Summary of Why We Never Found The Malaysian Flight MH370?

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses the mystery of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, which has been missing for more than a year and a half. The transcript reveals that the plane was flying for hours after it was initially thought and that Inmarsat was able to confirm its location using a satellite. The transcript also reveals that the search for the plane is being hampered by the vastness of the area and the lack of reliable information from authorities.

  • 00:00:00 Four aviation specialists present their findings that the missing Malaysian flight MH370 was most likely hijacked and landed on a remote island south of the Maldives.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the mystery of why Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 never reached its destination, which has remained a mystery to this day. Various factors are discussed, including the weather conditions on the day of the flight and the passenger list. It is determined that the robbery theory is not likely to be the answer, as 20,000 robberies occur every day around the world. The plane eventually reached its planned destination, Beijing, but contact with the plane was lost less than an hour after takeoff. The final message from the plane suggests that it was lost in Chinese airspace, which has led to various conspiracy theories.
  • 00:10:00 The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 has left investigators with many questions, including why there was no communication with the plane after it vanished from radar. One possible explanation is that the plane crashed into one of the many remote islands in the area, as suggested by a specialist in the field. None of the passengers on the flight had the opportunity to try to make contact with their loved ones via cell phone, further supporting the theory that no survivors were found.
  • 00:15:00 The plane carrying Ghyslain Wattrelos and his family to Beijing was supposed to land at 6:30am local time, but never did. After several hours of no contact, officials said that the plane had likely crashed and that all passengers were dead. Watts's family is still waiting for news of their loved ones.
  • 00:20:00 The transcript excerpt from a YouTube video shows that Malaysia Airlines (MAS) did not immediately report that their flight MH370 had disappeared from radar screens, and that this may have prevented the plane from being intercepted and given a chance to safety. MAS is criticized for their lack of action in the face of this apparent safety violation.
  • 00:25:00 The narrator's son was on the plane that disappeared with MH370. The narrator was left alone for 48 hours after the disappearance and did not feel happy with the way the company was treating the family. He describes the plane and its capabilities and explains how it is impossible for it to disappear without a trace. He provides an example of a flight that followed the same path and conditions as the missing MH370 flight and concludes that it is impossible for the plane to have vanished without a trace.
  • 00:30:00 The two men who were originally seated in seats 30C and 34C on Flight 370 were replaced by two Iranian stowaways who had purchased their tickets at the same time and were traveling with an accomplice. The two men were eventually found and questioned by Thai police, who found them smiling and telling them about their misadventures.
  • 00:35:00 The author discusses why it is unlikely that the passengers involved in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 were terrorists, pointing to inconsistencies in their backgrounds and testimonies. The co-pilot is particularly scrutinized, as evidence suggests that he may have taken liberties with air regulations.
  • 00:40:00 The anonymous investigator provides intriguing information about the co-pilot, who may have been trying to contact a mysterious correspondent before the plane disappeared from civilian radar. Investigators will also look into the pilot's life to try and find any clues to what may have happened to the aircraft. Although the suicide theory is dismissed as unlikely, investigators are still exploring all possible leads in the case.
  • 00:45:00 According to the video, families of passengers on the Malaysian flight MH370 have had a difficult time getting information on the missing plane. The company in charge of loading the plane's cargo is based in Kuala Lumpur, and within the first few days of the flight, the pilot stopped communicating. It took a long time before they gave the freight list, which is incomplete and contains errors. When it came to loading, there were things that the company didn't want to say. In the freight list, lithium batteries were being transported on the plane, which is normally prohibited. Possibly as a result of the missing plane, there has been an explosive depressurization of aircrafts, causing loss of consciousness and death for passengers.
  • 00:50:00 This video discusses the possible reasons why Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014, never reached its destination. Experts suggest that the plane was hijacked or that it was taken by a skilled pilot, and that it may have landed somewhere in Indonesia or Thailand after following a carefully planned route.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses the mystery of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, which has been missing for more than a year and a half. The transcript reveals that the plane was flying for hours after it was initially thought and that Inmarsat was able to confirm its location using a satellite. The transcript also reveals that the search for the plane is being hampered by the vastness of the area and the lack of reliable information from authorities.

01:00:00 - 01:25:00

The video discusses the mystery of the Malaysian Flight MH370, which disappeared with 239 people on board in 2014. The author speculates that the plane may have been hijacked and taken to the American military base in Diego Garcia, but this theory is opposed by other experts. Families of the victims have expressed their frustration and despair at the lack of information about the plane's fate.

  • 01:00:00 The author of the video discusses the mystery of MH370, which vanished with 239 people on board in 2014. The Chinese boat said the next day that it did not record any noises, while the Australian boat said the noises were coming from their own boat. The Chinese boat forgot to register, but all this evidence of lies makes the story more than just incompetence. The debris found on Madagascar is a piece of the puzzle that needs to be examined by authorized experts to determine if it's from MH370.
  • 01:05:00 According to French experts, if the plane was hijacked, then the hijackers could have headed for Christmas Island, but due to the lack of fuel, the plane would have crashed south-east of this island. However, if the plane was hijacked for an attack on America, it could have headed for Diego Garcia Island, which is home to the most secret American military base. Based on the surveillance of Diego Garcia by the Americans, it is clear that they did not let the plane approach and would have had no choice but to shoot it down if it had been heading for the island. However, Marc Dugain, a French author who has investigated flight MH370, believes that the plane was hijacked for an attack on America and that it was heading for Diego Garcia Island at the time. This theory is opposed by other experts, who believe that the plane was hijacked for an attack on Christmas Island or Malaysia.
  • 01:10:00 The author of the video believes that if MH370 had continued on its original trajectory, it would have flown over the American military base in Diego Garcia, which may explain the lack of response from the American government. The author also speculates that the object found on a beach in the Maldives - which resembled a Boeing fire extinguisher - may be evidence that the plane was shot down. There has been a lack of response from the American government, which has led many families of MH370 victims to question their government's involvement.
  • 01:15:00 According to this YouTube video, when President Obama visits Malaysia, he is given a chance to meet with the Malaysian Prime Minister. Nine months later, Obama invites the Malaysian Prime Minister to play golf. It is at this golf game that the father of one of the passengers of the missing Malaysian Flight MH370 meets with the French Prime Minister and learns that the Malaysian authorities did not investigate his family's disappearance thoroughly. Five years after the disappearance of the plane, the same caution is required. The lack of information about the plane's fate has led to numerous theories among the public. Some individuals believe that the passengers were involved in some sort of espionage or that the plane was taken down by a foreign power. Others believe that the passengers were killed in an accident and that the plane was deliberately taken off the radar.
  • 01:20:00 The KL02 chip is a small, civilian-grade brain capable of controlling big machines and tiny robots. Researchers who had developed the chip were on board MH370 when it disappeared, and some people believe that they may have been taken hostage or crashed the plane remotely. There is evidence of a cover-up, with officials lying to every government about what happened. If the plane made it all the way to its destination, there are likely many people who know more than they're saying.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the Malaysian Flight MH370 mystery, and discusses the frustration and despair of those involved with the search. Ghyslain Wattrelos, the husband of one of the passengers on the flight, expresses his determination to find out what happened to the plane.

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