Summary of Abschlusspräsentation: Reallabor GO Karlsruhe

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The notes summarize a closing presentation for the GO Karlsruhe project, a real laboratory project aimed at exploring the use of the foot for transportation. The project was launched by MWK and received funding from the land level of the state of Baden-Württemberg. The presentation highlights the success of the project, which was recognized with the German Engineers Prize in the Transportation in Dialog category. The speaker thanks the project partners, including the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Karlsruhe City Council, for their support. They also express gratitude to Anke Bauer, the Minister for Education and Research of Baden-Württemberg, and Alfred Salomon, the Honorable Parliamentarian, for their contribution to the project's success. The speaker reflects on the experience of visiting the Real Lab GO project after four years and comments on the importance of personal growth and the value of experience in participating in such projects. They discuss the significance of the Real Lab project in promoting mobility through walking and cycling, as well as its inclusion in various funding programs, including the Bundesverkehrsministerium and Bundesforschungsministerium.

  • 00:00:00 Beginning: In this section, the speaker welcomes the attendees to the closing presentation of the GO Karlsruhe project, which is a real laboratory project that focuses on exploring the use of the foot for transportation. This project was launched by MWK several years ago and was one of fourteen projects funded at the land level of the state of Baden-Württemberg. The GO Karlsruhe project was implemented by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in collaboration with several stakeholders, including the city of Karlsruhe, the Karlsruhe Burger Verein, the Vereinigung für Stadt-Region- und Landesplanung, the Fussverkehr Deutschhand, the Verkehrsverlag Neue Welle, and other organizations. The project is aimed at exploring the potential of the foot as a means of transportation and is of great importance in view of the growing trend towards sustainable transportation. The speaker acknowledges that there have been previous projects that focused on the exploration of the football but this project is different as it involves a collaboration with non-scientific institutions, it is important to note that this project was recently recognized with the German Engineers Prize in the Transportation in Dialog category. Closing: The speaker acknowledges that the organizations involved in the project have been instrumental in its success. They expressed thanks to the project partners, including the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Karlsruhe City Council, the Karlsruhe Burger Verein, the Operations Management Foundation Karlsruhe, the German Federation of Regional and State Planning, the German Football League, and New Wave Radio. The speaker also expressed special appreciation for the role played by Anke Bauer, the Minister for Education and Research of Baden-Württemberg, and the Honorable Parliamentarian Alfred Salomon in particular.
  • 00:05:00 in this section, the speaker reflects on their experience of visiting the Real Labor GO project in Karlsruhe after four years. They recollect the initial excitement of being selected for the project through a competitive procedure and the funding provided. The speaker also discusses the importance of personal growth and the value of experience in participating in such projects. They highlight the significance of the Real Labor project, which aims to promote mobility through walking and cycling. The speaker comments on the changing perception of the project and its inclusion in various funding programs, including the Bundesverkehrsministerium and Bundesforschungsministerium. They explain that the project is an invention from Baden-Württemberg and that the concept has evolved over time. The speaker also discusses the importance of scientific collaboration with political decision-makers and social changemakers to bring innovative solutions to address complex challenges. They mention the role of science in driving societal change and improving our understanding of the world. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of science in solving practical problems and the role of science in shaping the future.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the placement of hands in academic work. They point out that academic self-governance exists within universities and that this requires multiple tasks, including foraging for research and producing products. The speaker notes that this involves considering time and risk, and despite these, it is essential to motivate people and projects to achieve better results. The speaker highlights the original motivation for the real lab project called GO in Karlsruhe, detailing how the first funding line was inquired into, and how 14 real lab projects were selected during this process. The speaker emphasizes that both the first and second generations of the project are now showing their progress. They comment on the various levels of success and the complexity of certain projects, such as GOKarts. The speaker suggests that the real lab format in Karlsruhe is constantly grounded and strengthened, and its chances of contributing to the application of innovation will continue to be open.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the presenters discuss the importance of accessible instruments in science and technology, and highlight the work of statisticians and KI professors. They emphasize the need to make these potential possibilities accessible to the public, as it is crucial for issues that interest and drive them. Furthermore, they note that this will lead to more engagement with science and technology, and ultimately, help in addressing real-world problems. The presenters also mention the goals of their project, including broader, more urban mobility and sustainable solutions.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, we find that the introduction of the new wave in the media played a significant role in bringing the first sketches to what is now known as the reality laboratory. The main objective of the laboratory is to foster participation among people and bring about change in the world. The process of the reality laboratory involves several steps, including situation analysis, development of solutions, and experimentation in real-life scenarios. The purpose of experimentation is to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the solutions developed. The success of the reality laboratory is measured by the results obtained, which are used to improve the lives of people. The laboratory aims to be an efficient and effective platform for the development of solutions and experimentation, thereby bringing about positive change.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the details of a real labor project that aimed to improve pedestrian safety in streets. The project involved experimenting with markings in public space, which required the reconfiguration of the nearby streets and the introduction of bike lanes. The speaker mentions that the regular traffic analysis showed an increase in the number of vehicles on the road as the anchor point moved towards the pedestrian area. As a result, the pedestrian verload in the area increased, leading to an improvement in the pedestrian situation.