Summary of Why I Sold NELK...

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

The YouTube video's speaker discusses the reasons why they decided to sell their company, NELK. They talk about how they changed their lifestyle and how that affected their decision to sell and start over. They also mention their new show concept, which is a male audience show that is similar to Netflix's "Stranger Things."

  • 00:00:00 The video's speaker explains that they sold their company, NELK, and that it was a long and difficult process. They thank their fans for their support throughout the years.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the reasons why the creator of the channel and network, NELK, sold it all and started over. He talks about how he changed his lifestyle and how that affected his decision to sell and start over. He also talks about how he plans to build a brand and product development company, and how grateful he is to his fans.
  • 00:10:00 The author of this YouTube video explains that they have been working on a new show, and they are meeting with their head production bill and CEOs Lee and Zach to pitch it to them. The show will focus on creativity and will be similar to "TRL," but with a Christmas tone.
  • 00:15:00 The author explains that they are selling their company, NELK, because they want to move onto other projects. They talk about the concept for their new show, which is a male audience show that is similar to Netflix's "Stranger Things." They also mention that they will be sending out new products every month, and that they would love for viewers to be part of the process.
  • 00:20:00 The YouTube video's speaker explains why they sold their company, NELK, and shares some of the lessons they learned along the way. They encourage others to sell their businesses if they feel like it's the right decision, and promise that upcoming episodes of their show will be fun and informative.

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