Summary of Semana de la Seguridad Social 2022, del 25 de abril de 2022

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the Semana de la Seguridad Social, which is a week-long event focused on social security issues. It highlights some of the progress that has been made in the area of social security, as well as some of the challenges that still need to be addressed.

  • 00:00:00 This week, the Mexican Senate began its annual security social event, with Special Guest President of the Mexican Senate, Griselda Valencia de la Mora. In his speech, the President of the Senate thanked guests for their attendance and welcomed the start of the event, which will focus on the achievements and progress of social security. He also thanks the President and members of the executive who are present. The main guests of the ceremony are the President of the Federal Social Security Institute, Licenciado Luis Coron Gomez, and the Federal Treasury Secretaries, Licenciado Alberto Torres Barriga and Dr. Iván Pliego Moreno. The event also welcomes the Professor Gustavo Michiels, Coordinator of the National Social Security System in the representation of the Master Alfonso Cepeda Salas, and the Secretary General of the Mexican Confederation of Union Employees, Licenciado Francisco cervantes. The event ends with a speech by the President of the Mexican Conference of Social Security Systems, Licenciado José Luis Carazo Preciado. This morning, we have all convened here to inaugurate the 22nd edition of the Mexican Senate’s Security Social Event, with the theme “ achievements and advances in social security.
  • 00:05:00 This article discusses the Semana de la Seguridad Social 2022, which will take place on April 25th, 2022. The president of the National System of Savings for Retirement, doctor Iván Pliego Moreno, is also the president of the National Commission on Social Security. Dr. Pedro Zenteno Santaella, the director of the Institute of Social Security and Services, is in representing him. The president of the Mexican Association of Aged Persons, maestro Bernardo González Rosas, is also in attendance. The secretary general of the Inter-American Conference of Social Security, licenciado Jose Luis Carazo Preciado, is also present. Senator Minerva Hernández-Mora, secretary and senator Carlos Aceves del Olmo, are also members of the committee's board of directors. Senator Liliana Margarita Valdez Martínez is president of the Health and Social Security Committee, and also a member of the Social Security Committee. I would like to greet my comrade, Senator Minerva Hernández-Mora, and senador Carlos Aceves del Olmo, both of whom are members of the Junta Directiva of the Social Security Commission. Finally, I would like to greet the
  • 00:10:00 The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has implemented a pilot program to provide special safety net benefits to 2.4 million household workers. This first step was approved by the Mexican Senate in March of last year, paving the way for the reform to be enacted later that month. The IMSS has released rules governing the voluntary enrollment of independent workers into its mandatory social security system, giving them access to the same benefits as the rest of the working population in health and maternity insurance, retirement and unemployment benefits, and Social Security retirement and disability pensions. According to the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI), in 2021, the IMSS had 13.6 million registered private-sector workers covered by five social security programs: health insurance, old-age, invalidity, maternity, and life insurance, as well as pension benefits for advanced age. It is of great importance to Mexico that the Mexican Social Security Institute has recently announced that it is developing activities aimed at designing the strategy for consolidating the country's health system as a universal right, under the system and well-being umbrella. In addition, the Easter holiday is in a dynamic process of execution of actions to acquire innovative medical equipment to provide medical staff with tools to better fulfill their
  • 00:15:00 In this video, the speakers discuss the progress made in the area of security during the current government's fourth transformation. They highlight the importance of social security in protecting the health and well-being of the population, as well as promoting social inclusion and human dignity for all public servants, including health care workers and speakers at the event. They express their gratitude to all present for their attendance, and wish the greatest of success to all ahead. Senator María Herrán and Senator Isabel Mejía Mora welcome everyone to the 2022 edition of the Social Security Week, which will be held on April 25th. The senator from Puebla, Margarita Valdés, takes the floor to deliver a speech on the benefit of the Social Security System for workers, employers, and pensioners. The Secretary of Labor and Social Security, Luisa María Alcalde, delivers a keynote address on the importance of social security in the current context of national sovereignty. She also welcomes representatives from social security institutions such as the Secretariat of Labor, the Federal Fiscal Prosecutor's Office, the Mexican Institute of Social Security, the National System of Savings for the Retired, the Mexican Association of Pension Funds, the Inter-American Social Security Conference, and the Senate's Committee on Social
  • 00:20:00 The Semana de la Seguridad Social 2022 is a week-long event focused on security-social issues, which will take place from April 25th to April 29th, 2022. Amongst other things, the event will discuss the reduction of 250 weeks of social security coverage to around 15 years, the increase in employers' contributions to 13.8%, and the government's social contribution rate which will focus on lower-income workers. The pilot program to incorporat
  • 00:25:00 In this speech at the Senate, the president of the commission of Social Security welcomes everyone and shares her thanks to Griselda Valencia, the president of the health commission, for inviting her. Margarita Valdez, president of the commission of health, is also in attendance. The senator also thanks Alfonso Cepeda, who has been a great champion of social security reform, and speaks of his dedication to his work. She also thanks Francisco Robledo, the head of social security, for his work on health care and pensions, and Iván Pliego, the head of pensioners' affairs, for his work on the pension reform bill. She concludes by thanking all of the government officials in attendance for their work on social security and pensions, as well as the representatives of labor unions and business organizations. This is a global week of reflection on social security, and this speech is an opportunity to consider the progress made so far and to contemplate what still needs to be done. Social security is a cornerstone of the fourth transformation of President López Obras.
