Summary of 5 Async + Await Error Handling Strategies

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

The video discusses five async + await error handling strategies. The first strategy is to simply catch the error and pass it on. The second strategy is to create a function that takes in a promise and handles the error and the data together. The third strategy is to use a sync wrap function to keep the data and the error separate. The fourth and fifth strategies are to use named variables to keep track of the data and the error. The doublet function is a more advanced strategy than the other four techniques.

  • 00:00:00 The four methods for handling errors in asynchronous code in JavaScript are with then and catch, sync await, and the mix and match method. The mix and match method uses await the get cheese and allows for code to be run after the get cheese is completed.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses five async + await error handling strategies. The first strategy is to simply catch the error and pass it on. The second strategy is to create a function that takes in a promise and handles the error and the data together. The third strategy is to use a sync wrap function to keep the data and the error separate. The fourth and fifth strategies are to use named variables to keep track of the data and the error.
  • 00:10:00 All settled will wait for all of your promises to be done, regardless of whether they reject or resolve. This is very important, as promise.all will abort if one of the promises reject. All settled can be used in place of Promise.all, and is arrays with the status and value.
  • 00:15:00 This video covers five different async + await error handling strategies, with each strategy having its own pros and cons. All of the strategies are supported by the popular library, Library. Finally, the doublet function is covered, which is a more advanced strategy than the other four techniques.

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