Summary of IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0"

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video introduces the upcoming fourth international conference on health management "Health 4.0" and lauds the university's leadership in the field. The conference will address the big issues and problems facing society, with representatives from universities around the world in attendance.

  • 00:00:00 The video introduces the IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0" and its goal to help healthcare organizations navigate the digital age. The conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain from October 2-4, and will feature keynote speakers from around the world.
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses the IV International Conference on Health Management in the era of "Health 4.0." The conference is focused on how health management can be improved in an era of increasing technology and data.
  • 00:40:00 This video is about the International Congress of Administration in Health "Health 4.0" taking place at the Central Library. Myael Diaz Ursola, from the University of Córdoba, is speaking today. The Department of Public Health at the Faculty of Science of Health of the Universidad de Córdoba has taken an interest in sharing new knowledge that encourages individual and collective professional practice. Presentations are being given by international and national guests in order to enrich the themes of the event and to share new concepts that support the development of alternative strategies. The aim is to provide participants with new knowledge that advances the concept of health management from the perspective of organizations in the health sector. Finally, experiences related to the management and impact of the Kobe 19 pandemic are being described, and technological solutions applicable to organizational development in the health sector are being proposed. This event seeks to contribute to scientific community and impact general knowledge on various health topics being discussed. We welcome our audience, which is connected to us through YouTube at Uni Córdoba TV. Everyone is welcome to this academic conference. We wish a happy and safe voyage to our audience, which is currently connected to Uni Córdoba TV through YouTube. We greet the members of the main table
  • 00:45:00 The video introduces the upcoming fourth international conference on health management "Health 4.0" and lauds the university's leadership in the field. The conference will address the big issues and problems facing society, with representatives from universities around the world in attendance.
  • 00:55:00 This was the opening speech of Doctor Jairo Miguel Oviedo, rector of the University of Cordoba. He talked about the importance of the fourth industrial revolution, Salud 4.0, and introduced the first speaker, Doctor Clemente Ruiz Durán. Doctor Ruiz Durán is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, University of California, Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Universidad Autónoma de Autónoma de Baja California, and he has received numerous awards, including a doctor honoris causa from the University of Baja California Mexico. They received a strong applause. Next, without going to sleep, let's hear from you. Each person has a presentation.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video discusses the importance of universities working together with the pharmaceutical industry in order to advance medical technology. It also discusses the need for better healthcare management, and provides an overview of Johnson & Johnson's history in this field. Finally, it mentions how the health system needs to be redesigned in order to take advantage of new technologies.

