Summary of Sesión On-Line: "Cavidad bucal, características y exploración. Variantes de la normalidad"

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses normal variations and potential abnormalities in the oral cavity, highlighting the importance of thorough exploration to identify any issues that require referral to a specialist. The speaker discusses the different types of mucosa, their functions, and variations, as well as the examination of different areas in a systematic and methodical manner. Various lesions in the oral cavity are described in detail, and the video emphasizes the need to differentiate between anatomical variants and pathological conditions to avoid unnecessary anxiety and treatment. The speaker offers their assistance and welcomes inquiries about the topic.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the composition of the oral cavity and its different types of mucosa. These include the specialized mucosa found on the tongue, the masticatory mucosa adhered to bone which includes the gums and hard palate, and the mucosa lining the pharynx such as the soft palate. The mucosa serves important functions such as protection, secretion, sensation, taste perception, and thermoregulation. The masticatory mucosa is characterized by its pale pink color, firm consistency due to its attachment to bone, and slightly stippled surface on the gums indicating good health.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses the characteristics and variations of the oral cavity mucosa, including the hard palate, soft palate, buccal mucosa, and specialized mucosa with papillae, which can perceive different tastes. The video explains the difference in texture, color, and vascularity of these mucosas, and how variations in papillae can cause inflammation and be mistaken for lesions. The video also emphasizes the importance of proper exploration techniques to identify any potential lesions or abnormal variations in the oral cavity.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the importance of a comprehensive oral examination is emphasized, including proper equipment, good lighting, and a systematic order of observation. The exploration should not only focus on the teeth, but also on any abnormality in the oral cavity or extra-oral areas, such as the temporomandibular joint, lymph nodes, and skin lesions. The elderly require extra attention and may benefit from visually observing their own condition in the mirror. The examination should be bilateral to detect any muscular or dental pain, as well as any oral or skin abnormalities that may be overlooked. The goal of the examination is to prevent any serious or life-threatening conditions from being overlooked.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of exploring patients in the parotid region and checking for any changes in volume, color, or texture. These changes can indicate various conditions such as tumors or cysts. Similarly, the speaker advises checking for changes in the skin around the mouth, which can provide crucial information about a patient's health. By examining various areas in a systematic and methodical manner, dental professionals can better assist patients and identify any issues that require referral to a specialist.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the exploration of the oral cavity and the importance of examining the peribuccal skin, specifically the lips and vermilion. They mention the presence of normal variations, such as Fordyce granules, as well as potential issues like carcinoma. The exploration of the mucosas, including the salivary glands and frenula, is also highlighted, with the aim of identifying any abnormalities or obstructions. The examination of the tongue is also discussed, with a focus on the dorsal surface, lateral borders, and ventral surface.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the examination and characteristics of the oral cavity, including normal variations and potential abnormalities. Examples of variations include papillae and frenulum linguae, while examples of abnormalities include cancerous lesions, such as squamous cell carcinoma or leukoplakia, which can result from factors such as consumption of toxic substances like cocaine and marijuana. The presentation concludes with a discussion of the gums and teeth, where the focus is on observing the color, inflammation, erosion, and overall integration of the gum tissue.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the different types of lesions in the oral cavity are discussed, categorized by their color, shape, size, and location. Lesions can be flat, depressed, or elevated, and their base is crucial in determining their diagnosis. A variety of colors can indicate different origins, such as fungal infections or vitamin deficiencies, and the size and borders of a lesion can provide insight into its potential malignancy. Two examples of lesions are discussed: macula, a flat discoloration of the mucosa, and papula, a small solid elevation. These descriptions are helpful in referring patients to medical professionals and providing potential diagnoses.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the video explains different types of lesions that can occur in the oral cavity. These include nodules, tumors, plaques, vesicles, blisters, and crusts. The characteristics, size, and composition of each type of lesion are discussed, as well as their causes and common locations in the oral cavity. The video also covers fissures and erosions, which are types of lesions that result in a loss of tissue but have different characteristics and causes. Overall, the video aims to provide an understanding of the different variations of normality in the oral cavity and how to identify and diagnose common lesions.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker elaborates on the variations that occur in the oral cavity, known as anatomical variants, which do not necessarily indicate pathology. Exostosis, a growth of excessive bone tissue, is one such variant, and while it can be mistaken for a serious intraosseous condition, an X-ray can help differentiate. While typically asymptomatic, these trends may pose a challenge with the manipulations required for prosthodontics, and careful surgical exploration may be required in rare cases.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the video discusses some variations of normality in the oral cavity, such as exostoses that can appear in all bones but are mainly found in the maxilla and mandible. An example is shown of a patient with exostoses since birth, which can also be caused by blows. Another variation is the benign migratory glossitis, which can develop in adulthood and may be caused by stress, allergies, systemic problems or illnesses such as psoriasis or vitamin deficiencies. It can be hereditary or present as random plaques surrounded by white edges and papillary atrophy, forming a snake-like appearance. The video also mentions fissured tongue and tongue atrophy, which are common variations and can be found in patients with different syndromes.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the video discusses various types of normal variations in the oral cavity that can be confusing and often misinterpreted as serious conditions. These include a fissured tongue, a benign migratory glossitis, leucoedema, lingual varicosities, and hypermelanosis, among others. The video emphasizes the need to be aware of these variants, their characteristics, and how they differ from pathological conditions to avoid unnecessary anxiety and treatment. The video also explains the possible causes of these variations, including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker explains the different variations of normalcy that can be found in the oral cavity, including physiological pigmentation, Fordyce spots, and sebaceous glands. The speaker also offers a poster with various images of pathological conditions and mentions the importance of registering the evolution of lesions through image documentation. The speaker expresses gratitude to the hospital and the Secretary of Health for the opportunity to share their work and knowledge with the public. They also offer their assistance and welcome any questions or inquiries about the topic.

