Summary of Temas Especiais de Informática – Prof. Renato da Costa

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the use of asterisks in word processing. He explains that they can be used to represent a group of characters, and demonstrates how they can be used to ask questions with a single character. He also discusses the use of accents in Portuguese, and how to distinguish between a major and a minor accent.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses the various topics related to computers, with the help of a professor.
  • 00:05:00 This video is a lecture by Professor Renato da Costa on specific topics in computer technology. The lecture is filled with applause and music, and it is clear that the professor is well-loved by his students.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa continues a series of topical computer topics by discussing the different controls available for breaking lines and pages in a document. Topics covered include orphan lines and widows, maintaining lines together, and breaking a page before a paragraph. This video is helpful for students preparing for the Microsoft Word test.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses special topics in computer science, such as how to reduce the letter size of paragraphs, how to add something to adjust the text, and how to make an automatic adjustment for text that is not fitting properly in a paragraph. He gives an example of a problem and an example of a problem with text input. Finally, he provides a gabarito (summary) of Alpha and the other items. When working on a document, it can be helpful to remember the concepts of órfão (orphan) and viúva (widow). For órfão, the concept usually comes to mind when thinking about a child who has lost their parents. For viúva, the opposite is true--when a person thinks about a widow, they think about someone who is still alive but has lost their husband/wife. In either case, the first line of a paragraph must be an órfão or a viúva, and the last line of a paragraph must be the same. If a paragraph is split in two, the first line of the second paragraph must be an órfão or a viúva, and the last line of the second paragraph must be the
  • 00:20:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses how to control lines and paragraphs in a document using the Microsoft Word 2016 editor. He explains that the "órfã" (orphan) and "viúva" (widow) symbols represent the last line and first line of a paragraph, respectively. He also explains that it can be confusing because the first line of a paragraph may be the "órfã" or "viúva" symbol, depending on its position within the document. However, he advises users to remember the concept of "órfã" and "viúva" and to use them to remember the order of lines in a paragraph. Finally, he demonstrates how to use the "gabarito" (font style) feature to change the appearance of a paragraph's lines.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses computer topics, specifically Word 2013. He explains the different style types available in Word, and how to create your own style. He also covers how to use title and different style types pre-formatted, which makes customization easier. The professor also discusses how to use references in your writing.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the different formatting options in Microsoft Word, including font, paragraph, table, and border styles. He also discusses the use of style sheets and how to automatically create summaries for documents.
  • 00:35:00 This video explains how to use the Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts for formatting, replacing text, and locating and replacing objects. It also covers the basic topics of text formatting, including the normal style, the title style, and the type of formatting that is not associated with any particular style.
  • 00:40:00 This video explains how to replace words in a text document using a specific formatting format. It shows how to substitute a word with an alternate format, such as italics and bold, and how to search for specific words. Additionally, the video explains how to differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters and how to use characters such as "Coringa."
  • 00:45:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the use of the asterisk (*) character in word processing. He explains that it can be used to represent a group of characters, and that it can be used to replace a large number of characters in a text. He also discusses the use of accents in Portuguese, and how to distinguish between a major and a minor accent.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the standard way to write in the Word document format, and how two different types of capital letters (maiúsculas and minúsculas) can be represented with two substitutions. In the example, the caracter "Coringa" is represented with two substitutions, one for the maiúsculas and one for the minúsculas. This has the effect of representing the word as "crazy car" vs. "car bacana." When discussing substitutions, the presenter mentions that there is a "retrocedida" (a backwards substitution), and demonstrates how it works by having the substitute "bicho" instead of "chinelo." The presenter goes on to discuss how substitutions work when it comes to Brazil. First, they explain that "asterisco" (an asterisk) must be substituted for "Brasil." Next, they have a discussion about how substitutions work, and show how "m" can be substituted for "misterioso" (mysterious). They finish the video by explaining how the first substitution works, and how substituting "m" for "start" results in "termina com o."
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa introduces the topic of computer topics, and then goes on to talk about the use of asterisks (M) as a substitute for question marks (?). He then demonstrates how asterisks can be used to ask questions with a single character that represent a group of characters. He ends the video with a demonstration of how to ask questions using interrogative marks (?).

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses different topics related to technology. He provides insightful information on a variety of topics, including computer security, online privacy, and computer networks. His engaging speeches and demonstrations make his lectures a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about technology.