  • 00:30:00 Mexico is celebrating its third anniversary of the social security reform, which came into effect in 2018. This video features government representatives discussing the importance of social security, and how it has helped to improve justice in the country. The reform of pensions was also highlighted, as it was a major achievement in the past three years. It is important to remember that the Mexican legislature has worked closely with the executive branch, and it is very important to have a conversation about what has been achieved so far. The goal of these three days of dialogue is to sensitize the political forces represented in the Senate, and to work with local government officials in order to improve social security systems. These are historic times, and social security is one of the many areas where progress has been made in the 21st century. I am confident that the progressive forces in this chamber will be able to find better arguments to convince the public, to make incremental changes, and to find better ways to continue making legislative changes that our nation demands of us all. I wish them success in these three days of dialogue on social security, and I offer my prayers that they will result in historic improvements in this important area of social policy. Thank you.
  • 00:35:00 The video opens with a speech by Senator Olga Sanchez Cordero, in which she congratulates the Semana de la Seguridad Social for its achievements and progress in the realm of social security. She also thanks the senator for her presence, and the assembly bids her farewell with an applause. Next, the program moves on to the speakers' interventions, with the Mauricio López Valdez from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security delivering the first. The teacher Luisa María Alcalde Luján, from the Municipality of Luján, speaks about the importance of the social security system and its role in guaranteeing a minimum level of well-being for all Mexicans. The president of the Social Security Commission, Senator Graciela Valencia de la Mora, shares her thoughts on the importance of working together to make further progress on social security reform. Finally, representatives from the business and labor sectors take the stage. The Director of the Mexican Social Security Institute, Tomás de Consar, and the representative from the National Union of Workers, Eugenio Sánchez, also make statements. The day's main focus is on the introduction of a new social security reform model, which has seen many Mexican workers retire with
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the upcoming Semana de la Seguridad Social, which is scheduled for April 25, 2022. The main points discussed are reductions in the number of weeks of contributions required, increased contributions from employers, and limits on pension payments. Additionally, the Mexican Social Security Institute (ISSTEY) has been working on reforms to increase access to pensions and healthcare, as well as pilot programs to allow workers greater freedom to invest their pension funds. Overall, the video provides an overview of recent social security reforms Mexico has enacted.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses the 2022 security social season, which began on April 25th. The video features several senators discussing the importance of the security social system, and how it has helped improve the lives of Mexican citizens over the years. The senators also mention the current efforts being made to improve the security social system.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the upcoming Social Security Semana, which will take place on April 25th, 2022. It talks about the economy, labor market, and how things have been going so far, which is reassuring. The third point is that the Secretary of Labor, Alvaro Obregon, has said that 3 million Mexican workers have migrated since the implementation of the Social Security Reform Law in the Senate. This is due to the fact that there are other interests at work and other reasons that prevented these decisions from being made. 3 million women have already registered with their employer, which is an indication of the increased wages they receive when they migrate, as well as the greater certainty of contract employment. This has an enormous impact on employment levels, especially for female workers. The majority of the increase in wages has been directed towards independent workers, and this is something that needs to be done more easily so that employers and employees can both understand and accept it. However, it is still an obligation, not a perk. Finally, the issue of domestic workers is mentioned, as 40,000 of them have already signed the Agreement 189 of the National OIT, which establishes their right to social security.