01:00:00 - 01:50:00

In this YouTube video, speakers discuss a wide range of topics related to the oral cavity and its characteristics. The session covers various conditions and treatment options, including xerostomia, lingual varices, gingivitis, and burning mouth sensation. The importance of making a proper diagnosis before administering treatment is emphasized, and viewers are encouraged to take advantage of educational opportunities and ongoing learning in the field of dentistry. The speakers also offer information on clinics and campaigns promoting dental health, and welcome audience participation in upcoming conferences and events.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the age limitations for the pathology and oral medicine service offered by the clinic, stating that there is no minimum age requirement. They also address a question from a viewer regarding a patient with signs of pain in the lower teeth and swelling in the neck, and explain that it could be related to the thyroid gland, but further examinations and referrals to medical specialists would be necessary to confirm a diagnosis and start appropriate treatment. The speaker also mentions that viewers can obtain more information about the poster and other materials shown during the session by accessing the session recording and downloading them from the platform.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a dental health campaign and provides information on where to find clinics to refer patients to. They mention that those interested in the campaign can download the poster from various platforms and can also receive a PDF version via email. They also provide information on the documentation required to refer patients to public health services. In response to a question from a viewer about a family member's condition of dryness in the mouth, the speaker suggests that the individual may have a salivary gland disorder that could be caused by factors such as medication or lack of hydration, and recommends that they see a specialist in oral medicine and pathology.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the importance of saliva in maintaining oral homeostasis is discussed, as lack of saliva can lead to multiple issues ranging from difficulty in speaking to lack of proper nutrition. If a patient is experiencing dry mouth and lack of saliva, it is important to first diagnose if it is due to a subjective feeling of dryness or true hyposalivation. This can be determined through a full diagnostic work-up, including sialometry testing and reviewing potential factors such as medication use or underlying diseases. Treatment options can include lubricants and artificial saliva, but should only be prescribed after a proper diagnosis is made.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speakers discussed various topics related to oral cavity and its characteristics. They explained that xerostomia, dryness of the mouth, can be caused by certain medications or surgeries but can be treated by removing the cause. They also talked about the variations in bones in the oral cavity, such as exostosis, which are considered a variant of normal and are harmless. They mentioned that patients who undergo transplants may develop oral lesions and reactions such as graft-vs-host disease, and the treatment varies depending on the type of lesion and the patient's condition. The speakers also discussed the medication that can cause osteonecrosis, which are bisphosphonates and monoclonal antibodies, and how a congenital polyp in a newborn's mouth can typically resolve on its own. Finally, they suggested various treatments for the burning sensation caused by migratory glossitis.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of Benadryl and pectin to alleviate the discomfort of atrophic zones in the mouth, as well as the potential benefits of zinc supplements in promoting the formation of keratin on the tongue. They also address the follow-up care for patients with lingual varices, emphasizing the importance of monitoring for any increase in size or nodularity. In addition, they offer guidance on the diagnosis of gingivitis and vesicles on the palate, recommending a biopsy or referral to a pathologist for verification. Finally, they address the difference between a red, inflamed gum caused by a fixed prosthesis and an erythematous plaque.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker explores various conditions related to the oral cavity, including tongue papillitis and a burning mouth sensation in a 70-year-old patient. They emphasize the importance of making a proper diagnosis before administering treatment and suggest potential causes for the patient's symptoms. Additionally, they caution against dismissing a patient's complaints of pain or discomfort simply because no apparent clinical signs are present. Overall, the speaker provides helpful insights into the different factors that can affect the oral cavity and how to effectively diagnose and treat related conditions.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, a doctor discusses the importance of properly diagnosing oral health issues rather than just treating the symptoms. She suggests that a differential diagnosis should be conducted to identify the underlying cause of the problem before putting a patient on any specific treatment. For instance, when dealing with a maladjusted or poorly fitted denture that causes localized irritation, a cytological smear should be conducted to determine whether it is caused by fungi or the poor adjustment of the denture. The doctor recommends addressing all factors that contribute to the problem before providing treatment. Clorhexidine may be used to alleviate symptoms, but it is not a comprehensive solution.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the possible causes and treatments for gum pain caused by a burn from teeth whitening treatments. They explain that a burn is essentially a break in the tissue and can be treated with medications such as topical corticosteroids, antihistamines, and chlorhexidine. The goal is to cover the affected area and promote faster tissue repair. The program "Sacalalengua" is mentioned as a campaign for promoting self-examination and prevention in dental health, which has been implemented in various cities in Mexico and is open for anyone to join.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the option of sending biopsies for pathological studies at their institution, but warns that it can be complicated and risky for patients to do so due to the responsibility of preserving the tissue sample. They suggest direct communication with the medical professional to ensure proper handling and preservation of the sample. The speaker also provides information on their location, hours of operation, and contact information for those who wish to use their services. There were greetings from different parts of Mexico and Latin America, and the session will be available on their official channels.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the speaker thanks the viewers for their time and comments during the online session on the characteristics and exploration of the oral cavity. They also provide information on upcoming conferences and highlight the importance of continuing education in the field of dentistry, mentioning two free diploma courses at hospitals in Mexico. The speaker concludes by thanking the audience once again and presenting an official recognition to Dr. Karina Hernández Hernández for her valuable participation in the session.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the speakers invite viewers to participate in their online conferences and mention that colleagues from other states will also be attending. They provide contact information for Dr. Karina Yáñez Barraza for those in the Gustavo A. Madero area who wish to refer patients for dental care. The speakers express their gratitude for the audience's attention and inform them that they welcome any topic of interest or questions, and will provide information on the next set of topics for the "Saca la lengua" campaign.

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