growth. Dr. von Franz provides examples of when we see our shadow in everyday life, such as when we are tired or under stress, and explains that this is a sign of our incomplete self. She also reminds viewers that our shadow can take on a thousand different forms, and that it is important to understand our own character traits in order to identify our shadow. Finally, Dr. von Franz shares a dream she had involving a tiger, which demonstrates the power of our shadow.
  • 03:20:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of understanding and living one's shadow, which can be a helpful and benign force, or an "inferior" one. Sometimes shadows pursue us in our dreams, demonstrating that they want to come towards us. However, by being afraid of our shadows, we lend them an evil figure. By accepting our shadows rather than running away from them, we can overcome the destructive tendencies within them and become more human.
  • 03:25:00 The dreamer is in a large house with paintings and drawings of animals that seem familiar. He is in another room where he is getting ready for a cocktail party. Someone comes up to him and offers him a painter's smock, which he says is not him. The dreamer reflects on the role of the scapegoat in group dynamics, and how he might succumb to suggestions if he has a weak ego.
  • 03:30:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreams and their ability to reveal the shadow side of the self. She also discusses the role of the feminine in dreams and the importance of recognizing the compensation inherent in them.
  • 03:35:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the different stages of the anima, which he refers to as "the girl of your dreams." He mentions that dreams can be about anyone and anything, and that men often dream about their wives or girlfriends. He also says that men have a variety of dreams about different women, and that he dreams about Marilyn Monroe, his mother, and prostitutes.
  • 03:40:00 The video discusses the concept of the anima, or female spirit, and its various manifestations in life. It explains that this spirit is typically present in men as an element of sexual fantasies, and that during puberty it may undergo a transition into a more realistic form. If a man becomes stuck in indulging in these fantasies, he may become bewitched and lose control over his life.
  • 03:45:00 This 1-paragraph summary provides a brief description of the video, "Dr. von Franz on dreams (10h)." In the video, Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreams and their role in initiating a person into adulthood. She also discusses the ritual of initiation and its importance in tribal societies. Finally, she discusses the dangers of women identifying with the anima projection of a man, and how it can lead to them being overpowered and abused.
  • 03:50:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the power drive in women and how it can lead to unhappiness. She discusses the story of Marilyn Monroe and how her life was dominated by her own power drive, which ultimately led to her death. Von Franz warns women of the dangers of using their beauty to exert power over men, and advises them to find someone who loves them for who they are, not for their appearance.
  • 03:55:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses how big institutions can sometimes be seen as material blocks that inhibit creativity and flexibility. She also mentions how the spirit of a time can be seen in art, and how the current spirit of the times is one of heightened concern about nuclear war.

04:00:00 - 05:00:00

This YouTube video discusses the meaning of a dream in which a pregnant woman is crucified. The dream is interpreted as a symbol of the dreamer's innermost fears and desires. The dreamer is advised to pay attention to the parts of his personality that he usually doesn't, in order to achieve a greater understanding of himself.

  • 04:00:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses dreams and their significance. For example, dreams can be a way of waking up from a deep sleep, and they can indicate a psychological danger. A nightmare is often a shock to the system, and it may indicate an urgent problem that needs to be addressed.
  • 04:05:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the psychology of dreams and how they can be interpreted as symbols of our innermost fears and desires. She warns the viewer that if they reject or split off some complex of their psyche, it will begin to sap their energy secretly, turning them into a vampire. According to von Franz, this is the characteristic of most negative or split-off complexes, and it is why fairy tale stories and horror movies are so popular.
  • 04:10:00 This woman dreams of a black woman she knows who tells her that she will have to talk to her mother about stopping seeing the dreamer. The dreamer resists, but then two black men appear and try to take her back to the jungle. The dreamer fights them off and tells them he would rather die than let that happen.
  • 04:15:00 This video discussing dreams featuring Dr. von Franz discusses the traditional motif of a black woman being transformed into a white woman. This motif is found in mythology and alchemy, and can be seen as a metaphor for the transformation of a man's love capacities. If this transformation is not accomplished, the man can easily relapse into a primitive relationship with a woman.
  • 04:20:00 The dreamer is driving in a car and is impressed by the detail he can see in the sky. He recalls being struck by the dream at the time.
  • 04:25:00 This dreamer is driving with a female companion and reflects on the symbolism of the stars. He looks up to the sky and sees a constellation that represents his personal life.
  • 04:30:00 In this dream, the protagonist sees a strange configuration of stars in the night sky and is inspired to study it further. He finds that the three stars are behind the full moon and that they represent the Christian trinity. This revelation inspires him to take a step forward in his life.
  • 04:35:00 In this dream, the dreamer is in a rocket ship high up in the stratosphere. He is alone, except for the sense that his father is also there. He is scared about something he can't identify, but eventually realizes it's the air being too rarefied to breathe.
  • 04:40:00 In the video, Dr. von Franz discusses his dreams, which he says relate to the larger problem of the feminine in our time. He compares the two dreams, noting that the dreamer of the modern dream also is in the situation where the first half of life's tasks have been fulfilled. He then sees the conjunct conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which tells him he belongs to the age of opposites. Finally, he realizes he is in a spaceship and must go down to earth.
  • 04:45:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses a dream he had in which he played a role in crucifixion in a medieval mystery play. The dream is significant to him because it shows him the interconnectedness of all things, and it has helped him understand his dreams better.
  • 04:50:00 The dreamer reflects on his dream and how it relates to his personal life. He finds that the main figure of the dream is not his actual wife, but a figure he associates with Joan of Arc. The dream suggests that the inner marriage is still strong, even in the midst of secularization.
  • 04:55:00 The YouTube video discusses the meaning of a dream that a person had, which included a pregnant woman on the cross. The dream told the dreamer that he should value his soul, and that he should look for the positive aspects of his feelings even when they are negative. The dream also said that something unusual was going to happen - his pregnant wife would be crucified in place of Christ. The dream gave the dreamer the idea to pay more attention to the sides of his personality that he usually doesn't.

