Summary of Resumen de resultados empresariales Q3 2022 (V) | Tu dinero en acción #32

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section of the YouTube video titled "Resumen de resultados empresariales Q3 2022 (V) | Tu dinero en acción #32," the speaker discusses a new pricing strategy for advertising on Netflix. Netflix is currently charging advertisers $65 per thousand impressions, which is higher than many competitors. However, Netflix is planning to pilot a new pricing structure that allows users to pay only $6 per month for advertising, which could potentially increase the number of users who can afford advertising. While some users may feel that this reduction in revenue is concerning, Netflix is positioning advertising as an opportunity for revenue growth and positioning the company as a cost-effective advertising medium. The speaker also discusses the potential potential revenue that Netflix could generate from this new pricing structure, assuming it results in significant growth of advertisers. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the benefits of advertising on Netflix in a cost-effective manner.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Javier discusses the financial results of three companies, with a focus on Netflix. He explains that the company's user growth had shown signs of stagnation, leading to a decline in stock price. However, Javier believes that Netflix's management is executing better than expected, especially through the utilization of shared accounts. He explains that shared accounts have become a hidden pricing power for the company, allowing them to generate more revenue. Javier concludes by stating that despite challenging times in the market, Netflix is proving to be a strong player, with the ability to adapt and generate growth.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses the impact of COVID-19 on various companies. The video finds that many companies, which initially seemed to benefit from COVID-19, had actually been negatively affected by it. They also compare how companies that have made the promise to perform have done this, and how each company has bombarded the market with performance, an example being Netflix, which currently has a better performance. The video goes on to discuss the importance of Netflix's performance and how it has affected the market, noting a 77% drop in its stock price before the company rebounded. The video finally concludes by saying that the market is starting to see that the recovery of Netflix is valid, and that discriminating between providers and payment speakers should be taken seriously.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the execution and performance of Netflix in terms of user growth. They explain that the rapid increase in subscribers during the COVID-19 pandemic was expected to slow down as people have already made their decision to subscribe to the platform. However, Netflix has managed to maintain consistent user growth and even exceeded market expectations. The speaker highlights that the market's skepticism towards Netflix's user growth was proven wrong as the company has delivered two consecutive quarters of strong user growth. They also mention that Netflix's content release strategy, with major releases happening towards the end of the year, will likely attract more users. The speaker concludes that Netflix's user growth, along with other factors, demonstrates the company's strong execution and performance.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the problem of the lack of growth of Netflix subscribers. They mention that Netflix is cutting back on the cost of content production, which seems to have affected the subscriber growth rate. The speaker goes on to explain that the еste aumenta la cantidad de caja de alta está suscribiendo. They explain that this increase comes from the fact that Netflix is abandoning some of its traditional content-related costs and instead increasing its spending on technology and marketing. Despite this, the speaker notes that the actual cost of content creation remains debatable, as some content may have a longer lifespan than others.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of Netflix's decision to focus on a wide range of content rather than investing heavily in blockbuster productions. They explain that while competitors like Disney and Amazon Prime are spending billions on big-budget productions, Netflix has already gone through the process of trial and error and has learned what works and what doesn't. By diversifying their content and constantly refining their offerings based on audience preferences, Netflix has been able to generate high viewer engagement and consumption. This approach has resulted in increased hours of viewing and a larger audience compared to their competitors. The speaker also highlights the potential impact of Netflix's decision to keep their content budget stable while reducing operational expenses. With even a modest increase in revenue, this could lead to significant margin growth and positive financial outcomes for the company. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of Netflix's strategic shift in content production and its potential for driving business growth and shareholder value.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the measures Netflix is taking to increase its user base and revenue. They mention that Netflix plans to continue increasing its users, particularly in emerging markets like Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region. They also highlight the value that Netflix provides to its users and the potential to increase the cost per user. To facilitate this transition, Netflix is introducing features like individual profiles and the ability for one user to pay for another's subscription. Additionally, they mention the possibility of introducing a lower-cost ad-supported plan. These measures aim to increase revenue without a significant increase in the number of users and demonstrate Netflix's focus on maximizing its pricing power.