Summary of Power BI Tutorial For Beginners | Power BI Full Course | Learn Power BI | Intellipaat

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video is a tutorial on how to use Power BI Desktop, a tool for creating reports and visualizations from data sources. The video covers how to install the tool, connect to data sources, and create reports.

  • 00:00:00 This video explains what business intelligence is, and how it works. The video covers the collection stage of BI, which focuses on collecting data from various sources.
  • 00:05:00 Business intelligence is used in a variety of different ways to help organizations understand and make decisions based on data. A use case is given to demonstrate how data semantics can use business intelligence to help sales reporting and sales prediction.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, the presenter explains why Power BI is in demand and why it is better than the other BI tools available. They also show how to use the Power BI tools, highlighting the advantages over the competition.
  • 00:15:00 Power BI provides business users with the ability to easily analyze and visualize their data in a way that makes sense for their specific needs. Additionally, it has tight integration with other Microsoft products, making it a very easy tool to learn and use.
  • 00:20:00 The Power BI Desktop is a standalone application that helps you to connect to different data sources and create reports. The PowerBI Service is a cloud-based service that businesses use to access reports. The Power BI Gateway is a tool that helps you to connect to different data sources and create reports. The Power BI Report Server is a software that stores and manages reports. The Power BI Mobile App is a mobile app that helps you to access reports. The Power BI Publisher is a tool that helps you to share reports with business users.
  • 00:25:00 The Power BI service is a cloud-based portal that allows business users to access reports and dashboards. The Power BI gateway is a component of the service that enables automatic data refresh.
  • 00:30:00 This tutorial covers the basics of Power BI, including how to use the different tools and components available. There is also a section on Power BI pricing, which offers three options: free, pro, and premium. The premium option provides more features and benefits than the pro option, but is also more expensive.
  • 00:35:00 The "Power BI Tutorial For Beginners | Power BI Full Course | Learn Power BI | Intellipaat" video tutorial introduces the basic concepts of Power BI, including building blocks, visualizations, data sets, and dashboards. The video also covers licensing options and explains the differences between reports and dashboards.
  • 00:40:00 The Power BI Desktop is a tool for creating visualizations and reports from data sources stored in Salesforce, Excel, and other sources. First, data is pulled into the desktop using data sources. Reports and visualizations can then be created and shared with others using Power BI Service.
  • 00:45:00 The Intellipaat power BI training course provides an overview of the Power BI Desktop tool and how to use it for data extraction and modeling. The course also covers how to install the software on a Windows computer.
  • 00:50:00 The video provides a tutorial on how to use Power BI Desktop, including how to install it and check the version.
  • 00:55:00 Power BI is a desktop application that provides users with the ability to create reports and graphs using data from different sources. The application requires users to first connect to their data sources, transform the data into a model, and add visualizations. The first step in creating a report is connecting to the data sources.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for beginners to learn how to use Power BI. The video covers how to open an Excel file in Power BI, load data into the application, use the table design in Excel to create tables in the Power BI data sheet, and select specific data to load. The tutorial also demonstrates how to load data into Power BI using the load button, and how to preview data in the data tab.

