Summary of Platica Dr Arturo Guzmán

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Dr. Arturo Guzmán discusses the importance of research and innovation in education. He also discusses the recent project he started at the University of Durango, in which students are conducting an online survey about a topic they would like to focus on more intensely during their doctoral studies.

  • 00:00:00 The school, Jose in the year Friday as educational institution has to live has well open this academic space with the presentation of the conference masterful research-action in the improvement of education delivered by the doctor arturo arredondo in the context of the activities planned for this semester for the academic of the postgraduate for that purpose, I allow myself to present master alfonso ruiz benítez, head of the department of formation and currentization of teaching welcome, master to the maestra e approach almansa director académica of our institution, triana of this event, thank you for the presence also of the academic coordinators and academic links of city juárez new houses grandes chihuahua cuauhtémoc creel and parral at the same time, we thank the presence of the teachers of the postgraduate and of the various licenciaturas offered by the institution, we thank a lot the presence of students of the various semesters of the postgraduate and of the licenciaturas of sixth and eighth semesters corresponding
  • 00:05:00 This video features Dr. Arturo Guzmán, a renowned professor and researcher in the field of education. He is currently the Director General of the National Commission for the Improvement of Education, and he is also a professor at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. In this video, Dr. Guzmán discusses the importance of research and innovation in education. He also discusses the recent project he started at the University of Durango, in which students are conducting an online survey about a topic they would like to focus on more intensely during their doctoral studies.
  • 00:10:00 This video is about the work of the National Commission for the Improvement of Education, which is working to improve education in Mexico. I'm talking about the connection between research-action and continuous improvement of education. I am a teacher and have worked in different government positions, so I have a lot of experience to share. I'll be presenting my paper in powerpoint today, and I want to ask you to stay with me. First, I want to talk about the purpose of this presentation: dialogue. We all have ideas, and I want to try to get those ideas across to you in a way that is both meaningful and respectful. I also want to talk about the difference between research and action, and how research-action is the key to improving education. I'll be discussing nine key points in this first part of the presentation: 1) the purpose of research-action, 2) the similarities between research-action and the improvement of education, 3) the difference between research and action, 4) the importance of research-action, 5) the methods of research-action, 6) the purpose of education, 7) the relationship between research-action and education, and 8) the importance of dialogue. In the second part of
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the importance of implementing continuous education programs in schools, which are called "plans of improvement continuous education" in education for high school students. These programs are also known as "continuous improvement programs" in basic education, and the innovative project that teachers in the higher education normal school work on is called "Buster." The discussion then turns to the difficulties in reconciling research-action methods with continuous education processes in education, and offers four basic agreements that teachers should come to. The speaker stresses that questions are always important and that lack of questions can lead to stagnation in knowledge generation. He also stresses that questions are the engine of generation of knowledge, and that there is no question that is too small or unimportant to be investigated. The speaker then goes on to discuss research-action logic and its conformity with the logic of continuous education. He offers four basic agreements that teachers should come to in order to facilitate dialogues and move forward with collaborative projects. He ends the talk by stressing the importance of taking time to reflect on the agreements made and the need for teachers to have the time to implement them. He also thanks those who have participated in the talks so far.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the three main approaches to education - the quantitative, which focuses on numbers and measurable data, the qualitative, which looks at the experience of students, and the mixed-methods, which incorporates both approaches. The presenter explains that, although all three approaches have their merits, one - the quantitative - has become dominant in recent decades. They go on to discuss the three main questions that educators ask when designing educational programs: what is the goal, how will it be achieved, and what are the consequences? The presenter then moves on to discuss the philosophical foundations of the quantitative approach, which involves questioning the existence of knowledge and the existence of values. They go on to discuss three questions that concern the ontology, the theory of knowledge, and the axiology, or theory of values. The presenter concludes the video by discussing the importance of having a philosphy of education - one that is open to questions and willing to explore all three approaches to education.