  • 01:00:00 This video discusses the health care industry and how universities can play a role in advancing it. It highlights the importance of the pharmaceutical industry and how universities need to focus on research and development in order to keep up with advances in medical technology.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the need for increased imports of medical supplies due to a lack of domestic production, and the negative impact this has on the country's balance of trade. It then discusses the idea of combining traditional pharmaceutical production with local knowledge, which would improve the quality of care provided to patients. The main proposal made in the video is that Colombia should develop its own indigenous pharmaceutical production, in order to better serve the needs of its population. This would require restructuring the industry and incorporating indigenous medicine into the country's existing pharmaceutical production infrastructure.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses the importance of the pharmaceutical industry in Latin America, and how this industry has been impacted by the recent opioid epidemic. It points out that Latin America is not the only region of the world that is suffering from an insufficient supply of pharmaceuticals, and that the problem lies primarily with the way the industry is financed and operated. The video suggests that the universities should be more involved in drug development, and that this is an area in which they can benefit greatly from patents.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses the need for better healthcare management, and provides an overview of Johnson & Johnson's history in this field. It discusses the effects of climate change on health, and the need for companies to produce more vaccines. It also mentions that there are 15 vaccine companies in Latin America that have accumulated 37% of the market share in the region.
  • 01:20:00 In this video, a speaker discusses the challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry in developing national pharmaceutical industries. He states that universities are important allies in this process, as they are responsible for the development of medical technologies not typically found in academia, such as vaccines and medicines for war-zone injuries. He also discusses the importance of involving universities more in the development of modern medicine, as they are better equipped to do so than most other industries.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the importance of innovation in the health field, and how universities need to shift their focus from selling technology to actually helping patients. It also discusses the drug industry, and how it is becoming more knowledge-based and intensive in research, rather than sales-based. Finally, it mentions how the health system needs to be redesigned in order to take advantage of these new technologies.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses the inequality in health care access in Latin America, and the factors that contribute to this inequality. It points out that in Argentina and Brazil, the number of people who are insured through social security is very few, while in Colombia, because people are not insured through social security, they become impoverished and die. This reality is being seen in a way that should not be, as we should not be trying to achieve social security through social security policies being for all, rather than just a few. There are not many medical researchers, and then it is not so easy to patent the issue of, for example, a doctor at the University of Mexico developing a drug to treat cancer. Then, another doctor trying to patent a product to treat cancer found all the difficulties in the world. The idea is to develop a market for this product within the country, but this process is difficult. We need to see which corporations are developing these products, and we need to create a mechanism for this to happen.
  • 01:35:00 The following is a transcript excerpt of a YouTube video titled "IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0"" which reviews the spending on research and development (R&D) by universities in Argentina. According to the video, the amount spent on R&D by the University of Córdoba is relatively low, and there is a need for more funds to be dedicated to R&D in order to improve health care technology. One example of a medical device that has been developed with the help of R&D is telemedicine, which is being used in Colombia to provide remote medical care to patients in areas that are difficult to reach.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses the importance of developing an industry for medical devices, and why Colombia has not been successful in doing so. It interviews two experts: one from the Mexican university of Cordoba who is developing a patent for a medical device, and another from the National University of Colombia who is specializing in social security. They explain that the lack of investment in the industry is due to a lack of government interest, and that the current government is not as enthusiastic about change as previous administrations. They continue the discussion by talking about the importance of technology in healthcare, and how universities in Latin America should focus on innovation in this area. Finally, they thank the audience for their attention and ask for their support in developing this industry.
  • 01:45:00 This video addresses the importance of understanding the Colombian context when practicing health administration. The speaker discusses the 2015 law, "Law 1751 of 2015," which formalizes the country's human rights to health. The speaker also discusses the importance of having a business plan when starting a business in the health sector. The speaker finishes the talk by giving advice to students who are planning to enter the health administration field.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses the establishment of a commercial enterprise, and the need to associate and form a business society in the context of an economic and social legal context currently. We must also add the environmental aspect. The formal aspect that you work with legal texts to ground your administrative decisions and functions in the Constitution, law, and resolution/orientation of competent agencies must have you provide a foundation for verifying that your goals as an administrator are in compliance with what is provided by law. If we advance in this context, the following presentation is scheduled. There is a precedent to the 2030 Agenda and I do not want this to be seen as a conspiracy theory if there is an agenda of the world, but a world-wide focused on achieving 169 goals states have committed to improving our living conditions in society. We have 17 development objectives. Those who are studying to graduate in research or who are interested in understanding which areas are development-oriented should consult the updated version of this course. State health is a fundamental right, and as such, you must address the following scenario: you form a clinic and sign contracts with the government's real estate agency. You are looking for profits, but health is a fundamental right. This dynamic has to be addressed from the commercial
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the importance of interdisciplinary work in health administration, and offers a proposal for how this can be achieved. It draws on the example of Colombia, where the concept of "lebashing" has been replaced by the concept of "work decency." This new understanding of work requires the integration of different fields of study, and the willingness of administrators to work together. The video also discusses the importance of having an integrated team of professionals in order to achieve success in health administration. This team should include doctors, lawyers, and social workers, among others.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

The video discusses the importance of the IV International Conference on Administration in Health, which is focused on improving the quality of life by reducing risks and protecting the health of employees. The conference will feature a talk by Rafael Alberto Zúñiga, Mercado, on the topic of sustainable work and health, followed by a virtual session with Jessica Quezada Calderón, a student at Estatal a Distancia University of Costa Rica, who will be presenting on risk factors in the workplace from a health and safety perspective.