  • 00:55:00 This video discusses the security of social security in 2022, and looks at some of the challenges that may be faced in the future. It also discusses the importance of families and the role they play in the security of social security.

01:00:00 - 01:45:00

The video discusses the Semana de la Seguridad Social, which is a week-long event focused on promoting cooperation and solidarity among Mexican workers in order to avoid large outbreaks of disease. The event is sponsored by the Senate Commission on Social Security, and features a speech by Dr. Pedro Zenteno Santella, Director General of the Mexican Social Security Institute.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the upcoming Semana de la Seguridad Social 2022, which will be held on April 25th. The purpose of the event is to promote cooperation and solidarity among Mexican workers, in order to avoid large outbreaks of disease like the pandemic. The video also features a speech by Dr. Pedro Zenteno Santella, Director General of the Mexican Social Security Institute, in which he recognizes the importance of the Semana de la Seguridad Social and its role in promoting the health of Mexican citizens. The event is sponsored by the Senate Commission on Social Security, chaired by Senator Griselda Valencia de la Mora.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the 2022 Social Security season, which will run from April 25 to May 15. Transitional regime benefits and individual accounts are currently in operation, with 22 day-care centers serving older adults with the goal of providing comprehensive care to retirees and reducing the pressure on medical services. Felix Houses provide care for more than 30,000 children between the ages of 6 and 18, and are intended to protect and develop children of parents aged 60 or more. Currently, there are more than 23 million workers and their families enrolled in Social Security, of which 68% are family members of workers. In 2021, the Social Security Financial Report noted that the east region had 144 medical facilities distributed as follows: 3 of the first level, 126 of the second level, and 15 of the third level. In the 4 years of this government's term, Social Security services and benefits have been maintained, simplified procedures have been implemented, and micro-transactions have been available when possible. The third had paid pensions on time and continued some cultural activities using multiplatform platforms. Social Security maintained its popular grocery store with discounts for retirees and pensioners, and improved the system for personal loans with a reduction in interest rates. Emergency medical services (19) made a significant appearance in the east during
  • 01:10:00 This week's security social security conference in Mexico was attended by representatives from the government, labor, and patronal sectors. The president of the Mexican Social Security Institute, Dr. Ivan Pliego Moreno, spoke about the importance of the conference and its goal of improving the health and safety of Mexicans. The main focus of the conference was on the Pension Reform of December 2020, which established a system of generational investments that will improve Mexico's pension fund management. Another item of discussion was the changing retirement model, which has seen a big increase in participation since 1997. The president of the Workers' Pension Institute, Artés Ruiz, spoke about the importance of the conference and the opportunities it provides for dialogue and consensus-building on the major challenges facing Mexican social security. The event concluded with a presentation by the mayor of Mexico City, Griselda Valenzuela. She discussed the changes that have taken place in the Mexican pension system since she entered office in 2019 and the progress made in negotiations between the government and the labor and patronal sectors.
  • 01:15:00 During the Semana de la Seguridad Social, Mexico's Social Security Administration (Inss) Director, José Antonio Meade, highlighted the government's efforts to improve social security during a time of economic recession. For example, during the pandemic, both the private and public sectors mobilized to coordinate actions to overcome the country's economic crisis. One example of this collaboration was the release of government resources for retirement benefits during unemployment in a single display, rather than in six different formats as was previously mandated by law. These actions allowed workers who lost their jobs or saw their income reduced to adjust to these hardships in their household incomes during the period May 2020 to February 2022. The System for Saving for Retirement (Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro, Sare), which delivered 40 million million pesos (US$2.6 billion) in total assets during this period, represented 0.78% of all assets in the system, and another indication of the government's efforts to support workers was the reduction in commission fees for workers by 24 points, amounting to a savings of 11 million 800 million pesos (US$484 million) for workers, and an increase in replacement rate benefits of 6%. We must continue working together to improve social security
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the 2022 security social year, which starts on April 25. The government has made a commitment to maintain high standards in safety supervision and to continue promoting measures that promote better worker conditions and promote policies that have the goal of increasing the profitability of social funds, always seeking the greatest possible security for employees. I am confident that with the support of digital citizens, authorities and all present will be able to achieve many more advances in many more areas with the help of this legislative body. Thank you. However, I would like to leave the valuable words of President of the National Social Security Institute, Licenciado Luis Coronel Gomez, to speak on his own behalf. Doctor, Licenciado Ramírez De La Secretaria Hacienda Y Crédito Público, and Maestro Felix Arturo Medina Padilla, Procurador Fiscal de la Federación, would like to thank the Senate of the Republic for inviting us to participate in this important event to commemorate the Social Security Week of 2022. For us, it is an honor to accompany this legislative body with which we share the conviction that social security is a fundamental right and a tool to protect the well-being of workers' families. It is
