Summary of Wizja Kraju. Piąty Projekt dla Ukrainy.

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

The video "Wizja Kraju. Piąty Projekt dla Ukrainy" discusses the political views and beliefs of Ukrainian public figure Eryk Arestowycz, as well as various projects aiming for the future of Ukraine. Arestowycz is a relatively neutral figure in Ukrainian politics, but he has expressed his readiness to run for president if the current president does not seek re-election. He is critical of dominant ideological currents such as liberalism and socialism, and instead identifies with cultural conservatism. He proposes a fifth project that he calls "the 5th Project" to the future of Ukraine, which he sees as beyond materialistic motivations and aims to create a new civilization based on unrestricted spiritual and intellectual freedom. Arestowycz believes that Ukrainian identity is inherently multicultural, multiethnic, multi-religious, and multilingual, and rejects the notion of a unified nation. The speaker also talks about the Russian project, which is seen as a force limiting the arrival of the Antichrist and is currently playing a significant role in Russian Orthodoxy. The Soviet project is no longer viable, according to the speaker, but the Soviet space program is admired. The speaker considers all of these projects to be barbaric and advocates for creating a new civilization based on freedom and eternity, similar to the founding of the United States.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the transcript excerpt discusses the transformation of Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, into a national hero and international star following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Zelensky's personal courage and refusal to accept American evacuation offers when his downfall seemed inevitable contrasted with the standards of contemporary politicians and his own previous image as a Jewish comedian. During the critical initial days of the invasion, Zelensky's staff members were armed, with only one person, Oleksiy Arestovych, knowing how to use the weapons. Arestovych, a former military intelligence officer with combat experience, has become the embodiment of the Ukrainian resistance through his daily YouTube livestreams, providing a comprehensive understanding of Ukraine, Russia, and their potential futures. His expertise and calm demeanor have played a significant role in Ukraine's psychological warfare against Russia. Arestovych's videos, particularly his live discussions with Russian opposition figure Mark Feygin, have garnered a significant following and have been instrumental in calming and reassuring the Ukrainian population during the war.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the narrator discusses the political views and beliefs of Ukrainian public figure Eryk Arestowycz. Arestowycz, a professional psychoanalyst and popular figure in Ukraine, has expressed his readiness to run for president if the current president does not seek re-election. Arestowycz rejects dominant ideological currents such as liberalism, socialism, nationalism, libertarianism, and authoritarian conservatism, considering them divisive and mutually exclusive. He considers himself a cultural conservative and believes that Ukraine is in a historical crisis and that the ongoing war is not worth fighting for anything other than a future vision. Arestowycz proposes his own vision, which he calls the 5th Project, as an alternative to the existing four projects for Ukraine: the Euro-optimistic project, the nationalist project, the Soviet project, and the Russian project. He also criticizes gnostic thinking and identifies the green utopia represented by Greta Thunberg as a significant threat to Ukraine. Moreover, Arestowycz has a negative view of Ukrainian nationalism, perceiving it as a greater threat to Ukraine than the Russian project. He believes that Ukrainian identity is inherently multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious, and multilingual, and rejects the notion of a unified nation.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the various projects that are vying for the future of Ukraine. One of these projects is the Russian project, which is seen as a force limiting the arrival of the Antichrist and is currently playing a significant role in Russian Orthodoxy. Another project is the Soviet project, which, according to the speaker, no longer has any chance of success in Ukraine. However, the speaker admires and wants to revive the Soviet space program. The third project is the Euro-optimistic project, which the speaker sees some positive aspects in but does not expect it to be realized. Dissatisfied with these alternatives, the speaker proposes his own fifth project, which involves creating a new civilization based on unrestricted spiritual and intellectual freedom. He believes that the war in Ukraine should be fought to realize this vision, which goes beyond materialistic motivations and aims for a higher level of life. The speaker draws inspiration from the idea of founding a new Ukraine based on freedom and eternity, similar to the founding fathers of the United States. This new Ukraine would be open to anyone who has something to offer, and the speaker believes that the idea of freedom will be attractive enough to attract a significant amount of human capital from around the world.