  • 01:00:00 The three views in Power BI Desktop are the Report View, Data View, and Model View. The Report View is the main workspace for creating visualizations with the help of charts, maps, and tables. The Data View is where you see your raw data and the Model View is where you write all your calculations. When working with dax, you need to be in the Data View so that you can see your data.
  • 01:05:00 The video shows how to use the model view in Power BI Desktop, which is a very important view of the power. The model view allows you to work with the relationships between tables. In this model view, you can see the data sources that are connected to each other, as well as the different data categories that are available.
  • 01:10:00 In this tutorial, the user demonstrates how to use Power BI to connect to data sources from SharePoint. Once the data is loaded, the user can view the data in various reports and charts.
  • 01:15:00 In this tutorial, the presenter explains how to create basic Power BI reports using data from a table. First, the presenter shows how to add a bar chart and donut chart to a report. Next, the presenter explains how to display total sales by product and segment. Finally, the presenter demonstrates how to save a report.
  • 01:20:00 This 1-paragraph summary explains how to use Power BI Desktop to save and open reports, as well as how to slice and dice data within reports.
  • 01:25:00 This Power BI tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for beginners to learn how to use Power BI. First, the video explains how to open an Excel file in Power BI, and then shows how to load the data into the application. Next, the video covers how to use the table design in Excel to create tables in the Power BI data sheet, and how to select specific data to load. Finally, the video demonstrates how to load data into PowerBI using the load button, and how to preview data in the data tab.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, the presenter explains how to use the power BI Desktop Transform window to make changes to data. The power BI Desktop Transform window is a part of the power BI Desktop application. This window allows you to load data from various sources, apply data transformations, and view the results.
  • 01:35:00 This 1-minute YouTube video tutorial explains how to load data into Power BI Desktop from an Excel file. The video covers how to load the ship date column and how to update it if it's missing.
  • 01:40:00 In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to load data from multiple sources into Power BI Desktop. First, the author demonstrates how to remove rows from a table, then how to promote a row as the column header. Next, the author demonstrates how to load data from an Excel file into Power BI Desktop. Finally, the author demonstrates how to load data from a SQL database into Power BI Desktop.
  • 01:45:00 In this tutorial, the user demonstrates how to connect to and load data from a SQL server using Power BI. The user also shows how to save credentials for future connections.
  • 01:50:00 This 1-minute video tutorial shows you how to load data from a pdf file into Power BI Desktop. You first select the pdf file to load, then connect to the data from the pdf file in Power BI Desktop. You can then transform the data, prepare it for loading into Power BI Desktop, and load the data into Power BI Desktop.
  • 01:55:00 This video tutorial explains how to load data from various sources into Power BI Desktop. The video shows how to use the web connector to load data from a Wikipedia page, and how to load data from an API.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This tutorial covers how to use Power BI to consolidate data from multiple Excel files into one table. The process is tedious and difficult to do manually, but Power BI does it for you.

  • 02:00:00 In this tutorial, the author explains how to use Power BI Desktop and the R programming language. He shows how to load data from an external data source, and how to work with relationships between tables.
  • 02:05:00 The video introduces the Power BI software, which is used for data analysis and modeling. The video shows how to use the Python script to extract data from an Excel file, and how to use the R script to load the data into Power BI.
  • 02:10:00 This video tutorial shows how to use power BI to consolidate data from multiple Excel files into one table. The process is tedious and difficult to do manually, but power BI does it for you.
  • 02:15:00 This 1-paragraph summary provides an overview of the video, Power BI Tutorial For Beginners | Power BI Full Course | Learn Power BI | Intellipaat. The video shows how to use Power BI to view and update data in Excel files.
  • 02:20:00 This video tutorial shows how to use Power BI for data transformation. First, the presenter needs some data in Power BI Desktop. Next, they show how data transformation happens, and then demonstrate how to use a data source from Excel. Next, they show how to transform data using Power BI Desktop, and explain the best practice of always loading data before transforming it. Finally, they show how to use data transformed in Power BI Desktop.
  • 02:25:00 In this video, the presenter explains the concept of memory in Power BI. He says that if your machine has good RAM, then you'll get good performance when you load data into memory. He also says that behind the scenes, Power BI Desktop also uses SQL Server Analysis Services, so your data is held in memory for temporary purposes. Finally, he explains how to load data into memory.
  • 02:30:00 The video discusses how to use the Power BI toolset, specifically the column selection and renaming features. It demonstrates how to add and remove columns, as well as rename columns.
  • 02:35:00 This 1-paragraph summary provides an overview of the Power BI Tutorial for Beginners video, which covers how to perform data transformations in Power BI. By following the tips provided, it becomes easier for new users to understand how to work with data in the tool.
  • 02:40:00 This 1-minute video tutorial explains how to use Power BI to create formulas and scripts. First, the video explains how formulas and scripts are generated automatically when you are working on a Power BI project. Next, the tutorial shows how to enable the formula bar in Power BI Desktop. Finally, the tutorial explains how to use Power BI to transform data.
  • 02:45:00 This 1-paragraph summary covers the steps necessary to perform quality checks on data before removing it from a table in Power BI. First, unnecessary columns and rows are removed from the table. Next, the quality of the columns is checked to ensure that they are not needed and are not impacting the quality of the data being used. Finally, the data is filtered and removed from the table.
  • 02:50:00 In this Power BI tutorial, the presenter explains how to identify null and empty data in Excel sheets. He also demonstrates how to correct errors in data. Finally, he demonstrates how to change the data profiling based on the entire data set.
  • 02:55:00 This tutorial covers how to use the Power BI data types feature to ensure that your data is correctly structured. The first check is to make sure that each column has the correct data type, and the second check is to make sure that the data types of the columns are correct. Finally, the tutorial explains how to create a duplicate column and perform a transform operation on it.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