  • 02:00:00 This video discusses the importance of unions in the workplace, and how to manage risk while still benefiting economically. It features a talk by Rafael Alberto Zúñiga, Mercado, on the topic of sustainable work and health. The talk is followed by a virtual session with Jessica Quezada Calderón, a student at Estatal a Distancia University of Costa Rica, who will be presenting on risk factors in the workplace from a health and safety perspective.
  • 02:05:00 This video discusses a research project that looks at the risks associated with working remotely, and how a Costa Rican company has responded by sending all of its employees who work remotely to a rehabilitation center.
  • 02:10:00 This video discusses the importance of health 4.0, which focuses on improving the quality of life by reducing risks and protecting the health of employees. The speaker discusses the importance of research in this area and provides a brief overview of the study. The speaker then discusses the risks to employees working online, and how to protect them. Finally, the speaker discusses the objectives of the research, and how it can be used to protect employees.
  • 02:15:00 The purpose of the international health conference "Salud 4.0" is to determine the effects of the methodology on health care. The research methodology is a mixed approach because it will help to minimize the repetition of procedures, regardless of the department. Data analysis, data production, data visualization, and data consolidation are all included in the research process using numerical, verbal, symbolic, and other data types. The problem is the research need, and 15 businesses have collaborated in this study. Divisa, a company with five labs, is one of them. However, only 85 cents are being given to each participant because the rest of the money is being used for the conference itself.
  • 02:25:00 The speaker discusses the study, which looked at the impact of an unexpected event on the economy specifically in terms of poverty and monetary poverty. The objective of the study was to determine what impact, if any, the event would have on the issue of poverty monetarily. In 2018, the study conducted a survey of around 1,000 people in Montería, Chile.
  • 02:30:00 This video presents four economic models used to estimate the vulnerability of populations to different degrees of poverty. Montería's 600 surveys were used to create the four models. One model, the linear model, is the most commonly used because of its simplicity and the ease of calculating marginal effects. Finally, the article discusses how the line of poverty is determined for urban and rural areas in Colombia, and provides a comparative example of Uruguay.
  • 02:35:00 The video discusses the distribution of income in Montevideo, Uruguay, and how this affects poverty levels. It also provides a graphical representation of the distribution of incomes in Montevideo, and explains the use of four different economic models to estimate the effects of the Covid program on poverty levels. Finally, the video explains how to calculate the effects of marginalization on poverty levels.
  • 02:40:00 The speaker is discussing the results of a study that used simple economic models to determine the significance of the asterisks. Statistically significant results were found for the model as a whole. Furthermore, each individual model was also statistically significant. This means that the model is likely accurate and can be used for predictions. The speaker continues by discussing poverty levels in Montería, Mexico, before and after the Zika outbreak. Before the outbreak, poverty levels were 37%. However, due to the effects of the Zika virus, poverty levels have risen to 55%. The speaker urges policymakers to focus not just on the poor, but also on the vulnerable, such as those who are out of poverty but still vulnerable to economic setbacks.
  • 02:45:00 The next speaker at the international conference on health management will be José Luis David, who will be presenting on the topic of "Salud 4.0." This presentation will be available to view on José Luis's screen, and he will be able to continue with his presentation later.
  • 02:50:00 The video discusses the upcoming IV International Conference on Administration in Health, which is scheduled to take place in Mexico this year. According to projections, by 2020, Mexico will be the country with the highest number of speakers of the Spanish language.

03:00:00 - 03:50:00

The video discusses the IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0," which is a conference that focuses on how to implement "Salud 4.0" - a health care system that focuses on the patient and the community as a whole.