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of positive archetypes in shaping a new social structure and civilization. He argues that Ukraine has two main sources of archetypes: Early Kyivan Rus and the Zaporizhian Sich. While the inheritance of Kyivan Rus is the primary subject of the ongoing ideological struggle with Russia, the Zaporizhian Sich is uniquely Ukrainian. The Zaporizhian Sich was a military camp in the region of Zaporože, which was once called the Wild Fields. It was a place of defense against invaders and later launched campaigns against the Crimean Khanate and even the Ottoman Empire. The speaker emphasizes the democratic nature of this military community, where all male members had political rights. He also envisions applying this principle of inclusivity to modern Ukraine. While he considers himself conservative, he supports an open society modeled after pre-World War I Europe. He advocates for a strong state that combines elements of the Scandinavian system, such as supporting the development of newcomers' talents, with strong defense and security. The speaker also highlights the importance of language and culture, supporting the right of all minorities to use their own language while endorsing state support for Ukrainian language and culture without infringing on the constitutionally guaranteed rights of minorities. Overall, his vision for Ukraine draws inspiration from both the United States and the Zaporizhian Sich, with a focus on regionalism and autonomy, resembling Switzerland to some extent. He also maintains a nuanced view of Russia, distinguishing between the Russian people and the Putin regime, in contrast to the majority discourse in Ukraine.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, it is highlighted that regardless of the barbarism committed by Russian forces, Ukrainians should never stoop to their level and always conduct themselves honorably and in accordance with the laws of war. This stance by Arestovich is partly a reflection of his sense of honor and chivalry, as well as a matter of strategy. He criticizes those Ukrainians who refuse to differentiate between Russians who oppose Putin and his war on Ukraine, sarcastically referred to as "good Russians," and supporters of the regime and those who perpetuate it through passive tolerance. Arestovich believes that a wise person seeks allies while a fool rejects friends. This controversial aspect of his perspective is the cause of most of the harsh attacks he faces, particularly from Ukrainian nationalists. Arestovich rejects the simplified propaganda view that Ukraine was a victim of Russian imperialism, not only because of his deep aversion to the "victim culture" but also because it contradicts the foundations of the fifth project, which aims to unite all Ukrainians, past and present. He sees Ukraine not as a victim of the Russian and Soviet empires but as a co-creator and driving force of both. While he acknowledges Ukraine's responsibility for aspects such as the Holodomor and the crimes of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators, Arestovich wants Ukraine to be judged and condemned for those actions. He considers Ukraine to be the true heir of the early Rus, in contrast to today's Russia, which he sees as the political successor of the Golden Horde. In the existential struggle between order based on freedom and order based on fear, Arestovich wants as many Russians as possible, especially the most talented and those with the most to contribute, to choose Rus-Ukraine. He believes that the future of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict could unfold in at least two probable scenarios: an endless, drawn-out conflict reminiscent of the Arab-Israeli conflict, or, less likely, Russia completely relinquishing its imperial ambitions. Arestovich admires Israel, both economically and militarily, and believes that Ukraine must emulate its ability to make the most of human resources and exist in a state of exception while maintaining maximum freedom. He acknowledges that even with the best intentions, a Russian liberal leader would face immense difficulties in resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine without Ukraine's complete acquiescence to being a great power. Arestovich often quotes Bismarck to emphasize that Russia has never won a major armed conflict without Ukrainians. He regards debunking the achievements of figures like Prokopovich, who laid the ideological foundation for Peter the Great's Russian Empire, as the main task of his fifth project. Arestovich sees the inevitability of the collapse of the Russian state and wants his Rus-Ukraine to be ready to replace it, resurrecting the ancient Rus and rectifying historical injustices.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of a New Russia as an empire similar to the United States, based on free agreement, possibly in the form of a federation. He emphasizes that he is not hostile towards empires but defines them as states with several relatively autonomous cultures. The speaker believes that humanity needs a non-utopian project that can harness human creativity and energy. He admires Elon Musk and sees him as a successor to Soviet space pioneers, many of whom were Ukrainians. However, it is important to note that many of Arestovyc's ideas can be easily criticized and his idealized view of the Cossacks and Kievan Rus may not align with historical reality. The speaker also acknowledges that winning the war and overcoming resistance to such a radical transformation is a significant challenge, even if the support of the West is obtained. Ultimately, Arestovyc envisions a Ukraine that embodies his vision, but the realization of this project faces significant obstacles.

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