This video tutorial explains how to use the Power BI tool to clean and extract data from YouTube. It begins by explaining how to identify and remove duplicate records from a data table. Next, it shows how to create and use filters to further analyze the data. Finally, it shows how to create custom column definitions and how to use them in analysis calculations.

  • 03:00:00 This video tutorial demonstrates how to use the Power BI features to clean and extract data. First, the required constant rule is reviewed, and then make sure valid columns are present and the data types are correct. Next, data extraction is performed, and a rule is created to ensure only the first two characters of each column are kept. Finally, the data is split into two columns, one for the first name and one for the last name, and the duplicates are removed.
  • 03:05:00 This tutorial shows how to use Power BI to analyze and manipulate data. It begins by explaining how to identify and remove duplicate records from a data table. Next, it shows how to create and use filters to further analyze the data. Finally, it shows how to create custom column definitions and how to use them in analysis calculations.
  • 03:10:00 This tutorial explains how to use Power BI for beginners. The first step is to create a new custom column in the data source. Next, the instructor shows how to move a column before the system and how to create a conditional column. Finally, the instructor shows how to load data into Power BI and how to save the report.
  • 03:15:00 The video demonstrates how to copy and paste a script to transform data in a Power BI report.
  • 03:20:00 This video tutorial explains how to merge data from two tables in Power BI, using the merge query option under the home tab. The steps involved are: selecting the tables to be merged, selecting the columns to be merged, and clicking OK. The data is then merged, and a separate column is added to the end of the table from which it was extracted.
  • 03:25:00 The video demonstrates how to get data from an Excel workbook, and how to stage it in memory for performance. It also demonstrates how to transform the data, and how to load it into a Power BI Desktop instance.
  • 03:30:00 The Power BI Tutorial for Beginners video teaches beginners how to use the Power BI Desktop for data preparation and analysis. First, the video explains how data is loaded into RAM for faster processing. Next, the video covers how to remove columns from a table, rename columns, and perform other data manipulations. Finally, the video explains how to use the Applied Steps window to go back to a data processing level.
  • 03:35:00 This video tutorial discusses how to use Power BI to work with data. First, the user removes a column from a table. Next, the user filters rows. Finally, the user changes the data type of a column.
  • 03:40:00 In this video, the presenter explains how to use the power BI features to analyze and correct errors in data. He also describes how to use column profiling to determine the quality of a column.
  • 03:45:00 In this video, beginners are taught how to use the question editor and data model to detect and correct errors in their data. Once errors are detected, they are then taught how to replace null values with any text.
  • 03:50:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to remove an error row from a table, and how to transform data so that it is more easily visualized.
  • 03:55:00 This tutorial explains how to use the merge query option in Power BI to combine data from two different tables. Once the data is merged, the Power BI user can see which records match in each table, and can select which records to load into their report.

04:00:00 - 05:00:00

This video tutorial introduces the viewer to the basics of Power BI, a software that allows users to consolidate data from multiple sources, manipulate data, and create visualizations. The tutorial provides an overview of the various features of the software, and demonstrates how to use them to perform various tasks such as calculating measures, grouping data, and aggregating shipping costs.

