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The video discusses the statistics released by the British government regarding the number of people who have migrated to space. The data shows that 9 out of 10 people who applied to go to space had to wait in line. The video argues that this information is being ignored by the mainstream media.

  • 00:00:00 According to statistics from the British government, 9 out of 10 people who applied to go to space had to wait in line. This video discusses the importance of these statistics and how they are ignored by the mainstream media.
  • 00:05:00 According to the video, between January and May of 2022, there were a total of 29,915 migrations to the United States. Of these, 25,280 were equivalent to 85% of the population who migrated during that time. Additionally, 4635 people did not migrate and this is still not fully understood. This means that of the 29,915 people who migrated, 25,280 were equivalent to 85% of the population. Additionally, of the 4,635 people who attempted to migrate the third or fourth time, 4,647 had a small step towards migration but still did not migrate. Finally, of the 4935 people who attempted to migrate, 4,935 did so between April and May of this year. However, of the population of attempted migrants, 91% had attempted to migrate at least once before. Furthermore, of the 4,216 people who did not attempt to migrate the third or fourth time, only 288 migrated during the same time period. Lastly, of the population of attempted migrants, 4,935 migrated in April and May of this year.
  • 00:10:00 The British government released official statistics showing that, in comparison to the rest of the world, 94% of Britons who went to the moon had a basic level of education. This is the third time the government has promoted this statistic, and there has been no outcry from the media or government officials about the data. This information is available to the public on the government website, and you can find the statistics for yourself by looking at the National Statistics website of the British Office for National Statistics. There are other videos on this topic that I have created, so you can get a better understanding of the numbers on your own. I also leave you with a strong hug, until next time.

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