Summary of Pensar la Historia Cultural hoy. Conversatorio con Roger Chartier

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the concept of "auto-publication" and its various forms, including digital and print, and its effects on the author's identity. It also discusses the role of mediating editorial processes in this process. The speaker asks a question about the possibility of democratization of access to the public, which they fear could be dangerous because there is already a text that is read as an "object" with no authorial input or revision.

  • 00:00:00 In this YouTube video, historian Roger Chartier discusses the history of cultural studies today. The talk is followed by a question and answer session with audience members. One audience member asks how the history of cultural studies can help us understand the present. Chartier responds that studying the history of cultural studies can help us understand how we arrived at the present situation. He also mentions the French Revolution and the dialogue between sociology, history, and literature. The talk closes with a discussion of the future of books and storytelling.
  • 00:05:00 Discussing the modern history of French universities outside of France, Roger Chartier has held both teaching and conference engagements around the world. He has particularly impressed with his work in the field of English as a second language, having been invited to hold the chair of Andrew Wight at the University of Leeds from 1996 to 2001. He currently lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has also been a professor at Berklee, Yale, Johns Hopkins, and Valencia universities. His many books include "La Historia Cultural Hoy" (2005), "La Historia Del Escrito" (2007), "La Música en el Siglo XIX" (2010), "Cultura y Textos en Red" (2012), and "Materialidades de los Textos" (2018). In response to a student's question, Chartier discusses the history of the culture category, explaining that it emerged in the early 20th century as a result of the predominance of political history in that era. He then goes on to discuss how we can understand cultural history as a discipline within history, and offers his thoughts on the problem of translating texts from 16th and 18th centuries into other languages. Finally, he responds to a student's question about his latest book
  • 00:10:00 Roger Chartier, a professor of French at Northeastern University, discusses the idea of cultural field in the sense that he would use it to refer to symbolic production practices specific to social practices related to aesthetics. He goes on to mention that the space for creation and appropriation of symbolic goods is greater today than it was in the 19th century, due to the mordant bite of this space being visible and describable as the cultural field in the work of, for example, the novelist Virginia Woolf. The field has its own history, which is studied by historians, but is also an anthropological reality and a social and pre-sociological reality that would be that each individual's behavior and expressions of symbolic culture are considered cultural due to their relationship to sacrality, society, and self with others. This definition would be synonymous with anthropology's concept of cultural symbolism, which is globalizing and encompasses all practices, not just those with an aesthetic or intellectual identity. In this way, history would be cultural by definition, and the third element that comes to mind is the use of a historical methodology, which I believe is also a quick observation because historically, one can approach this relationship between a particular field of experience and an anthropological definition of culture through a
  • 00:15:00 Roger Chartier discusses the history and genealogy of cultural production in a conversation with the audience. He points out that both social and symbolic production are situated in the long term, and in relation to the past of the same discipline or field when we are talking about the 19th century. He then goes on to discuss the explicit or implicit relationship between a cultural expression at a given time and the past of it, and underscores the importance of historical recording. He then asks the audience two questions: how to explain the own genealogy of cultural production, and if there is continuity or discontinuity between social and cultural history in the middle of 70s and 90s debates, as well as the legacy of materialism in this debate. After mentioning that this relationship between cultural history and quantitative history is already present in the French tradition, he emphasizes the importance of inheriting a strong legacy of cultural history in relation to socio-economic history in the 30s, but also stresses the importance of distinguishing between history of mentalities and history of economic and social representations. Finally, he mentions that this inheritance is also present in the history of theories, and that it can be found distributed across the history of cultural production, but it is especially strong in the tradition of French cultural studies.
  • 00:20:00 This video discusses how the focus on cultural practices and modes of appropriation has changed over time. The presenter points out that this change is evident in the way that concepts such as "norms" and "discourses" are now privileging individual experiences over collective ones. He argues that this shift is a result of the attention paid to proposals from the 1970s by Carlo Ginzburg and the idea that one should focus on collective experiences with the past. The presenter goes on to say that, while sociology, demographics, and anthropology were previously welcome partners in this dialogue, the new dialogues can also be opened with symbolic anthropology, the study of Victorian Literature, or practical sociology. He suggests reading a powerful, recent text by Pérdida titled "The Time of the Quixote."