  • 04:00:00 This tutorial explains how to use the Power BI features for beginners, including how to refresh data and how to consolidate data from multiple tables into a single table.
  • 04:05:00 This tutorial explains how to create a custom column in a Power BI report by splitting a column value into separate columns based on a delimiter, and then merging the columns together.
  • 04:10:00 This tutorial provides a brief introduction to Power BI, including how to merge data from two different sources, and how to use the various data manipulation tools available. The course also provides guidance on how to create and use custom columns, and explains how to use the Power BI dashboard in order to visualize data.
  • 04:15:00 In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to use the various features of Power BI to create simple scripts. Power BI can generate scripts automatically if you want, or you can write your own. If you are familiar with excel formulas, you can use dax (a scripting language similar to excel formulas) to prepare your data. Once you have extracted data from multiple sources, you can use the query dependency option in the view tab to see which table is coming from which source.
  • 04:20:00 This tutorial shows how to use the Power BI features to group data by country and city, and to aggregate shipping costs.
  • 04:25:00 In this tutorial, beginner Power BI users are introduced to the use of the group by functionality and explained how to transpose data. The creator also demonstrates how to count the number of records in a table using the filter option.
  • 04:30:00 In this video, the presenter explains how to count the number of records in a table using Power BI. First, the presenter shows how to count the number of records in a table by counting the number of rows. Next, the presenter shows how to create a conditional column in order to count the number of records based on the unit price of a product. Finally, the presenter shows how to create a separate table for the product based on the unit price and the product category.
  • 04:35:00 This video explains how to create a conditional column in Power BI, using a script written by the software's founder. The conditional column allows you to compare unit prices against a certain value, and to create different types of columns based on the result.
  • 04:40:00 The Power BI tutorial discusses the benefits of using Power BI, including calculating measures and values on top of existing calculations, reusability, and flexibility to break complex calculations into bits and pieces with the help of variables. Finally, the tutorial covers statistical functions, text functions, and other categories of functions.
  • 04:45:00 In this video, the presenter explains how to create columns in a table using a calculation, and how to use those columns in a Power BI report. It is important to note that columns created this way will not be available in the Power Query editor.
  • 04:50:00 In this tutorial, the presenter demonstrates how to create a calculated column in Power BI. The column calculates the sales values for a product by unit price and quantity. The presenter then creates a column chart and a measure to display the total sales by product name and category.
  • 04:55:00 In this tutorial, the author explains how to use the summix function to calculate the total sales for a row of a table. This function iterates row by row, and keeps the final result in a cache so that it can return the result for the last row without having to calculate it again.

05:00:00 - 06:00:00

This video tutorial set explains how to use Power BI to create measures, filters, visualizations, and customizations. It also covers how to establish relationships between different data sets.

