Summary of PORTRAIT TATTOO Structure / Exact Step By Step Plan

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

The artist in this video explains the standard way to create black and white portrait tattoos with gray washes. He starts from the bottom right, works his way up to the upper left, and uses prepared colors to avoid losing time. He then shows how to execute the tattoo with dark middle range, light grace, and lateral grace. Finally, he adds details like eyebrows and makeup.

  • 00:00:00 This 1-paragraph summary explains the video's main point: The standard way to do black and white tattoo portraits with gray washes is to start from the bottom right, work your way up to the upper left, and use prepared colors to avoid losing time.
  • 00:05:00 This video shows how to structure and execute a portrait tattoo. First, the color palette is divided, and then the different tones are introduced. The video then shows how to execute the tattoo with dark middle range, light grace, and lateral grace. Finally, eyebrows and makeup are executed.
  • 00:10:00 The video explains how to create the perfect portrait tattoo structure, starting with lighter tones and gradually increasing the darkness until the tattoo is complete. Once the darker tones are in place, the artist uses various shades of black to create the desired contrast and separation. Finally, they add details, using lighter colors to highlight specific areas.
  • 00:15:00 This video demonstrates how to create a portrait tattoo using specific steps and techniques. The steps include outlining the tattoo with darker tones, adding details with lighter tones, and highlighting specific areas with a contrast color. The video also discusses the importance of using grace in a portrait tattoo.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, an artist describes the steps involved in creating a black and white tattoo. He emphasizes the importance of following a strict, predetermined structure, and advises viewers to experiment with their tattoos to find the best approach for them.

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