Summary of Robótica, inteligencia artificial y big data, el futuro sustentable del agro (#833 2019-07-20)

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

This YouTube video discusses the future of robotics, artificial intelligence, and big data in agriculture. It points out that the current trend of using sensors and technology to improve efficiency in farming will soon be replaced by robots, which will cause many jobs in the agricultural industry to disappear. However, there are some positive aspects to the rise of robotics, such as the fact that it will allow for a more sustainable and efficient farming practice.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the future of robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data in agriculture. It points out that the current trend of using sensors and technology to improve efficiency in farming will soon be replaced by robots. This will cause many jobs in the agricultural industry to disappear, and the future of farming is uncertain. However, there are some positive aspects to the rise of robotics. For example, it will allow for a more sustainable and efficient farming practice, and it will create new opportunities for food security.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses how robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data will affect the future of agriculture. It explains how AI and robotics can help reduce Russian influence in the sector, and how sustainability can be achieved with less reliance on Russian technology. The video also discusses how the cult of iceman, Sassone and Stavro Krokorides has had a significant impact on the development of robotics and AI in the past. It notes that, as human beings become increasingly reliant on technology, it is important to find ways to integrate them into the workforce. Finally, the video highlights the importance of voting in the upcoming Italian general election, and discusses how Italians can use technology to connect with each other.
  • 00:10:00 The importance of technology and artificial intelligence in the future of agriculture is discussed in this YouTube video. According to the speaker, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the average person to be surprised by innovation in the field of robotics, as well as in fields such as health care and information technology. However, the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by the convergence of artificial intelligence, robotics, and big data, is complicated by market conditions and ecological conditions. The speaker concludes the video by saying that, in order to avert a future of economic decline, it is important that the population become more cognizant of the need to convert to a sustainable lifestyle. He also recommends that people learn how to apply a protocol for artificial intelligence, in order to better understand and utilize its capabilities.

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