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, it is discussed that the key to understanding the older population's behavior is through the digital tools. The college Thomas goes further to explain the importance of using digital media, such as apps, to facilitate participation in research studies rather than relying solely on traditional methods of face-to-face interactions. One of the app offerings that was developed to facilitate participation was Real Labor. The team came to realize that the app needed to be accessible and user-friendly, and that it needed to support a wide range of devices and users. The development team also recognized the importance of the app providing feedback mechanisms to the users to ensure that their opinions are heard. The Real Lab app has been successful in collecting data, which has helped to inform decisions about the urban environment, including parking, entertainment, and footpaths. The development of the Real Lab app was one step towards making research more accessible to the wider population.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the student presents a video about a research project conducted by the Reallabor GO Karlsruhe in Germany. The project focuses on finding solutions that can make local renewable energy systems work together in a synchronized and efficient way. The student discusses some of the challenges that the team faced while building an energy storage system with a battery that runs on AC power. They describe the different variables that need to be taken into account when constructing such a system and how they were able to overcome them. The video also highlights some of the experiments conducted and the feedback that the team obtained from the participants of the project.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the transcript, it is discussed the role of digital tools as a catalyst for engagement in the Real Labor Karlsruhe project. The focus is on low-threshold participation tools such as the stele, which has proven effective in promoting engagement and complementing more complex tools. The importance of these tools is highlighted as they can facilitate the development of partnerships, enable direct feedback, and decrease the number ofginger dieser heißt es bezogen auf das prätisieren in der Veränderung o. w., ist es erst richtig real real laborevent.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the video presents a real-labor project in Karlsruhe that aims to improve foot traffic in the city. The project measures the amount of traffic on foot and identifies the areas with a longer backup. However, the project notes that due to the shift from two to one traffic lane, traffic has increased on this section of the street. The project proposes a simple modification to the signal systems, which can show a significant improvement in foot traffic without causing significant disruptions. The project suggests that this approach could be applied to other areas of the city, where foot traffic is an important factor in improving the quality of life.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the video highlights a project in which people in Karlsruhe asked the opinions of pedestrians about their comfort in the city. This was a valuable experiment that not only focused on the comfort of the guests but also on inspiring the positive perception of the community. The project was carried out using a "football encounter" experiment, where pedestrians were asked about their comfort by pressing a button with a smiley on their phones at the same time they encountered barriers on the streets. The data collected showed that foot traffic flowed more smoothly, and the survey attracted a high level of response. The positive results of this experiment made the creators of this project feel proud, and the entire stakeholders were also recognized and appreciated for their hard work.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the video presentates a research project conducted by the Karlsruhe branch of Goethe University, focusing on the mobility in the city of Karlsruhe. The project highlights the importance of integrating not only the technical aspects of transportation but also the social and societal acceptability of new developments in urban mobility. The video talks about how the university is currently developing new methods to conduct transportation experiments in the city, such as the "Ev Campus" experiment, which aims to test new transportation concepts in the city and provide valuable insights to both the university and the public. The video highlights the importance of interdisciplinary work and collaboration between different stakeholders, such as engineers, architects, and urban planners, in order to create sustainable and effective transportation systems that benefit all citizens.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the video "Abschlusspräsentation: Reallabor GO Karlsruhe," a speaker discusses the collaboration between the Real Labor Go Karlsruhe and the transport and logistics industry. The speaker highlights the benefits of working with the Real Labor, such as the ability to try out innovative projects, share knowledge and best practices, and gain valuable insights into different areas of the industry. The Real Labor helped with a project to improve transportation and mobility in Karlsruhe, and the speaker believes that partnering with the Real Labor has been a valuable and fruitful collaboration. The speaker also discusses the importance of taking into account the needs of the people when developing traffic plans and mentions the challenges of finding the best balance between pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, a speaker discusses the collaboration between the Real Labor Go Karlsruhe and the transport and logistics industry. The speaker highlights the benefits of working with the Real Labor, such as the ability to try out innovative projects, share knowledge and best practices, and gain valuable insights into different areas of the industry. The speaker mentions the project in Karlsruhe that they worked on, which aimed to improve transportation and mobility F. The Real Labor used its resources and expertise to help with this project, and the speaker believes that partnering with the Real Labor has been a valuable and fruitful collaboration.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of taking into account the needs of the people when developing traffic plans. The speaker talks about the challenges of finding the best balance between pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and how this can be a difficult task. The speaker mentions that he has worked on developing traffic plans in the city of Karlsruhe, Germany and that this has been a complex process. He also mentions that he is very interested in seeing how the city can use the experience it has gained from its traffic planning efforts to improve the situation even further in the future.

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