05:00:00 - 06:00:00

This video features Dr. von Franz discussing the meaning of dreams and how they can help to balance masculine and feminine energies. She also discusses the negative effects of patriarchy and how it can distort our dreams.

  • 05:00:00 The dreamer is walking alongside a fast-flowing river and looking up at a hilltop castle. Inside the castle, they find a well and a woman sitting on the wall who offers them water. The dreamer takes the water and then sits down on the edge of the well. The woman dips the ladle into the well and gives it to the dreamer a second, third, and fourth time. The dreamer then sits down and drinks the water.
  • 05:05:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the meaning of dreams, explaining that they are a window into the unconscious psyche. She also discusses the importance of relating to the feminine side of our nature. This is a history-rich discussion that extends well beyond dreams and into the development of love in Western civilization.
  • 05:10:00 This video discusses the significance of dreams, specifically in relation to the anima and animus development. Dr. von Franz points out that in ancient cultures, the term "feminine" didn't always refer to women, and that in order to achieve balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of oneself, one must work towards a balance in all aspects of one's life.
  • 05:15:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can help to balance masculine and feminine energies. She also discusses the negative effects of patriarchy and how it can distort our dreams. Dr. von Franz argues that if we could believe that God has a wife, our ecological laws would change greatly.
  • 05:20:00 Dreams may reflect aspects of our inner self, such as our contrasexual or anima. It is important to be aware of our projections, and to understand the dynamics of our relationships in order to maintain harmony.
  • 05:25:00 This video features Dr. von Franz discussing dreams and their importance. She explains that dreams are an important part of our life and can help us to grow and learn. However, many women today are fighting to escape the bondage of the patriarchy, and if they are not careful, their identity and feelings of self-esteem can rest mainly on their capacity to make themselves desirable to men.
  • 05:30:00 Dreams can reflect a person's true identity, which can be shocking when seen in the mirror. Dreams can also reveal how a person relates to others, often feeling forced to play a role in their life.
  • 05:35:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the dream of a woman who lacks arms and legs and is unable to act. She is instead reliant on the kindness of strangers for support. Von Franz compares this dream to the way women are treated in society today, where they are idolized but lack self-identity.
  • 05:40:00 The dreamer comes home to find a foreign woman who he has never seen before, and she tells him that she has come to take care of things while he's away. The dreamer strikes her first on one cheek and then the other, and she leaves in tears. The dreamer and his wife analyze the dream, and they conclude that it is a part of the dreamer's personality that he has never before dealt with. The dreamer begins to feel differently and more "uncanny" as a result of the new part of his personality.
  • 05:45:00 In the dream, a woman hears a conversation in which it becomes clear that the manager had sent a young woman to her apartment. The woman then feels badly about dismissing the woman so summarily. She wakes up and finds a little boy sitting in a chair next to her bed. The boy represents the child of the dark woman intruder. The woman then realizes that she is the dark woman intruder and she becomes aware that she does not have enough space and time for her private life.
  • 05:50:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses dreams and their symbolism. She explains that the dream of the little girl bleeding in the vagina represents the girl's true femininity that has been raped and violated. The dream also suggests that the woman has been self-mutilating in her self-pity. The final scene of the dream shows the girl in a cage, performing for her father. Von Franz argues that this dream is a metaphor for the woman's life, in which she is committed to shining for him and thinking she is happy.
  • 05:55:00 The dreamer is shown a woman walking with two black dogs on leashes, who comes closer and closer and then zaps right at the dreamer's throat. The dream represents a woman's difficulty in relating to her own instincts and the earth, and her fear of being attacked. Six weeks later, the dreamer is hospitalized with a pelvic infection and the dream symbolizes the threat of illness.

