Summary of #1019: We moeten zelf alternatief beleid maken! | Gesprek met Thijs Jansen

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this YouTube video, Thijs Jansen discusses various topics related to leadership, professional training, and decision-making. He emphasizes the importance of self-make alternatives for those looking to learn and improve their leadership skills. Jansen has published several books on this subject, including "Gezagsdragers," which focuses on authority figures. He reflects on the impact of his work and the solutions provided by his institute, which has expanded its activities to include classes on leadership, discipline, and machtuoefing (power exercise) in the context of education. Jansen explores the different forms of power and decision-making, including legalism and bureaucracy, and the importance of balancing personal power and public expectations. He also discusses the concept of gezag or authority and its relationship with power.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Jelle van de Waterwijk welcomes Thijs Jansen to discuss professional training and the problems faced by administrative and management employees in the Dutch workplace, particularly the issue of leadership. Thijs and his team have been conducting research into leadership at The Institute for Leadership Development, and he shares his insights on the importance of self-make alternatives for people looking to learn and improve their leadership skills. Thijs has published several books on the subject, including "Gezagsdragers," which is a translation of "Authority Figures," one of the titles in Jansen's series of books under the umbrella title of "Beroepsziek." Jansen reflects on the impact of his books and the solutions provided by his institute, which has expanded its activities to include classes on leadership, discipline, and machtuoefing (power exercise) in the context of education. He also notes that the pursuit of authority is the bread and butter of many people, and the history of democracy is a history of striving for leadership.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of gezag or authority and its relationship with power. They state that gezag is defined as someone having influence over another, which is willingly accepted by them, and that the definition emphasizes the form of influence and its upward direction. The speaker uses examples of various figures such as teachers, fathers, and dictators to illustrate how they exercise influence over others. They also touch upon the difference between having power and gezag, emphasizing that while power can be used to force people into submission, it is the influence and authority that are truly important in shaping people's behavior.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different forms of power and decision-making that people can use in various settings. Legalism and bureaucracy, they argue, are not the only forms of power that exist. There are other types of power, such as spreading information and inspiring others, that can be just as effective. The speaker talks about the influence of tradition and cultural norms in this context, arguing that these factors play an important role in determining what is considered appropriate behavior. They further discuss the importance of personal power in decision-making, arguing that a person's sense of authority and stakes in a situation are key factors that can influence their ability to make decisions. They also highlight the importance of balancing personal power and public expectations, arguing that a leader must be able to make decisions that are both personal and take into account the needs and desires of those around them. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that people must learn to use different forms of power and make difficult decisions in order to effectively navigate diverse situations and achieve their goals.
  • 00:15:00 "In this section," the speaker discusses the issue of the Tweede Kamer and the government's failure to address pressing issues. In particular, he notes the lack of vision, the dominance of control over thinking and productivity, and the failure to recognize the importance of professionalism and a well-developed understanding of basic development values. The speaker also touches on the subject of social work and the challenges faced by professionals working in this field, such as the difficulty in making progress and the need for constant adaptation. He also discusses the importance of forming trust with clients and the need for professionals to develop a sense of continuity in their work.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "#1019: We moeten zelf alternatief beleid maken! | Gesprek met Thijs Jansen", the speaker Thijs Jansen discusses the topic of social work and its role in society. He expresses his frustration with the way that the management tradition in social work has become too focused on productivity and efficiency, rather than on the needs of individuals and the role of compassion in their care. He argues that this focus on efficiency has led to over-medicalization and a lack of compassion in the field of social work, and he calls for a more holistic approach that prioritizes compassion and understanding. Throughout the section, Jansen uses examples and anecdotes to illustrate his points, and he emphasizes the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the field of social work.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the book "Het recht op antwoord" by Thijs Jansen, which is set to be released on October 6th. The book focuses on the professionalization of civil servants, with a particular emphasis on the recruitment process. The speaker argues that the book aims to provide additional information, beyond what has already been discussed in previous debates, and to offer a solution to the problem of the limited social cohesion among civil servants. The speaker distinguishes between "classic" professions, such as police officers and doctors, and those that have an internal morality and code of conduct. The former group has no common socialization, while the latter has an recognized education path and may face sanctions if they violate their code of conduct. The book, according to the speaker, aims to provide a solution to the problem of limited social cohesion by promoting the establishment of a professional code of conduct that would be shared among civil servants.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of "bevindelijkheid," or the awareness of one's own professional capabilities and the importance of maintaining them. They point out that professionals who have developed this awareness through education and training have a strong foundation that allows them to make decisions with integrity and deal with political pressure in a responsible manner. The speaker also highlights the role that ethics plays in this context, noting that professionals must be aware of their own ethical standards and be willing to take a stand if they sense that these standards are being violated. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of a focus on professionalism, integrity, and responsibility in dealing with political pressure in various professions.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Thijs Jansen discusses the importance of taking responsibility in politics and the power of knowledge in shaping decision-making. He examines the concept of "toeslagenafvereda" and the role it plays in ensuring transparency and accountability in decision-making by government officials. He also discusses the importance of incorporating various elements, such as the rule of law and equal rights, in public policy decision-making. Jansen argues that democratic values, such as democratization of power and the prioritization of the needs of the people, are essential in shaping an effective and just society.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of power relations between citizens and the government, particularly in the Netherlands. They argue that the government tends to focus more on the power aspect of leadership, rather than explicitly considering or caring about the opinions or ideas of the people. This transition has created a situation where a great deal of the decision-making process is automated and reduced to narrow concerns or mechanistic considerations. Such automation can lead to a feeling that the ambtenarij is detached from the public's concerns, and the speaker argues that in some countries, this perception is more prevalent, including France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Thijs Jansen discusses the field of thermology and theory in the Netherlands, specifically in relating to "vakmanschap". He mentions the importance of context sensitivity in social scientific studies, business and management, sociology, and other related fields. Jansen notes that these disciplines often shift focus over time and progress in incremental steps, and that many concepts used in these fields have been formed from a rich history of public administration. He also indicates that close contact between practitioners and academic experts in these fields has been essential for purposeful incorporation of knowledge into policy-making.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of alternative policies in politics and society. The speaker encourages people to be more self-reliant and take charge of solving problems, rather than relying exclusively on others to solve them for them. The speaker also highlights the drawbacks of bureaucratic systems and the need for a more flexible and adaptable approach to governance. The speaker calls for a team of experts to come together and work towards finding innovative solutions to complex problems. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of education and learning from past experiences, as well as the need for a more open-minded and collaborative approach to decision-making. The speaker also touches on the importance of balance and moderation, and the need to avoid becoming too fixated on one approach or strategy. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more democratic and inclusive approach to policy-making, one that is focused on solving problems and creating a better outcomes for everyone involved.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, Thijs Jansen discusses the importance of alternative policies in particular fields. He argues that alternative policies should be implemented instead of relying solely on governments or institutions to make decisions. He also highlights the importance of collaboration between decision-makers and the public in shaping policies. According to Jansen, by working together and making decisions that benefit the public interest, we can create a more collaborative and effective decision-making process.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In this section of the YouTube video, Thijs Jansen discusses the idea of self-alternative policymaking, or taking direct action to address issues rather than relying solely on government authorities. Jansen suggests that citizens have the power to make a difference if they work together and come up with creative solutions. He mentions examples such as community initiatives to clean up a messy street or a cooperative project to support women's causes. Jansen also talks about the importance of education and exposure to different perspectives in order to develop a better understanding of the issues at hand. The speaker emphasizes the need for citizens to take a more active role in shaping their communities and to not wait for the government to solve problems. In addition, Jansen discusses the need for transparency and accountability in government, specifically in relation to the #1019 book. The book is seen as a tool that can be used to create competition among bureaucrats, but it is important to ensure that the tools are used with precision, as they can have a significant impact on individuals and society. The speaker emphasizes the importance of applying general tools with care and attention to detail, as well as ensuring that they are transparent and accountable to the public. Jansen suggests that the #1019 book can be useful for promoting transparency and accountability, but it is important to approach it with caution and to ensure that it is used appropriately. The speaker encourages viewers to be informed and active in the democratic process, and to be vigilant in protecting the rights of citizens.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video by Thijs Jansen, the speaker discusses the idea of self-alternative policymaking, or taking direct action to address issues rather than relying solely on government authorities. Jansen suggests that citizens have the power to make a difference if they work together and come up with creative solutions. He mentions examples such as community initiatives to clean up a messy street or a cooperative project to support women's causes. Jansen also talks about the importance of education and exposure to different perspectives in order to develop a better understanding of the issues at hand. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the need for citizens to take a more active role in shaping their communities and to not wait for the government to solve problems.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the need for transparency and accountability in government, specifically in relation to the #1019 book. The book is seen as a tool that can be used to create competition among bureaucrats, but it is important to ensure that the tools are used with precision, as they can have a significant impact on individuals and society. The speaker emphasizes the importance of applying general tools with care and attention to detail, as well as ensuring that they are transparent and accountable to the public. The speaker suggests that the #1019 book can be useful for promoting transparency and accountability, but it is important to approach it with caution and to ensure that it is used appropriately. Overall, the speaker encourages viewers to be informed and active in the democratic process, and to be vigilant in protecting the rights of citizens.

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