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The notes summarize a closing presentation for the GO Karlsruhe project, a real laboratory project aimed at exploring the use of the foot for transportation. The project was launched by MWK and received funding from the land level of the state of Baden-Württemberg. The presentation highlights the success of the project, which was recognized with the German Engineers Prize in the Transportation in Dialog category. The speaker thanks the project partners, including the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Karlsruhe City Council, for their support. They also express gratitude to Anke Bauer, the Minister for Education and Research of Baden-Württemberg, and Alfred Salomon, the Honorable Parliamentarian, for their contribution to the project's success. The speaker reflects on the experience of visiting the Real Lab GO project after four years and comments on the importance of personal growth and the value of experience in participating in such projects. They discuss the significance of the Real Lab project in promoting mobility through walking and cycling, as well as its inclusion in various funding programs, including the Bundesverkehrsministerium and Bundesforschungsministerium.
In the video "Abschlusspräsentation: Reallabor GO Karlsruhe," a speaker discusses the collaboration between the Real Labor Go Karlsruhe and the transport and logistics industry. The speaker highlights the benefits of working with the Real Labor, such as the ability to try out innovative projects, share knowledge and best practices, and gain valuable insights into different areas of the industry. The Real Labor helped with a project to improve transportation and mobility in Karlsruhe, and the speaker believes that partnering with the Real Labor has been a valuable and fruitful collaboration. The speaker also discusses the importance of taking into account the needs of the people when developing traffic plans and mentions the challenges of finding the best balance between pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
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