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses the importance of historical representation, and specifically how it has been used in the past to manipulate and control society. It discusses the importance of understanding the different ways in which historical representation is used, and how it can help us understand the past. It also discusses the importance of emotion in historical representation, and how it can help us understand how people felt and interacted in the past.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the importance of historical interpretation today, and how representations can have a dual, historical and methodological dimension. It discusses the transitive nature of representations, and how they represent something but also have a reflexive dimension. This dimension is reflected in the way representations are being represented, and has far-reaching consequences for historians. One of the first consequences to be noticed is the increased use of textual representations over graphical ones when approaching past practices. The risk always is a reduction of documentary representations, and the illusion that reality and represented reality are the same. To avoid this illusion, it is necessary to understand the codes and norms that produce representations, as well as their esthetics and way of thinking about their relationship and reflexively.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, Roger Chartier discusses the role of history in today's society. He discusses the importance of historiography, which is the process of writing history, and points out that historiography is always a representation of the historical event. He goes on to say that the historian's representation of the event is shaped by their personal biases and their understanding of the time period in question. Chartier also discusses the relationship between sociology, psychology, and philosophy, and how they can be used to help understand the historiographical process. He concludes the video by saying that it is important to be aware of the historiographical process and to use it responsibly and respectfully.
  • 00:40:00 This video introduces the idea of a "cultural history" and explores how it is thought about today. Roger Chartier, a historian and social scientist, discusses how different social and cultural historians view the relationship between the sociologist and historian. He goes on to say that, although it is not necessarily what was suggested by the question, it is an idea that many social scientists naturally have. He then discusses how musicology might be approached in this way, by looking at how it is currently defined and how it relates to the present and past. He also points out that there are still options open to the social and cultural historian in the current order of things, after praying.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses how cultural changes over time, the exercise of power, social configurations, and finally, the transformation of the structure of personality. It also discusses sociology's relationship to the past more broadly than many historians could. Roger Chartier, a sociologist, discusses how the idea of a "field" has reappeared in the late 19th century and how it has important implications for sociology. He also discusses the importance of two figures in his work, Ferdinand de Saussure and Walter Benjamin, and how they have helped to shape the field of sociology. The conversation then moves to the neurosciences, which Chartier argues are a challenge for sociology as they are a way of understanding intellectual and psychological mechanisms that are already accepted by historians and sociologists far away from any historical or sociological perspective. This tension between morphology and history is a modern problem for both historians and sociologists and has been a topic of discussion for Carlo Ginzburg, among others. Chartier concludes the conversation by discussing how the current state of the field of sociology is a result of the interactions between these various disciplines.
  • 00:50:00 This video discusses the effect of the rise of self-publishing on the book industry. It talks about how this change affects the way books are written and how it affects the way books are communicated. It also talks about how self-publishing affects the traditional process of materialization. The speaker thanks the panelists, and finishes the talk by asking how self-publishing might change the way we think about books in the future.