  • 05:00:00 The video tutorial explains how to create a measure and visualize the data within it using dimensions. The video also discusses how to create an aggregation on a column level and how to change the summarization on a column level.
  • 05:05:00 This video tutorial explains how to use Power BI's various functions to manipulate data. It covers columns, measures, and tags.
  • 05:10:00 This video tutorial explains how to create a new column in a Power BI model, and how to use the related function to extract data from another table based on a relationship.
  • 05:15:00 The video explains how to use the filter function in Power BI. The filter condition is specified as a table name (honor id), which must not be equal to one zero two four eight. The filter expression is a comma-separated list of table names (one zero two four eight, one zero two four nine). The results of the filter are displayed in a card.
  • 05:20:00 This video demonstrates how to use the Power BI tools to calculate the sales of products in a given category. First, the video explains how to create a measure that relates one or more columns in another table. Next, the video demonstrates how to use this measure as a filter to display only the data from the desired table. Finally, the video explains how to validate the data using different methods.
  • 05:25:00 This video tutorial explains how to use Power BI to perform visualizations of data sets. First, the tutorial establishes a connection to Power BI. Next, the data set is loaded into Power BI. Finally, the user mappings table is loaded, and the student survey is visualized.
  • 05:30:00 The video demonstrates how to use conditional formatting to make data look more interesting.
  • 05:35:00 In this video, the presenter shows how to create a matrix visualization of data using Power BI. He first selects the data to be visualized, including age, outdoor sports, and store setting. Next, he creates a matrix visualization using the rows and columns options in the matrix visualization. He then shows how to disable subtotals and column subtotals, and gives a title for the visualization.
  • 05:40:00 This video explains how to create a funnel chart to show the total amount of purchases by store setting.
  • 05:45:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to create a pie chart and scatter plot in Power BI. He explains that scatter plots are useful for finding outliers and that Power BI is not limited to data visualization.
  • 05:50:00 The video tutorial demonstrates how to create a custom visualization in Power BI, using a scatter plot and density column.
  • 05:55:00 In this tutorial, the author explains how to create a relationship between two tables in Power BI. He first shows how to transform data, and then shows how to manage relationships. He also demonstrates how to enable security filters.

06:00:00 - 07:00:00

This video tutorial teaches how to use Power BI to append data to an existing table, split columns by a delimiter, and rename columns. The data is from a table of charter applications.

  • 06:00:00 The video explains how to publish a dashboard to a Power BI cloud account.
  • 06:05:00 This video tutorial teaches how to create a live dashboard using Power BI. The user starts by setting the prerequisite, loading data from an rdbms, and connecting to an online system to get data about checkpoints a truck driver must pass.
  • 06:10:00 This tutorial explains how to use Power BI for beginners. First, the user logs in to the Power BI server and sets up their credentials. Next, the user demonstrates how to connect to a database and view data. They then import data into the PowerBI system and explore how relationships work. Finally, they create a simple model and explore how data is loaded into the Power BI analysis.
  • 06:15:00 In this video, the presenter covers the basics of Power BI. He covers how relationships are automatically created, how checkpoints are linked to actual data, and how column level transformations can be performed.
  • 06:20:00 This video describes how to set up a data source for Power BI, how to modify an existing data source, and how to format a column.
  • 06:25:00 In this YouTube video, the presenter teaches how to create a power query report that displays the number of times each trip crossed a set of checkpoints.
  • 06:30:00 This 1-minute video tutorial teaches viewers how to use Power BI to create a table visualization that shows how many checkpoints a trip has covered and how many were intended to be covered. The video also demonstrates how to add a column that shows by origin state how adherent a company is to the components of the weak-boy problem.
  • 06:35:00 In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to construct a basic dashboard and deliver analysis using Power BI.
  • 06:40:00 In this video, a walkthrough is given of how to use Power BI to analyze data. The video covers how to use Power BI to see data from a main data set as well as how to use Power BI to see data from a target data set. Additionally, the video covers how to use Power BI to visualize data in a dashboard.
  • 06:45:00 Intellipaat provides a microsoft power bi certification training course which is designed to upskill and land your dream job. The course covers data from 2010 to 2016, and includes data from university admissions, university funds, and applications. After loading the data, the instructor realized there were more applications in a different data sheet.
  • 06:50:00 This tutorial shows how to use Power BI to append data to an existing table. The data is from a table of charter applications. The tutorial also shows how to use Power BI to perform text functions on the data.
  • 06:55:00 The video tutorial explains how to split columns by a delimiter, rename columns, and format text in Power BI.

07:00:00 - 08:00:00

This YouTube video provides a tutorial on how to use Power BI Desktop to consume and transform data. It covers topics such as connecting to data sources, modeling and visualizing data, and creating customized reports. The video also covers the importance of security and pricing for the Power BI 7778 exam.

