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This video provides a brief introduction to the Ruby programming language. It covers how to install Ruby and how to write a simple program to print a story. Additionally, the video explains how to use variables to store data and how to access individual characters in a string.
This video introduces the Ruby programming language and demonstrates how to use the if statement to execute different code based on a user's input. It also shows how to use comparisons to simplify boolean logic in if statements.
In this video, Ruby programmer Wayne Wang teaches how to use for and a for loop to loop through arrays of data. He also shows how to use range to loop through a set of numbers. This video demonstrates how to use a for loop to write a method that takes a base number and a power number, and raises the base number to the power number.
This video provides an overview of the Ruby programming language, covering topics such as how to create new files, append information to files, handle errors and exceptions, and create classes and objects.
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