  • 00:55:00 This video discusses the concept of "auto-publication" and its various forms, including digital and print, and its effects on the author's identity. It also discusses the role of mediating editorial processes in this process. The speaker asks a question about the possibility of democratization of access to the public, which they fear could be dangerous because there is already a text that is read as an "object" with no authorial input or revision. In the traditional publishing world, books are categorized and published within a series or collection with a specific intended audience. However, today's "auto-publication" allows for a more immediate form of communication without the mediation of an editorial team. This could lead to the disappearance of editorial mediation altogether.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this video, Roger Chartier discusses the dangers of overly linking culture to the ability to spread information on a large scale. He also talks about the importance of distinguishing between practices inherited from the traditional (free) reading culture and those shaped by the digital realm. Finally, he provides a question for the audience to ponder.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the idea of a cyberlibrary, which would allow for easy access to different books at any time. It is an idea that has been around for a long time, and is being discussed more now because of the availability of digital books. There is a risk that our perspective on the past will change and we will lose connection to the objects written in the past. However, keeping a relationship with the materiality of the written work - printed books, magazines, etc. - is also necessary. It is an observation that the world of digital communication has already transformed and perhaps has done so since the birth of the internet. It is powerful tool for the dissemination of ideas and the spread of misinformation.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the dangers of overly linking culture to the ability to spread information on a large scale, as compared to other forms of dissemination. It also talks about the link between this ability to spread information and new reading practices embodied by social media platforms, namely, fragmentation, quick, and superficial reading that has already celebrated and already embodied an alliance between this association. Another important element is the lack of critical concern towards what is read on social media, as seen in the recent past, during Brazilian elections, or in the recent EU presidential election. This concern manifests itself in the lack of a belief in the truth of statements, which can be the result of a critical examination denounced as comparisons and information controls being displaced to the point where the truth of an expression is decided by its popularity, instead of its validity being based on a critical examination of its context and meaning. We are facing a serious concern of the legitimization of a dream to make universal access to knowledge a reality, which is being displaced by the widespread use of social media and new reading practices. Companies that want to have an impact on voter formation should be capable of establishing a critical judgment about what is being read, as opposed to just accepting what is presented. Thank you for your answer to the next question, which
  • 01:10:00 The speaker discusses the importance of reading culture today, and how it must be taken into account when assessing how people read in the modern era. Distinctions between alphabets and illiterates are some of the most significant reading distinctions in today's world, and how it affects the way texts are read has implications for contemporary society. The speaker also refers to a sociological study which found that, in France, the percentage of people who have read at least one book in the past year has decreased by 10% between the late 20th century and 2010. This phenomenon is repeated in all countries around the world, and suggests that literacy is declining. The speaker also discusses how reading practices inherited from earlier generations can be slow, critical, and involve a deep comprehension of the text. Lastly, the speaker discusses how current reading practices are shaped by the digital world and how, when combined with electronic reading, it creates a new concept of "noise"--the intermingling of reading and writing practices.
  • 01:15:00 In this video, Roger Chartier shares his thoughts on the current state of cultural reading and how it relates to digital reading practices. He speaks about the importance of preserving the duality of digital and cultural reading practices, and how this can help create a more inclusive society. He also touches on the importance of distinguishing between practices inherited from the traditional (free) reading culture and those shaped by the digital realm. Finally, he provides a question for the audience to ponder.
  • 01:20:00 In this video, Roger Chartier discusses the current state of the literary world and how it has evolved over the years. He discusses the importance of editorial work and how it has evolved over time in America, but points out how the current focus on shared cultural values between cities in Europe and the economy has not been successful in giving confidence to candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) with his proposed literary center. He also discusses the importance of publishing work in a way that is accessible to a wider audience, and how in the colonial period between Spain and America, Spain's metropolis had a dominant position. He also discusses the importance of 19th century European and Latin American publishers in bringing European works to Latin America and the Caribbean, and how during the same period, a prominent figure in this trade was Portuguese publisher João Gomes Veiga.
  • 01:25:00 The talk highlighted the importance of studying the history of cultural writing in the Americas, specifically in the context of the European-colonial and book-trade relationships between Europe and the Americas. It discussed how, despite the opposition between center and periphery in this perspective, the American reading public has always been overwhelmingly influenced by texts from Europe. The talk also emphasized the need for an autocratic, critical view of the current state of cultural writing, as well as its historiographical context. It discussed how, in recent years, scholars have focused on the sharing of literary trends and styles between Europe and the Americas, revealing a continent-wide culture already present in the early 1800s. Finally, the talk outlined two reasons why the opposition between center and periphery might be tempered: first, by considering the role of economics in shaping cultural production, and second, by highlighting the centrality of book-trade relationships in mediating the spread of American literature.
  • 01:30:00 Roger Chartier discusses the concept of the "centro-periphery" in relation to contemporary cultural debates. He argues that the center is no longer located in the center of the world, but rather in the periphery. This shift has been caused by the globalization of the world economy and the influx of European publishers and authors into Latin America. In addition, he points to the increasing presence of Latin American authors in Europe and the Importance of Latin American cultural traditions in the European Renaissance. Finally, he discusses the idea that microhistorical studies of specific places can help to define the inequality inaccess to culture that exists in the 21st century.