  • 01:00:00 This video provides information on computer topics, specifically Prof. Renato da Costa's teaching on how to replace characters. Two substitutions will occur; two more will be learned in the next class. Fear is not harmful, and humans are generally able to see only one. The "concurseiro" (sinisterprepared) sees two, but most humans only see one. The "normal person" sees one. The coringa (a Brazilian musical instrument) has four characters which can be replaced, and the student is asked to identify which character is being replaced.
  • 01:05:00 This YouTube video explains how to say "terminar com" in Portuguese, substituting "como" for "como bela" and "bola" for "bula." The video also discusses the use of "exclamação" and "negation."
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how to move around in Microsoft Word 2013. The main topics covered include cursor positioning, home key navigation, and keyboard shortcuts. The video also discusses selection techniques.
  • 01:15:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the different types of computer topics, specifically focusing on Microsoft Word 2010. He explains the different keyboard shortcuts for selecting text, as well as the benefits and limitations of margins.
  • 01:20:00 This YouTube video discusses the use of margins in different ways, including how to use margin mirror. It explains that, when working with a front- and back-to-back printing process, it is important to use the margin mirror feature to maintain symmetry. The singer discusses another margin-related topic, medianization, which is the process of adding an extra margin space to a document to accommodate for variations in page size.
  • 01:25:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the different themes of technology, specifically computer-related topics. He explains that in terms of width, the text is about two centimeters wide, and that to calculate the width of the text, you must divide the length by two. He also mentions that the position in which the text is written reflects the position of the median line in the figure below. The smallest measure would be the width of the text at 21 cm, and the margins would be as follows: left margin = 3 cm, right margin = 3 cm, and the top margin = 2 cm. The width of the text would be 14 cm. With regard to orientation, Professor da Costa states that the text is written in a direction that reflects the orientation of the landscape, which is upright. He also mentions that columns are used to define the amount of space allocated to a certain paragraph in a document. Finally, he notes that the orientation of the text is similar to the position of the median line in the figure below. The smallest measure would be the width of the text at 18 cm, and the margins would be as follows: left margin = 2 cm, right margin = 2 cm, and the top margin = 1 cm. The width of
  • 01:30:00 This video discusses different computer topics, specifically the differences between A4 and letter paper sizes. The professor explains that when A4 is reduced in size, it grows; at the same time, the paper's height and width are both increased. Finally, he provides a "reference point" for A4 paper with measurements for both sides. He goes on to explain that in Microsoft Word 2016, the dimensions of a textbox are controlled by the size of the paper and the orientation of the page. He reviews the various dimensions associated with margins and paper size, and selects the correct letter. He finishes the video by providing a quiz on the material covered. In this video, the professor discusses the different dimensions associated with different types of paper. He explains that in order to be properly formatted, you must understand the dimensions of the paper you're using. He goes on to show examples of how to adjust the margins and size of your text in Microsoft Word. He also discusses the different orientations available in Word 2016, and provides a quiz on the material covered.
  • 01:35:00 In this video, Prof. Renato da Costa explains the three types of margins: normal, wide, and double. He also explains that there is no such thing as a double margin, as it is only a shorthand for two margins that have nothing in common. The normal margin is 32.3 inches, the wide margin is 36.6 inches, and the double margin is neither wide nor double. Finally, Renato discusses the concept of medianism, which is the practice of referring to a value as "middle". He explains that the wide and double margins are both middle margins, and that the normal margin is the standard measure.
  • 01:40:00 This video, which is titled "Temas Especiais de Informática – Prof. Renato da Costa," discusses different topics related to computer technology, such as how to encase text well in a document, taking care when writing not to cut it, and how to add extra space to the margin on the upper side of a text column to avoid it being cut off. The speaker also discusses virus prevention measures, and how not to view software as malicious, but as a helpful tool. Charles Muniz, who is also a speaker in the video, discusses how to pass the Microsoft Office test and how to deal with students' questions.
  • 01:45:00 This video features Professor Renato da Costa discussing various topics in information technology. The professor is highly respected within the field, and his insights are well worth listening to.
  • 01:50:00 This video features Professor Renato da Costa discussing various topics related to technology. The professor provides insightful information on a variety of topics, including computer security, online privacy, and computer networks. His engaging speeches and demonstrations make his lectures a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about technology.
  • 01:55:00 This video features Professor Renato Da Costa discussing various topics related to technology. He discusses topics such as computer security, online privacy, and online safety. He provides helpful tips and resources for those interested in learning more about these topics. A variety of applause and music can be heard in the background.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses different topics related to computers, including cybersecurity, social media, and software development. He also covers the use of images in documents, and how to insert them into a document.