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Resumen de resultados empresariales Q3 2022 (V) | Tu dinero en acción #32," the speaker discusses a new pricing strategy for advertising on Netflix. Currently, users who wish to advertise on Netflix must pay at least $13 per month. However, Netflix is piloting a new pricing structure that allows users to pay only $6 per month for advertising. This new pricing structure may decrease the revenue for some Netflix users, though it could potentially increase the number of users who can afford advertising. The speaker highlights the benefits of advertising on Netflix, including its wide range of capabilities and the fact that it is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the transcript discusses the potential implementation of ads on Netflix and calculates the potential revenue they could generate for the company. The transcript assumes an average of 30 minutes of daily viewing per user and calculates that this would result in 15 hours of monthly viewing. With the proposed introduction of 5 minutes of ads per hour, this would amount to 75 minutes of ads per month. Assuming each ad is 30 seconds long, this would result in 150 ads per month per user. Netflix currently charges advertisers $65 per thousand impressions, which amounts to approximately 6.5 cents per impression. Multiplying this by the number of ads viewed, Netflix could potentially earn $9.75 per user in ad revenue. Considering that Netflix reduced its subscription fees when users switched to the ad-supported tier, this ad revenue could offset the discounted fees and even generate additional income for the company, potentially exceeding the revenue generated from the previous subscriber base.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential for increased revenue and user growth for Netflix. They mention that Netflix considers the value provided by each user to be much higher than the average payment received, indicating a significant margin for increased profits. Additionally, the speaker highlights how price increases, scheduled across all countries, add to this potential. The speaker also mentions the impact of economies of scale and cost reductions on Netflix's future performance, emphasizing the company's execution and leadership in the streaming market. The speaker believes there is still significant potential for growth and sees the opportunity for Netflix to generate substantial profits in the coming years. Moving on to another company, the speaker discusses Jazz Scientific, a small-cap company that acquires and manages scientific instrument businesses. They note that these niche businesses often have high margins and little competition, as they serve as exclusive suppliers for research departments, laboratories, and pharmaceutical companies. The speaker highlights the resilience of this market, as demand may be postponed but not destroyed, leading to eventual growth.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses the recent acquisition made by Jazz Cientific, a company that focuses on organic long-term growth and deploying capital efficiently. The acquisition of geotec, a company specializing in geological services, is expected to significantly increase margins for Jazz Cientific. Geotec is projected to achieve margins of 40% on sales, compared to Jazz Cientific's typical margins of 15-20%. Additionally, the organic sales growth for Jazz Cientific in the first half of the year was 7%, indicating a strong demand that is not being destroyed even during periods of crisis. The YouTuber mentions that the CEO of Jazz Cientific, David, is someone who is admired for his capital deployment strategies and high ownership of the company's shares. Overall, this acquisition and the positive growth prospects demonstrate the potential for long-term value creation for Jazz Cientific's shareholders.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the financial results of various companies. They mention that GEOTEC has been performing significantly better than expected and that it is likely that the Airnaud payment will be made in full. This implies that GEOTEC is expected to generate at least 11.4 million bits this year. The speaker also mentions that Ya Scientific has the potential to double its earnings in one year due to the acquisition of GEOTEC. They highlight that Ya Scientific's stock price has slightly increased, resulting in a lower multiple, making it an attractive investment. The speaker also praises Bici Curel for their cautious decision-making and their recent acquisition of GEOTEC. They suggest that Bici Curel may continue to make similar decisions in the future. The speaker briefly mentions the company MB Groves as an interesting small-cap investment option. Finally, they discuss the importance of businesses being able to increase prices and execute their strategies effectively.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the video discusses the financial results of a company called NBI in the third quarter of 2022. Despite challenging conditions in the industrial sector and global uncertainties, NBI managed to achieve a nearly 13% increase in sales compared to the same period last year. This growth was accompanied by an expansion in margins, with operating income rising from 14% to over 15%. These positive results are notable for a small company that imports components subject to inflation and sells to large customers. The management's execution and foresight in negotiating price increases played a crucial role in maintaining profitability. Additionally, the video highlights that if the prices of raw materials such as steel, electricity, gas, and shipping continue to decline, NBI and other companies in similar situations may benefit from lower costs and potentially improved margins in the future. However, it is important to note that the situation remains uncertain, and the company is cautious about the potential challenges that may arise in the coming year.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the company's financial results for Q3 2022 and highlights their plans for the future. Despite challenges posed by rising raw material prices, the company has been performing well and meeting its targets in the current year. Looking ahead, the company aims to double its sales from 50 to 100 million. The speaker also discusses key financial figures such as market capitalization and debt and emphasizes the potential for future cash flow generation. Investors are likely to see the company's growth prospects for the next four to five years, which may result in an increase in the market valuation of the company. The speaker concludes by expressing confidence in the company's ability to continue delivering strong returns for investors.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker provides an overview of the company's financial results, highlighting their plans for the upcoming year. They mention that the company has been performing well and meeting their targets in the current year, despite the challenges posed by the increase in raw material prices. Looking ahead, the company aims to at least double its sales from 50 to 100 million. The speaker also mentions some key financial figures, such as the company's market capitalization and debt, and emphasizes the potential for future cash flow generation. They believe that the market valuation of the company is likely to increase as investors see the company's growth prospects for the next four to five years. The speaker concludes by expressing confidence in the company's ability to continue delivering strong returns for investors, and encourages others to consider investing in the company.

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