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses the difference between qualitative and quantitative methods, and argues that a mixed approach is the most appropriate paradigm. It features six different methods of research, each with its own academic community. The main point of the video is that there is only one paradigm, which ishermeneutic-constructivist, and it is supported by critical, emancipatory, and participatory approaches. The video then goes on to discuss the use of specific techniques, showing that all three qualitative methods can be applied to any research topic.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the importance of using questionnaires in research, and explores the difference between qualitative and quantitative research methodology. The video then goes on to discuss the research methodology of qualitative inquiry, which is focused on understanding phenomena holistically. It then interviews a researcher who has been using qualitative methodology for many years.
  • 00:35:00 Arturo Guzmán, a Mexican philosopher and professor, discusses the importance of using multiple methods of research in order to obtain the most accurate results possible. He emphasizes the importance of participatory research, which allows everyone involved in the research to have their voice heard and their opinion valued. Guzmán points out that while the use of multiple methods of research is important, it is even more important to be able to transform the results of the research so that they can benefit the people involved.
  • 00:40:00 This YouTube video is about the methodology of research, and how Arturo Guzmán, father of a researcher, discusses what research is and how it can be used for educational purposes. There are many good texts on the topic, such as the one by Torre (mentioned in the video) for teaching. However, if you read it, you'll find that it refers to them a lot, for example, because researchers are metodologists. There are different types of metodologists, and direct metodologists (those who teach metodology) include some excellent ones, such as the Tower. Other metodologists, like Rodriguez Gomez, are Spanish and make their research more practical to less jargon-y for beginners. When researchers visit, they should be familiar with the different levels of metodology, so they can orient themselves when looking at different methods. However, I am also a researcher, and I explore methods I have never used before, such as non-metodology. My father, in some way or another, will do great things like that one day. What has been conserved throughout the evolution of the methodology of research-action is the emancipatory quality, which means we are empowered to find something of value for ourselves
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses plastica Dr. Arturo Guzmán, who has made significant contributions to the field of education improvement. The video discusses how his theory of educational improvement is similar to the model used in the 2015 Mexican educational reform. It then reviews the two approaches to education- the empirical and the theoretical- and discusses the benefits of using both. It concludes by discussing how students should be taught to use both approaches, and how professors should be trained to do the same.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the similarities between Arturo Guzmán's comic book and his 2021 research proposal, "Platica Dr. Arturo Guzmán." The comic book focuses on the intervention of the police and offers suggestions on how to investigate and intervene. The research proposal offers a diagnosis and a plan of action, with a focus on students and educators. The comic book and research proposal share similar language and structure, and offer a way to help students who are struggling in their academic career. The professors and students attending the conference share their doubts and questions about the proposal. The professor suggests that the students and educators use what they are comfortable with and adapt it to their context and professional experience. The comic book and research proposal both offer a way for professors to be flexible with their methodology and to be practical. The students and professors at the conference hope that the professors will come to agreements and adopt common methodological positions.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses how students should approach research projects, with Arturo Guzmán sharing that three books are very good for finding things that don't agree. He begins by discussing how someone can determine if a problem is relevant and significant by looking at the reasons and motives behind the decision. Juan Sanchez, a Mexican economist, says that for teachers, he suggests focusing on topics related to teaching and learning processes. Ricardo Sanchez, a Mexican journalist, discusses the issue of inclusiveness in education and how it is a topic that should be approached by multiple generations. Camaney says that he can tackle anything in life, but that his brain doesn't have the capacity to tackle multiple problems. Guzmán then suggests that the students work on a specific problem, which would be an abstract situation that has a physical representation. Camaney shares that he can't convince another person that the problem of research is relevant, so he writes about it. Guzmán then asks the students to identify a filtered or selective number of problems that they can work on.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