  • 03:00:00 The presenter discusses the research project she completed on the behavior of health services use in a municipality in Southern Argentina. The project focused on mental health services use.
  • 03:05:00 The video discusses the global trend of mental health disorders being called "4.0" and presents different proposals for how to improve mental health care. In Colombia, an integrated health information system (IHIS) is in place that allows for access to epidemiological and statistical information on health services, as well as health observatories for mental health and health services. One goal of the project is to characterize the use of mental health services in Montería municipality and, more specifically, during the 2011-2020 period. The study found that, on average, people visited mental health services once a month. It also found that, by sex and age group, men and women, and young and old, use mental health services at similar rates. The project is currently studying the trend of mental health services use and aims to develop policies and programs to improve mental health care.
  • 03:10:00 The video discusses the IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0," which was held in Montería, Argentina in March 2019. The conference focused on how to implement "Salud 4.0" - a health care system that focuses on the patient and the community as a whole. Asequibles - affordable care - must receive that attention and also the Panamericana de la Salud's recommendation is that services should be centered on people and the community in general. Montería - as seen in 2011 - to 2020 has experienced a population growth, and thus, it is possible to observe how the health system has responded. All of the methodology - including the study's retrospective descriptive document (descriptive statistics), quantitative study (probabilistic sample), and three presentation formats - was taught to a sample of people from the National Observatory of Mental Health. The study's results showed that, between 2011 and 2020, the population of Montería used mental health services 4,055 times. From 2015 to 2019, the number of mental health services used increased from 4,000 to 10,000, and from 2019 to 2020 it increased to 26,000. However, in 2020 there
  • 03:15:00 The video discusses the issue of mental health and its prevalence in society, and highlights the importance of increasing access to mental health services. It then reviews the data on suicide rates in Colombia, and provides recommendations for administrators looking to reduce suicide rates.
  • 03:20:00 The speaker describes her work as an administrator in health care, and how prevention is important in order to reduce Suicide rates. She also talks about her experience with a student who attempted suicide. She concludes the talk by thanking the audience.
  • 03:25:00 The video, "IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0"" discusses the importance of health management based on evidence and what is happening in day-to-day life in institutional settings. It also discusses the importance of a model that is predictive as well as educational. Finally, it discusses the need for a national policy framework to implement this model.
  • 03:30:00 In this video, the speaker discusses the concept of "4.0" healthcare, and how it can be achieved when we understand theory and practice. We can make mistakes by doing things that seem crazy, and it is important to awaken the flame of research in each of us. There are several failures that we encounter here, including the lack of trust between health care providers and patients. This relates more broadly to the lack of confidence patients have in the system. Remember that the author is always the user, but there is also a fragmentation between the delivery of health services and the assurance of health care through contract negotiations. In addition, the disintegration and lack of resolution at the primary level is due to the lack of response at the secondary level. We must understand the foundation of all education in health, which is health literacy. Education in health should begin early in life and continue through adulthood, when we understand our own health consciousness. We must also consider the needs of public health and the special challenges of ethnic and rural populations. We must remember that all collective interventions are complementary to the mandatory health plan, but what happens to each of us when we are fragmented? We have high levels of illness, and this concept as it was expressed by the previous speaker - a renewal of
  • 03:35:00 This video discusses the third topic of the IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0", which is predictions. The speaker talks about how they make predictions by using models or information that allows them to be accurate. They also talk about projects that use markers to send medical information electronically. There are many ways to improve and provide medical services using new technologies, and the speaker also mentions telemedicine and other services that are provided through new technologies. The main goal of this conference is to develop an application or innovation that will be implemented in the home, in the educational setting, and throughout the lifespan. The conference is still in progress and the speakers' status is still being confirmed, but they will be sharing a talk about chatbots for anxiety and depression control at the end of the conference.
  • 03:40:00 The video discusses the International Congress of Health Administration 4.0, which is taking place this week. The event is open to the public, and today's session, on telemedicine, is open to all interested participants. The course will continue tomorrow at the same venue.
  • 03:45:00 The speaker introduces the IV Congreso Internacional de Administración en Salud "Salud 4.0." He notes that many people are not being heard, and the microphone is not working properly. The speaker thanks the audience for their patience, and tells them that he can hear them faintly. He then talks to one of the attendees, José David. José David can be heard but his colleagues cannot.
  • 03:50:00 The video discusses the third day of the international health conference, and talks about how the conference is going. There will be a fourth conference day later this week.

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