  • 02:00:00 This video features Professor Renato da Costa discussing various computer topics. They include topics such as cybersecurity, social media, and software development. The video ends with a round of applause from the audience.
  • 02:05:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses various computer topics. The students applaud as he starts the video, and he remarks that it's time to continue the lesson. He plays a video clip of Antonio Gomes, who says that Renato looks like Casemiro. Renato doesn't know how to respond. He plays another clip of Lucas Moreira, who says that Renato looks like Casemiro. Renato again doesn't know how to respond.
  • 02:10:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the different computer topics that are specific to him. One question asked by Jacqueline concerned the difference between rap music and Plex music, which Professor Costa explained is that rap music is communication for alternation only, while Plex music is communication that can only be sent and received at specific hours. He also warns people not to review too much information in case they are applying for the National Social Security Service (INSS), as they do not have a computer network in the program's content. Seven items make up the configurar página in Word: margins, text size, line breaks, column breaks, font, and text alignment. Finally, he talks about translineação, a characteristic of hifenização.
  • 02:15:00 This video discusses how to fix broken text in a document using different keyboard shortcuts. One shortcut is to use the keyboard shortcut for "breaking" text (that is, pressing and holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the letter B), and another is to use the "quebra de página" (page break) shortcut. The "quebra de coluna" (column break) shortcut is also mentioned. After discussing these shortcuts, the video moves on to explain how to fix a "quebra de seção" (section break).
  • 02:20:00 This video discusses how to change the page layout using the "Break Page" feature in Microsoft Word. You can also change the size of the paper, and add or remove pages. This feature is useful for creating separate sections with different formats.
  • 02:25:00 The video discusses how to create different types of computer sessions, with different headers and footers, depending on the needs of the user. There are different options for numbering pages, depending on the layout of the document. The example shown is for a book with chapters in reverse order, in which the new chapter starts on the back page.
  • 02:30:00 This video introduces the viewer to the different types of formatting available in Microsoft Word 2010, and explains how to use them to create a report. The viewer is shown how to change the orientation of a single page, and how to break a section of a document into different pieces. The viewer is then shown how to use a gabarito (font style) in Microsoft Word 2010 to create a beading effect.
  • 02:35:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the different types of computer topics and how to decorate your documents with them. He also explains how to insert a quebra de página (break in the text) in your document. There are three steps involved: entering the layout of the page, selecting the type of quebra de página to insert, and specifying the number of pages to break.
  • 02:40:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the different types of information technology topics, including the importance of having a header and footer, and how to create them in Microsoft Word 2010. He also teaches how to insert a table into a document.
  • 02:45:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses topics in computer science. He explains that he is in the table and will press down. The tablet will create lines in the table, and if I want I can also advance or retreat the tablet by pressing the up or down arrow. When the tablet advances the up arrow, the shift key retreats. If I press enter, I am increasing the height of that cell. I understand. I will continue my table here, Vasco. two to one in Flamengo ready. OK, now I am going to disturb you and I will put here 7 8 and here I want to calculate the total and I can do that in a table in Word. This is a topic that frequently appears on exams. I can do calculations using functions in Word or I have to go to Excel or I have to open the calculator. And then I can do it. When I am inside the table, it appears as guides in contextual menus. What is a contextual menu is a menu that appears according to the object you select in that contextual menu. Here is the layout. I have a formula here. When I click on Formula, it will open up. It is the same action as "above,
  • 02:50:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa explains how to use the Excel "Ilustrations" tab to insert images into your documents. He also explains how to create a header and footer for your document, and how to group illustrations together. If you're ever stuck on a question about Excel, this video is a great place to start. Professor Costa covers a lot of ground in a short amount of time, and he makes the subject matter easy to understand. If you're new to Excel, or if you just want to improve your skills, this is a great video to watch.
  • 02:55:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa teaches about different computer topics, including image formats and icons. He also discusses the use of images in online documents, and how to insert images into a document. He also covers the use of graphics in documents and explains how to create flow charts and hierarchies. Finally, he demonstrates how to insert images into a document.

03:00:00 - 03:30:00

This video is a collection of notes about a YouTube video titled "Temas Especiais de Informática – Prof. Renato da Costa." In the video, the professor discusses the different types of graphics used in information technology, the importance of printouts for students, and the various graphics used in 2016. He also covers the use of bar charts, area charts, and radar charts.

  • 03:00:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses the different types of graphics used in information technology. He highlights the importance of printouts for students, and goes on to discuss various graphics used in 2016. He also covers the use of bar charts, area charts, and radar charts.
  • 03:05:00 In this YouTube video, a professor of mathematics discusses how to insert a smartwatch graphic into a document. There are different types of smartwatch graphics available, and the video provides a list of examples. It also covers the concepts of cycle, hierarchy, matrix, and image. Finally, the video demonstrates how to insert a graphic into a document using the command line.
  • 03:10:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa explains the art of word art, which is a type of text that uses a graphical design to make a text look beautiful. He talks about how to create word art, and provides a brief example. Finally, he shows how to use an effect art to make a text look like it was created in a different era.
  • 03:15:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa demonstrates how to use the keyboard shortcuts F1 through F12 and Shift F1 to reveal the formatter, and Alt F4 to exit the program. Finally, Shift F5 opens a recent document.
  • 03:20:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses various computer topics, including how to use the computer without a mouse and using the keyboard instead. He also demonstrates how to save and open files. Finally, he discusses a student question on a college level math quiz. Based on the student's answer, he demonstrates how to spell the letter "c."
  • 03:25:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses topics related to computer technology. He talks about how the letter "b" is usually written poorly because there is no key for it, and how this can lead to terrible spelling. He also discusses the control keys (C, V, and X), and how pressing one of them will usually result in the same action being taken as if you had pressed Shift Delete. He also discusses how to use the copy, cut, and paste commands in order to improve your understanding of text. Finally, he talks about a student who was eliminated from a bank exam and how he plans to provide training for those who want to pass the exam.
  • 03:30:00 In this video, Professor Renato da Costa discusses computer topics, including antivirus software and navigation skills. He also thanks his audience for remaining with him this past week. Tomorrow, he has a review session for the upcoming exam. Be sure to watch tomorrow's video to see how the head of the student body is doing.

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