Summary of La gula de la industria alimentaria | DW Documental

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00:00:00 - 00:40:00

The video discusses the role of the food industry in the rise of obesity, and how the government has been reluctant to take action. It features interviews with young people who have diabetes or obesity, and shows how food advertising is a major cause of this problem. The video urges people to fight for change by becoming aware of the industry's tricks and speaking up about it.

  • 00:00:00 The documentary, La gula de la industria alimentaria, discusses the epidemic of obesity and how it has become the most important health problem worldwide. It discusses how the majority of the planet is going to be overweight and obese by 2030, and this is a disaster. Obesity is caused by human behavior when people were younger and believed that their weight was a part of their identity. They felt ashamed and felt like they were failures because of their weight. It took a while for me to question those beliefs and challenge those thoughts. I'm actually a failure and that's the truth, but it took me a while to get to that point. Obesity is a mass of indistinct fantasies caught in a web of prejudices. This leads to people criticizing those affected by food consumption and accusing them of being lazy. Genetics play a big role in obesity, as does the way that the food industry markets unhealthy foods. The health officials of the 1990s were sure that the only thing that was needed to defeat obesity was willpower--to eat less and exercise more. This became the mantra of the 2000s, and it has gone around the world. However, it has not been successful in stopping obesity. We need to start moving, to push, to climb, and to go beyond
  • 00:05:00 The video, La gula de la industria alimentaria, follows Michelle Obama's campaign against obesity in 2010, which focused on establishing healthier eating standards for school lunches. Beyoncé and Coca-Cola played a significant role in this campaign, with Beyoncé dancing to promote healthy eating and Coca-Cola creating the global balance energy center to address obesity. Although the theory behind this campaign is sound, the focus on calorie burning rather than calorie intake misses the point. The main problem with this campaign is that it is based on physical rather than psychological concepts.
  • 00:10:00 The documentary, "La gula de la industria alimentaria", investigates the role that food manufacturers have played in the rise of obesity in the United States. The government has repeatedly asked the food industry to produce foods with reduced fat and saturated fats, but the industry has been resistant to this recommendation. In response, the food industry replaced meat with processed cereals and sugar as the primary source of calories. This transition was made easier by the low cost of sugar and the widespread use of processed foods. The high levels of insulin produced by these diets have led to a host of health problems, including obesity and diabetes. Despite the negative effects of processed food, the industry has continued to grow. This is due to the profits that food manufacturers generate from selling unhealthy foods packaged in attractive packages.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the role of food advertising and marketing in society, and how it can lead to overeating and obesity. It features interviews with young people who have diabetes or obesity, and shows how food advertising is a major cause of this problem. The video urges people to fight for change by becoming aware of the industry's tricks and speaking up about it.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, an activist from far away in the coast of Mexico stands up and speaks to her community about how they are being die
  • 00:25:00 In the video, La gula de la industria alimentaria, doctors and politicians discuss the effects of sugar on health. They argue that, due to the industry's resistance to regulation, it is up to the public to demand change themselves. In 30 years, warnings about sugar's health consequences have saved millions of lives. However, the industry has fought back, hiring lawyers and lobbying groups. In the end, the sugar industry was victorious, as a bill to tax sugary drinks was passed but with strong objections from San Francisco residents who wanted the government to make decisions for them. The documentary ends with the story of one such resident, Malalia Cohen, who fought for years to have the government intervene less in her private life.
  • 00:30:00 In the early 2000s, the world's food industries began to grow rapidly in Europe, but the markets there no longer grew for traditional food items like bread and milk. Coca-Cola and Pepsi, as well as all of the local copycats, exploited low- and middle-income countries' marketing opportunities. Mexico was the first country to be colonized by these food industry conquerors, and today, obesity and obesity-related illnesses are the leading causes of death in Mexico. The world's attention was focused on Mexico when the growth of obesity and obesity-related illnesses became so rapid, and the sugar industry's imperialists, the sugar cartels, attacked one of Mexico's great heritage treasures, its cuisine, valued by UNESCO as part of the world's cultural heritage. Mexico's food industry taxes fell by 30% in the past two decades, and the country's food consumption decreased by 30% in the past 20 years. Mexican beverage sales have also been in decline for the past four years, as soft drinks have become less popular in Mexico. This is because in the following two years, there was a reduction in Mexican beverage sales as a result of people's reduction in consumption of sugar-laden food. Alejandro Calvillo, leader of a small group of defenders
  • 00:35:00 In 2010 and 2011, the European Union debated the institution of a clear and obligatorily clear labeling system for food products, but industry opposed the idea. Two years later, however, a virtuous circle has emerged in which companies that once opposed labeling have seen their sales decline in response to public backlash against unhealthy foods. In Germany, the food industry has won the battle against obesity by promising to promote healthful foods that help children achieve their dreams. However, it's wise to be skeptical of industry promises.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the large obesity problem in Germany, and the government's reluctance to take action. Corporations have a great amount of power in Germany, and the economic interests of the food industry always take precedence over public health. By 2040, there will be 12 million people with diabetes, and the problem is getting worse. We need to resist becoming dependent on cheap and empty calories.

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