  • 01:35:00 The speaker discusses the difference between European and Latin American cultural histories, emphasizing the importance of the written word in the former region. He recalls a study he conducted in which he found that, between 1806 and 1887, only 300 books were published in Puerto Rico, most of which were hand-sold and had very low prices. He talks about the role of ethics in writing history, and asks whether it is possible to understand history through language alone. He touches on the issue of truth and falsification in history, and concludes by saying that one of the challenges of writing history is achieving a sound ethical foundation.
  • 01:40:00 In this video, Roger Chartier discusses the ethics of historical writing, focusing on the use of figures and symbols shared by sculpture and fiction. He discusses Michel de Certeau's take on the topic, as well as Carlo Ginzburg's and Aidan White's work. He then discusses the challenges of writing about history in the present, and how historical writing reflects the values and attitudes of the historian and their historical subject. He also discusses how historical writing shapes and produces new ideologies, and how the distance between the historian and their subject is a theoretical and practical contradiction. Finally, he discusses how the practical value of a "centre of practice" necessitates ahistorical writing, and how this necessitates the production of discourse.
  • 01:45:00 The speaker discusses how historical practices are communicated today, and how written and oral language are used to portray those practices. He discusses how historiography can be based on rigorous academic theories, and how contemporary cultural representations are connected to global and historical events. He asks the professor, Jean Pierre LaSalle, to speak. LaSalle discusses how the concept of 'connections,' or how one event influences another, is important in historiography. He also discusses how the study of cultural representations can be helpful in understanding migration and global trade.
  • 01:50:00 This conversation between Roger Chartier and professors from Argentina discusses the limitations of using surveys to measure public opinion. One professor suggests using research into social media to gather more accurate information, as social media is more open to interpretation. This discussion raises the question of how to be prudent in our research, considering the implications of reduced scale. Attention to connections between different historical contexts is also discussed.
  • 01:55:00 In this video, Professor Roger Chartier discusses how colonial thinking shaped today's culture. He discusses how social media has given people the false sense of connectivity, and how this has led to a lack of critical thinking. He also speaks about how it is important to have rigorous observation methods when studying the world through digital media. Finally, he talks about how intellectuals in France are using digital media to project their own desires and dreams onto a global scale, which can be dangerous.

02:00:00 - 02:10:00

This video discusses the importance of studying history from a cultural perspective. The speaker argues that this is especially important in today's context, where there are many different revolutions happening around the world. He discusses how different revolutions have different precursors, and how we can learn from studying them.

  • 02:00:00 The speaker discusses the importance of cultural history today, and how intellectuals in France avoided discussing these topics in the past because of a lack of knowledge. He says that as a citizen, individual, and person interested in the topic, he finds it interesting to think about these things in today's context. He points to a recent book on the history of writing, which has had a great impact on how historians approach contemporary events. He then speaks about how we should always think about historical events with a degree of nuance, and not have a global view that would apply without nuance or care to the current events. He closes by saying that as historians, we need to maintain our legitimacy in questioning and exploring these issues.
  • 02:05:00 This video discusses the idea of historical cultural thinking, and how it applies to different revolutions. It discusses the French Revolution, and how it is a case of a revolution that has many pre-revolutionary precursors. It also discusses the Russian Revolution, and how it has a different set of pre-revolutionary precursors. Finally, it discusses the Haitian Revolution, and how it has its own set of pre-revolutionary precursors. This video provides an interesting perspective on revolutions, and how they can be understood as discontinuous events with potential for multiple futures.
  • 02:10:00 This video discusses the importance of historical study, focusing on the idea that different revolutions, such as the French Revolution, seem to repeat themselves. It discusses the two perspectives of historical study- the retrospective view, in which previous revolutions are looked back on, and the prospective view, which takes into account the current situation and how previous revolutions may have influenced it. The talk also touches on the topic of gender and cultural activism.

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