  • 01:25:00 This video discusses the Semana de la Seguridad Social 2022, which took place from April 25th to April 29th, and focused on strengthening the legal framework for labor and social security in the benefit of the working class. 20 million jobs were recorded surpassing the level of job growth observed before the start of the pandemic. The number of employees registered for social security increased by more than a million, meaning that there are now over 8.8 million workers who have received social security benefits in other ways. It is important to note that this work is joint responsibility of the social and private sectors, with the government playing a key role in providing implementation of social security responsibilities. The senator noted that this year's social security conference reaffirms the dialogue between the social sectors and the three branches of government. We thank the secretary of the public sector and the fiscal prosecutor of the Federation for their work in this national week of security. Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to welcome the president of the Coordinating Chamber of Private Enterprise, Licenciado Francisco cervantes. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a special moment to be here, because this year the Coordinating Chamber of Private Enterprise, which is made up of representatives from the private sector, has achieved a great milestone
  • 01:30:00 The video presents the 2022 Security Social Plan, which includes an increase in contributions over 10 years until reaching a value of 1,000 pesos. In 1,000 weeks, one would need 25 years of contributions, or 15 weeks of contributions. This is a significant achievement, and as a result of the agreements reached, it will be a step forward in achieving a reality in which most Mexican workers have access to a pension and there is enough money saved to ensure that a retiree is adequately provided for. The president of the Employers' Council for Social Security spoke, and the CEO of Pensiones Teófilo G. Cárdenas followed. The voice of the executive director of pensions, Edgar Díaz Garcilaso, is also heard. He says that, first of all, he would like to thank the senator, the senators from Margaritas, and the members of the Holgazanes, Cordero, and others for their presence. He then speaks about the long road that Mexican society has faced in order to offer all Mexican workers a state of well-being that guarantees a level of living decent for them. When he heard the presentations of those present, he realized that they are representing all the
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses the 2022 Semana de la Seguridad Social, which is scheduled to take place on April 25. The main focus of the event is promoting voluntary savings among Mexican workers, in order to improve the replacement rate. Part of this effort involves working together to promote new tools that will make it easier for retirees to save. There is a savings card available through the tax-free savings account (Aforo) and through mobile accounts. The main promoter of voluntary savings among employees has been the pension fund's mobile account, which has helped to increase the replacement rate of workers nearing retirement. However, additional efforts are also being made in the area of financial education, in order to help workers of all generations understand retirement and what it means to have their financial resources managed correctly. The goal is to provide them with the tools they need to be able to save on their own, and to make it easier for them to understand their individual finances and make sound investment decisions. The President of Amavaré, Mr. Bernard Gonzalez Rosas, speaks on behalf of the Mexican Federation of Pensioners and addresses the audience. He thanks the senators for inviting representatives from the government and the Mexican Federation of Workers to this inauguration of the Semana de la Seguridad Social
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses the Semana de la Seguridad Social, which is scheduled to take place on April 25, 2022. It highlights the importance of good social security systems, and leaves us wondering how long Mexico will be without them. In December 2020, the Mexican government passed a reform that put Mexico at the forefront of social security systems in terms of what can be offered. There are many challenges to be addressed, such as improving retirement benefits and rates of replacement for workers, as well as gender equality and the need for better employee education. Finally, the video mentions the importance of financial saving for retirement, and the president of Mexico's recent reform which gives certainty to workers that their retirement will be secure.
  • 01:45:00 The video opens with a Sen. Griselda Valencia introducing the Sen. Claudia Ruiz Massieu and Arturo Márquez, both of Mexico, as representatives of the Society of Authors and Composers. They speak about the importance of the week-long National Security Social Protection Week. The video then moves to the floor of the Senate, where the inauguration of the National Security Social Protection Week is taking place. The Sen. Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinoza, from the PRD, introduces the Sen. Claudia Ruiz Massieu and Arturo Márquez, and salutes the Sen. Griselda Valencia. The week-long National Security Social Protection Week can be followed on 45.1, through the various digital channels the Senate has available, and also on 45.2, through the various digital channels the Senate's Commerce Committee has available.

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