06:00:00 - 07:00:00

This video discusses the symbolism of dreams and how they can be interpreted. Dr. von Franz discusses how a dream can have multiple meanings and how it is important to pay attention to the attitude of the dreamer when listening to it.

  • 06:00:00 In this dream, von Franz is in a small room with her mother and a male. The male is negative and threatens von Franz, but she is in awe of the jump he makes from a high place. The situation changes and she is by herself walking through a village, when she sees a hanging man. She looks at him, then walks by the animus, which she previously thought was a nuisance, without alarm. She enters a more positive and realistic state of mind, and succeeds in changing her life. In the village square, she finds a man hung up, which reflects the old-fashioned way of life where women were not allowed to have any initiative.
  • 06:05:00 The dream's protagonist is sitting in a movie theater balcony when she has to go to the washroom. The usherette opens the door for her, and she sees a man coming towards her. The man is short, stocky, and has a martial arts stance. The dream changes and the protagonist is hit in the face with heat. The dream then changes again and the protagonist is peeing in a toilet. The symbolism of the dream is that the protagonist is expressing herself genuinely.
  • 06:10:00 Dreams can provide insight into one's inner feelings and difficulties, and can be a reflection of society in general.
  • 06:15:00 The dreamer is sitting in a cabin, brushing the hair of a cat. A woman behind her is using the phone, and the man sitting beside her is her father. The woman finishes using the phone and leaves. The man walks over to where she has been and tidies up something. He turns and walks towards the dreamer. He tells her they're crazy, they're just plain crazy. The dreamer tells him she's been making incestuous overtures to whoever she's been talking to on the phone. In the beginning of the dream, she's brushing an orange cat. The cat stems from countries originally from Egypt and there it was a divine animal. There was a cat goddess basted, who was the goddess of music, sexuality, pleasure in life, and all together fertility and life embracing feminine fertility. The cat also in contrast to dogs has never sold its soul to man. The dreamer tells the dream in two parts. In the first part, she's sitting in a cabin, remotely placed. I'm sitting beside a man I don't recognize, but I know in the dream is her father. He's very tall and strongly built, with short hair. He's chief of police and we live in the police department of a remote
  • 06:20:00 Dreams can be a way to explore feelings and thoughts, and the negative animus can be a way to resist or cut off relationships. In this dream, the negative animus manifests as a father who is angry and violent when he finds a note written to a boyfriend. The dreamer wakes up screaming, and the dream provides a glimpse into the potential consequences of resisting or cutting off relationships.
  • 06:25:00 The video discusses the tendency of women to fall in love with or be interested in the man then her animus comes up, and makes her ruin the relationship. Subjectively, a woman doesn't know she thinks she is under a curse just when she wants to meet the man or talk to the man she loves. Something makes her make him a tearful scene, and then she goes home and cries. She might say "and just because I want the relationship to him I have made him a scene" and she just doesn't know what the devil's mechanism makes her do.
  • 06:30:00 In this dream, a woman experiences anger and frustration when her child misbehaves. The chief of police tells her that this is not a good way to raise a child, and she vomits in the toilet. This dream is a symbol of how the woman's anger and frustration can get out of control.
  • 06:35:00 Jung discusses the idea of the animus, or the malevolent male counterpart to the female spirit, in this lecture. He describes how the animus can take control of a woman in a state of possession, and how men can react in an inappropriate way when women cry.
  • 06:40:00 The video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can be interpreted. It discusses how a dream can have multiple meanings and how it is important to pay attention to the attitude of the dreamer when listening to it.
  • 06:45:00 In the dream, the dreamer's friend Sue is neglecting and bored, so the dreamer takes her laundry to her friend's place. However, the friend and her husband start arguing and the dreamer leaves to return to her own apartment.
  • 06:50:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses dreams and the significance of laundry. She explains that doing laundry is a way to sort out all the little shadow things one has done, and that it is a psychotherapeutic treatment for not focusing on the good things. She notes that the girl's shadow is weightless because she enjoys gossiping and criticizing others, but never takes it home to herself.
  • 06:55:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the symbolism of dreams involving close friends and family. She recommends that if one's shadow bothers them, it is best to avoid them.