Arturo Guzman discusses the importance of research methods and staying focused on the goal of the research. He provides tips for students on how to capture photos during research, and gives a presentation on national innovation and its importance to teachers. The students in the audience are enthusiastic and appreciate Guzman's expertise and clear presentation.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the importance of having an objective in problem solving, and how to achieve it by first identifying the relevant elements. It also discusses the use of observational tools in this process. Some students ask how to improve their reading speed by using advertising and corporal punishment in schools. This is an ongoing research study, with results expected within the next five years. Surprised by the language used, they would be surprised to find that it is based on principles of logical reasoning that are often unfamiliar to them. For example, one example is how to improve the English language skills of immigrant students in the United States through team-building exercises using cubes. The other option is to start with the disease and medicine in that order, as this is seen as the best way to improve the speed of reading. This is followed by a discussion of how to use the tangram to develop mathematical problem-solving skills. One student asks how to prioritize what is most relevant in problem solving. The video suggests that students take into account the context in which the problem occurs as well as the individual's own experiences. It also provides a 15-minute daily routine for students to use when they feel overwhelmed with a problem. Some students ask how to improve their
  • 01:05:00 Arturo Guzmán discusses the difficulties of working in the current pandemic and confinement setting, and notes that some restrictions still apply, such as the inability to observe. He also discusses how to adapt to these conditions, mentioning that ethnography is one way to do so. He provides a brief overview of the different types of instruments and how they are used in research, and ends with a suggestion for those who want to present their work in a more engaging way. The video discusses the difficulties of conducting research in the current pandemic environment, and provides a brief overview of how to adapt to these conditions. It also discusses different types of instruments and how they are used in research. Finally, it provides a suggestion for those who would like to present their work in a more engaging way.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses the use of multiple methods of data collection in research, including interviews, questionnaires, and observation. The presenter suggests that, while data collected in this way may not be entirely accurate, it is still useful in formulating a diagnosis and helping to guide future research.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses the importance of having a diagnosis, which is based on what the speaker observes in his or her own life. The diagnosis starts with the point of departure- that there is no need to modify it. The speaker suggests that investigators can modify whatever they want during the investigation, but the diagnosis is still the starting point. The speaker can do whatever he or she wants to change the situation, but the diagnosis remains the starting point. The speaker then moves on to discuss how research can be quantitative and under the method of measuring. The process of research and intervention can require more information, incorporating theory outside of the diagnosis. The researcher also discusses reflection, discussing how he or she approaches what he or she believes to be the most relevant aspects of his or her experience and knowledge. The video then switches to talking about the difference between goals and objectives, and how to write objectives that are relevant to the research question. The speaker then suggests that students learn mathematics in primary school so that they don't have to relearn it when they get to high school. The speaker then discusses the importance of planning research, and how it is the heart of the object of study. The speaker reminds the audience that one of the main challenges of research is keeping track of what has already been
  • 01:20:00 Planeación estratégica situacional está estudiando el ser humano y dice que es el único ser vivo en este mundo que no sabemos que hay otros mundos y otros seres vivos. Dicho esto, el ser humano posee la capacidad de construir de diseñar e imaginar su futuro. Esa capacidad es lo que nos hace únicos, según el autor. Por eso, es importante que la planeación estratégica situacional sea una parte integral de nuestra formación académica.
  • 01:25:00 This video discusses the importance of setting goals and developing a plan to achieve them, as well as the need for action and research to be coordinated within a dissertation project. The speaker suggests that doctoral students also develop an action plan for teaching and learning math. The speaker suggests that a dissertation project should include activities, resources, and human beings, and should have a plan for teaching and learning. He also suggests that the project's goal should be aligned with the specific question asked.
  • 01:30:00 The video interviews various activities selected as appropriate to resolve the problem that was detected, in order to ensure that all students achieve the same results. If there is no group in the world where all students achieve the same results, then we must recognize and respect the diversity of the students, based on their individual backgrounds, experiences, and context. Illness does not come from within, but from the environment in which the individual lives, so it is possible for each individual to learn more in accordance with what they already knew, based on their individual level of development. However, one student may be far behind another student in terms of development, but still achieve the same results. However, one student may be far behind another student in terms of development, but still achieve the same results. This is why it is important for each student to learn more in accordance with what they already knew, based on their individual level of development. However, teachers and researchers should not expect all students to achieve the same results in the same way, based on a single experiment. This is called mortality experimental research, and it is a method of studying death that is very cruel. Those who participate in it do not die, but technically, they are called mortality experimental
  • 01:35:00 The author discusses the importance of data collection and analysis, and how to maximize the impact of an intervention by taking into account the stages of data collection and analysis. He also provides an example of a problem that can be solved by implementing a different strategy after a few data collection cycles. The author reminds the reader that solving a problem always leaves a residue, and that it is important to focus on more important issues than data collection when resolving conflicts.
  • 01:40:00 This video discusses the risks and benefits of having a compulsive disorder. It discusses the risks of not having parents participate in treatment, and of research being impeded by family resistance. It also discusses the risks of ceding control to those with a compulsive disorder. A father provides examples of how his compulsive disorder has negatively affected his parenting skills. He recommends that researchers consider using qualitative methods, which can help build credibility and legitimacy. He also discusses how to reformulate treatment strategies as the intervention progresses. Finally, he responds to a question about how many times graduates of a graduate degree in education should revise their plans.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the importance of setting aside space in the discussion, but does not offer a specific answer. The video then provides additional information about instruments and how to use them in a way that will be helpful to readers. The speaker also suggests that student's final evaluation results may be useful for thought, and that the seven conclusions drawn from the study may be transferred to other teachers and students.
  • 01:50:00 Arturo Guzmán discusses his Dissertation Project on Plastica Dr., in which he looked into the problem of how to transform reality as he imagined it until it was reality that he could actually work with. He discusses the various questions and concerns that arose from his research, and how he went about addressing them. He also shares a student's experience from 1999 of revising fourth-grade mathematics theories and investigating whether students really knew what they were talking about. All four outcomes of the project (positive, mixed, negative, and no results) are discussed, as well as Guzman's reflections on how to write a thesis if results are not met as expected. Finally, he poses a question for readers to consider: If we cannot help those who are in need, what is the point of doing research at all?
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the importance of simple and easy research methods, and how to stay focused on the goal of the research. It features Arturo Guzman, a renowned doctor and professor, who discusses the process of analysis and its importance. He then goes on to discuss the importance of photo capture during research, and provides tips for students on how to do so. Finally, he gives a presentation on national innovation and its importance to teachers. The students in the audience are enthusiastic and appreciate Guzman's expertise and clear presentation.