  • 07:00:00 This video tutorial demonstrates how to use Power BI to create simple reports and charts. The first part of the video shows how to create a data table and best suits for reporting. The second part of the video shows how to do similar things in state, including targets. Finally, the video shows how to remove unnecessary columns from a table using Power BI.
  • 07:05:00 This tutorial will show you how to use Power BI to clean and massage your data. It covers how to select the fields you want to work with, how to merge data, and how to create conditional columns.
  • 07:10:00 This video tutorial explains how to use the power BI query editor to create conditional columns. It covers the rules for how conditional columns are evaluated, and shows how to add a conditional column using the function each if each, the else ifelse statement, or the m syntax.
  • 07:15:00 In this video, the presenter explains how to create a summary table in Power BI. First, they select a column to count rows for and then create a new aggregation table. Next, they group by institution name and institution id, and the aggregation table is created. Finally, they compose an aggregation table to group by delivery.
  • 07:20:00 The video discusses how a certification program can give you knowledge and experience in the latest business intelligence technologies. It covers the exams that are required to obtain a certification, as well as the fees associated with the exams.
  • 07:25:00 The video discusses the development of models in Power BI, the use of data expressions, and the certification requirements for Power BI 7778. The video also discusses the importance of using Power BI desktop and connecting data sources, as well as the proficiency required in implementing connectivity from various servers.
  • 07:30:00 This video provides a tutorial on how to use Power BI Desktop to consume and transform data. It covers topics such as connecting to data sources, modeling and visualizing data, and creating customized reports. The video also covers the importance of security and pricing for the Power BI 7778 exam.
  • 07:35:00 Power BI is a powerful data analysis tool that can be used to create reports and dashboards quickly and easily. It is ideal for businesses that want to be more efficient and want to share reports and dashboards easily.
  • 07:40:00 Power BI is a powerful tool that can be used to create beautiful visualizations of data, share reports easily, and scale data-related solutions. There are multiple versions of Power BI, each with its own set of features.
  • 07:45:00 Power BI is a powerful data visualization tool that can be used for personal computers, laptops, microcomputers, and even mobile devices. Power BI has five important components: the Power Pivot, Power Query, Power View, Power Map, and the Get Data icon. Filtering data is easy using the filters provided by Power BI.
  • 07:50:00 The three views in Power BI are the report view, the data view, and the relationship view. The report view is where you can see a full scale view of what's going on, the data view is where you can do operations like data pre-processing and data shaping, and the relationship view is used to manage the relationships between data sets.
  • 07:55:00 The 14th question on the Power BI tutorial asks what is row level security, and the answer is that it restricts the data a user can access. Row level security can be enabled in Power BI by configuring certain rows and roles, and the Username function can be used to show which restrictions are applicable to the current user. The 15th question asks what are the benefits of using variables index dax, and the answer is that they make data analysis expressions (DAX) easier to read and understand, and they're useful for solving many-to-many problems. The 16th question asks what is bi-directional cross-filtering, and the answer is that it allows data modelers to control the relationship between tables. Bi-directional cross-filtering simplifies the job of data modelers when they have to work with many-to-many problems.

08:00:00 - 08:40:00

This video provides a brief introduction to Power BI, discussing the different features available and how to use the advanced editor. It also covers how to apply basic data shaping techniques and how to map geographical data into reports.

  • 08:00:00 In this video, a beginner's guide to Power BI is provided, including an overview of the different features available, as well as explanations of how to use the advanced editor and how to apply basic data shaping techniques.
  • 08:05:00 The video explains how to use power BI to efficiently store and present data. It covers the basics of using Power BI, including personal and on-premise gateways. The video also discusses how to map geographical data into reports.
  • 08:10:00 The 29th question in a powerbi interview is to ask if the applicant has experience working in the same industry as the company. This question is commonly asked to assess the applicant's interest in and preparedness for a production environment.
  • 08:15:00 The video provides a brief introduction to Power BI, and discusses the importance of certification in the business intelligence field. It offers tips on how to approach Power BI interview questions, and provides a list of certifications the speaker possesses.
  • 08:40:00 This Power BI tutorial for beginners walks viewers through the basics of using Power BI, from creating a data model to visualizing data.

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