07:00:00 - 08:00:00

This video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can offer insight into our lives. Dr. von Franz tells a story about how she figured out what was wrong with her and went back to her analyst with joy. She also discusses the shadow figure that can sometimes take hold of a woman's life, leading to feelings of rape, sexuality, and loathing.

  • 07:00:00 In this dream, the dreamer is in a large airport crowded with people shooting. There is one man following her around who keeps aiming a rifle at her. The dreamer is frightened and doesn't like the situation. Eventually, she realizes that the man is responsible for her scary situation, not herself in general. The dream then picks up on a fantasy of being in a power position and shooting people, and the dreamer becomes excited. This is a negative projection of the animus onto the man, who in turn represents a negative aspect of the dreamer's own masculinity.
  • 07:05:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the dream in which a murderous burglar comes into her bedroom and she wakes up with a cry of fear. She reflects on the dream and how it shows her that the negative thoughts that she experiences are not really herself. She explains that the face that she turns to the unconscious is the face that is reflected back to her in other dreams. Von Franz emphasizes the importance of recognizing and confronting the negative thoughts that arise in dreams. She recalls a dream in which a group of people, including her nearly ex-husband and a colleague of his, won't let her swim in a river. The dream makes her feel unhappy and she wakes up.
  • 07:10:00 Dreams of pregnancy often portray a struggle between the freedom-loving and negative side of a woman's personality.
  • 07:15:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses dreams and the meaning behind them. She says that, in dreams, the male figure takes a very different form than what is typically presented in religious texts or teachings. She also mentions that the dog is a "tremendous cherished helper of man" and that it represents our instinctual nature.
  • 07:20:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the relationship between dreams and the unconscious. She says that in all religions, the dog is a guide to the other world, and that this is still a common practice in many parts of the world. Christ is especially associated with this role, as he is the guardian of souls and the guide into the darkness of the unknown. This golden quality in dreams is often associated with immortality and eternal life.
  • 07:25:00 This video discusses the meaning of a dream in which a pregnant woman sees a woman above her who is praying to the stars and who is helping her to carry the child. The video also discusses the symbolism of the male figure in the dream as a disembodied voice.
  • 07:30:00 Dreams can offer a glimpse into one's divine destiny or cosmic destiny, as well as the individual meaning of one's own individual life. The dreamer has difficulty first finding that "loadstar" but then discovers it is represented by the star of Bethlehem. The dream tells her that just where she has still difficulties of understanding, she will in her innermost being find the Christ child, which signifies a divine birth. The Christ child represents the saving factor which is born within oneself, and a woman without animus has nothing. Jung was always very much for women studying and having a career, but making sure not to lose their femininity along the way.
  • 07:35:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the shadow of desire, which refers to the plays by William Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, and Blanche Dubois. She explains that, for a woman raised in patriarchy, living to please men is her only value. She is obsessed with knowing how to allure men, and is constantly ambushed by her own shadow. Recognizing this in dreams is important for taking that energy back and living authentically.
  • 07:40:00 This video discusses the shadow figure that can sometimes take hold of a woman's life, leading to feelings of rape, sexuality, and loathing. It explains that these feelings belong together and that it is important to face the shadow figure head on in order to free oneself.
  • 07:45:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses dreams and how the face we turn to the unconscious is the face that is reflected back to us in other words. She also tells a story about how she figured out what was wrong with her and went back to her analyst with joy, but he was too overwhelmed to listen.
  • 07:50:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the consequences of not relating to others. She states that the longer she practices psychoanalysis, the more she realizes how difficult it is to create lasting relationships. Von Franz discusses the liberation of sexuality, and the potential for a new kind of relationship based on love and connection.
  • 07:55:00 <could not summarize>

08:00:00 - 09:00:00

In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the role of dreams in our lives and how they can help us to understand our own patterns and development. She also touches on the idea of predestination and how, although it exists, it is not absolute. Finally, she discusses the meaning of death dreams and the possibility of life after death.

