Summary of 【VTuberビジネス、爆速成長の秘密】VTuberとは何か? なぜ人気なのか?/アニメ市場が倍増/海外でもファンが急拡大/ライバルは韓国/YouTubeの重要性/利益率が高い理由【カバー谷郷社長】

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00:00:00 - 00:40:00

In this section of the YouTube video, the host, Cover Valley CEO, discusses the business of VTubers (virtual vocalists) and their growing popularity. VTubers are individuals who create digital personas to live-stream, play games, and interact with their viewers. The video highlights the various business strategies used by VTubers to increase their visibility and reach a wider audience, including community building, live events, merchandising, and licensing. The use of YouTube as a major platform for VTuber content is also discussed, emphasizing the benefits of advertising and monetization features. Despite its numerous advantages, however, the video notes that YouTube's advertising system can be complex and difficult to navigate, particularly for new users. The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of finding the right balance between physical and digital goods and leveraging various business strategies to maximize revenue.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the business side of vtuber. They describe vtuber as a business that utilizes animated characters to create content on various platforms, such as entertainment and anime. The speaker explains that the vtuber business involves many nuances, including marketing, fan support, and selling character IP. The speaker mentions that they are relatively new to the vtuber business, but they are studying various elements, such as game design, and they are interested in developing new content that is innovative and engaging for fans. The speaker also talks about the importance of setting specific goals and having a strong knowledge of individual brands and markets to be successful in the vtuber industry. The speaker acknowledges the benefits of the vtuber business, including high profitability and the ability to appeal to a wide audience. However, they also recognize the challenges of competition and staying ahead of the curve. The speaker also talks about their personal journey in the vtuber industry, including the challenges and rewards of marketing to a global audience. They mention their own studies and experience with marketing and analytics, and how they plan to use that knowledge to make informed decisions and build a successful vtuber business. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique aspects of the vtuber business and the various strategies and techniques required to succeed in this competitive and dynamic industry.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the popularity and business model of VTubers, a type of Japanese internet personality who perform through animation and music. The speaker explains that VTubers sell merchandise and hold live events, and also that they can have a large following on platforms such as YouTube and Amazon Prime. The speaker also discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the growth of the animation market, and how VTubers helped to increase its size, making it possible for people to watch anime from home. They also mention that VTubers have been around since 2016, promoting virtual reality games and using 3D characters for interactive systems. Finally, the speaker also talks about the huge popularity of VTubers, and how they have become a prominent stream on mainstream platforms such as YouTube, and how they use virtual reality games and 3D characters to increase their popularity.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the concept of Virtual YouTubers (VTubers) is being discussed, particularly their growing popularity and the reason behind it. VTubers are individuals who create digital personas to live-stream, play games, and interact with their viewers. This can be seen in their performances and collaborations with other VTubers. The steady flow of new games and the ability to connect with others through their performances are also contributing factors to their increasing popularity. Fans around the world are tuning in to watch VTubers play games and collaborate with other digital personas, with localization and translations for non-Japanese viewers increasing their appeal. Downloads of VTuber games and merchandise have also been on the rise, further expanding their fanbase. The use of AI technology in VTube creation and their integration into other forms of content, such as music, is also contributing to their growing popularity. Stay tuned for more updates on VTubers and their continued growth in the entertainment industry.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video discusses the popularity of VTubers (Japanese virtual YouTubers) and their success in the anime market. It also talks about the global appeal of VTubers and how they are expanding their fan base worldwide. The video highlights the importance of YouTube in the VTuber industry and how it has contributed to their success. It also discusses the various business strategies used by VTubers to increase their visibility and reach a wider audience. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive overview of the VTuber business and its growth in Japan and beyond.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses the business of VTubers, including their growth and expansion in Japan and worldwide. He explains how VTuber, a unique content engine in the anime industry, has different skill requirements and roles, such as game design, animation, and character creation. The YouTuber also talks about the importance of community building and how it can lead to long-term success in the VTuber industry. He mentions the role of YouTube as a major platform for VTuber content and how it is necessary for its success. The YouTuber expresses optimism about the future of VTuber and how it has the potential to become a global brand, entertaining millions of users worldwide.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of YouTube in the VTuber business, particularly in terms of building a community and generating revenue. They emphasize the benefits of YouTube's advertising and monetization features, and the various ways fans can interact with VTuber content on the platform. They also mention that the benefits of using YouTube extend beyond just VTuber content, and that it can be used for other types of content as well. Despite its many advantages, however, the speaker also notes that YouTube's advertising system can be complex and difficult to navigate, particularly for new users.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the diverse business opportunities that can be generated through live events, marshmallow goods sales, merchandising, and licensing. They mention the popularity of vtubers and the various ways they can monetize their content, such as through live events, merchandising, and YouTube. The speaker also talks about the importance of building a fan base and offering exclusive goods to appeal to their preferences. They mention the success of characters like Nui Yuuki and their stores and how the combination of voice goods and merchandising has also been popular. They also discuss the global market, saying that vtubers have gained a significant following overseas, and that the internet has allowed for easy access to their goods. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance between physical and digital goods and leveraging various business strategies to maximize revenue.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, theYouTube video by カバー谷郷社長 discusses the business of VTubers, a type ofunwraping star who uses virtual reality and augmented reality to perform online. The video explains that VTubers have had high popularity recently, and have become a significant part of the entertainment industry. The video also mentions the concept of metaverses, which are virtual communities where people can interact and engage with each other. The video also discusses the possibility of using this technology for business purposes, such as creating a social networking platform that integrates gaming technology. Overall, the video suggests that the combination of entertainment and technology has a high potential for success in the modern world.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the host, Cover Valley CEO, is discussing the VTuber business and the rapid growth of its popularity. He explains that VTubers, or virtual vocalists, have become very popular in Japan, with an expanding fan base in both Japan and globally. He also mentions that their main rival is from South Korea, and highlights the importance of YouTube in the entire industry. Finally, the host discusses the high profitability of the VTuber business, which is attributed to the unique combination of talent and virtual technology that allows for unlimited growth and revenue streams.

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