02:00:00 - 02:05:00

This video features Arturo Guzmán, a maestro from the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, who delivered a speech at an event celebrating the achievements of graduates of the UACH's Licenciatura en Artes Visuales program. Guzmán discussed the importance of expanding the art scene, and invited the professors of the UACH's Licenciatura en Educación Media y Comunicación to participate in the event. He thanked the graduates, the students who accompanied them, and the professors from the UACH's Licenciatura en Educación Media y Comunicación.

  • 02:00:00 This video is a compilation of speeches by Dr. Arturo Guzmán, in which he discusses his research on education. The three books he has made available for purchase are accessible through a digital platform, and other books will be shared soon. Dr. Guzmán thanks his fellow academics for their generosity in sharing their intellectual output, and Francisco gives the floor to the audience. No questions are answered in the chat, which has been reviewed quickly and efficiently for technology-related issues. Congratulation to the Normal School for this project--it is a very compact team. Our directors, teachers, and students, many thanks for your participation. This was an extraordinary conference. The doctor, Gilberto Najera, also known and respected as a friend of Dr. Guzmán's, now takes the stage. He has always shown interest and respect for his own trajectory, and we thank our students, professors, and coordinators for their congruence in this excellent academic dialogue. We are confident that the future is being built by constructing concepts and today we are doing that very well. Many thanks, doctor Carolina, many thanks, doctor in virtue of this academic dialogue. The primary goal was to have a dialogue about education, and that is what we
  • 02:05:00 This video features Arturo Guzmán, a maestro from the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UACH) who delivered a speech at an event to celebrate the achievements of the graduates of the UACH's Licenciatura en Artes Visuales program. Guzmán discussed the importance of expanding the art scene and noted that it was important for the professors of the UACH's Licenciatura en Artes Visuales program to be present at the event. He also invited the professors of the UACH's Licenciatura en Educación Media y Comunicación to participate in the event. Finally, he thanked the graduates, the students who accompanied them, and the professors from the UACH's Licenciatura en Educación Media y Comunicación.

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