  • 08:00:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the difference between sex and love, and how a woman who only focuses on sexual instincts is counter-productive. She goes on to discuss the larger issue of a woman's liberation from heartache and suffering.
  • 08:05:00 The speaker, Dr. von Franz, discusses the importance of connection in dreams and how, in today's society, it is often lost. She goes on to say that the only way to maintain connection in our increasingly over-organized world is to listen to our intuition and feelings rather than relying on logic.
  • 08:10:00 <could not summarize>
  • 08:15:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the difference between feeling and emotion, and how the former is inferior. She goes on to say that liberation of the heart would mean becoming gradually capable of sensing and feeling the uniqueness of the other person's personality, and that this requires a great deal of precision. Finally, she describes a scenario in which a novice comes to a zen master with an ungenuine answer to a question, and the master hits them in the core of their being.
  • 08:20:00 <could not summarize>
  • 08:25:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the role that affairs play in relationships. She explains that, depending on the type of affair, the woman may react in a different way. If the husband is having an affair with a woman, the woman may become angry and accuse him of not being in love with her. If the husband is having an affair with a man, the woman may become more understanding and nurse him back to health.
  • 08:30:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreams and the potential for personal growth when couples are able to get divorced projections and errors. She urges people to experiment with free love in order to create healthy relationships.
  • 08:35:00 Dreams can be used to help identify patterns and themes in an individual's life. Dr. von Franz discusses the significance of dreams and their relationship to the self.
  • 08:40:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the change that occurs in a person's dreams as they become older. She explains that this change is gradual, but it is nonetheless a sign that the individual is working out problems and developing their personality. She also points out that in the middle of life there is a transition phase where the dreams are mixed up.
  • 08:45:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the idea of predestination, which she defines as "a theological idea based on a feeling that there is a pre-existing pattern and there is naturally a lot of a human life has a pre-existing pattern." She goes on to say that, while predestination does exist, it is not an absolute concept, and that by understanding the pattern of our life we can change it a bit and avoid certain negative consequences.
  • 08:50:00 Dreams can have a positive or negative aspect, and death dreams may announce death. Dreams of dying people generally reflect a person's fear or anxiety about death.
  • 08:55:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the meaning of dreams, noting that they can often indicate the end of a person's life. She also discusses the possibility of life after death.

09:00:00 - 09:50:00

In the video, Dr. von Franz discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can be interpreted. She explains that a dream is a representation of the self, and that the dreamer is the center of the dream. He also compares the dreamer to a son or hero, and points out that he can see aspects of the self in the young man who tells the dream.

  • 09:00:00 Dreams can be contradictory and can offer insight into different aspects of one's life, such as identity, life process, and even the country's identity. Jung suggests that these aspects are part of a larger, mysterious force which we can only partially understand.
  • 09:05:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses dreams and how to interpret them. She explains that a dream is a representation of the self, and that the dreamer is the center of the dream. He also compares the dreamer to a son or hero, and points out that he can see aspects of the self in the young man who tells the dream.
  • 09:10:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the meaning of dreams and the importance of intuition in dream interpretation. She notes that it is often difficult to interpret dreams without the help of the unconscious, and that this is a gift from God. Once the meaning of a dream is understood, the dreamer is nourished and vivified.
  • 09:15:00 The video discusses the idea that dreams can be interpreted as a way for the ego to communicate with its inner center. It also explains that dreams often contain images that reflect aspects of life in a more abstract way. The main point of the video is that dreams are meant to be interpreted in totality, and that the meaning of a dream is more important than the images themselves.
  • 09:20:00 Dreams are a way of exploring our innermost thoughts and feelings. The pyramid is a symbol of the self and it is constantly alive and moving. It is a living organism that changes with the changing tides of life.
  • 09:25:00 The dreamer contemplates the role of dreams in our lives, and how they can be used to preserve balance and harmony. The dream image of a pyramid with a light at the top represents the highest value in our psyche, and the opposites of light and darkness, divine and earthly, are united in the dream. The dreamer wonders what it means, and concludes that it is a reminder to live life to its fullest and embrace all aspects of life.
  • 09:30:00 In this video, Dr. von Franz discusses the idea that we are all dreaming ourselves, and that our self is our dream. He goes on to say that it is important to recognize when our unconscious is interfering with our relationships, and that this can be checked by looking at our dreams. Finally, he discusses the importance of taking responsibility for our own behavior and projecting the right kind of energy into our relationships.
  • 09:35:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the difference between love and ego-love, and how to find true love. She also recites a short poem by a Chinese philosopher. Practicing 10 hours a day of her material can help individuals to better understand themselves and their relationships.
  • 09:40:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the importance of dreaming and how it can be used to release energy. She also talks about the divine marriage and how it is a perfect example of how dreams can be used to connect with Spirit.
  • 09:45:00 Dr. von Franz discusses the meaning of dreams and their connection to the unconscious mind.
  • 09:50:00 This video is a rebroadcast of a talk given by Dr. von Franz in which she discusses the meaning of dreams.

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