Summary of "Remix Conf 2022 Keynote" by Michael Jackson at #RemixConf 💿

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

In his keynote at Remix Conf, Michael Jackson discusses the company's journey and how important progressive enhancement is for building good experiences on the web. He also talks about how Remix has helped to revive the conversation about progressive enhancement in the react space.

  • 00:00:00 At Remix Conf, Michael Jackson talks about the journey the company has taken and how important progressive enhancement is for building good experiences on the web. He also talks about how Remix has helped to revive the conversation about progressive enhancement in the react space.
  • 00:05:00 In 2020, Ryan and Michael created Remix, a framework for building web apps that are "easy to use, fast, and secure." In 2021, React Router was released as a sibling project to Remix. In November of 2021, Remix was released as a full framework. Since then, it has been used to build a variety of web experiences.
  • 00:10:00 In his keynote at Remix Conf, Michael Jackson discussed the recent developments of Remix, including the release of stacks, a migration guide for React Router, and v1.5, which supports multiple runtimes.
  • 00:15:00 In his keynote at Remix Conf, Michael Jackson discusses how React Router can help improve performance on web applications. He describes how React Router can be used to move the performance of a web application back to the server, which was a shift from 2010's "New Twitter."
  • 00:20:00 In his keynote at RemixConf, Michael Jackson stressed the importance of writing one app, giving users greater control over their experiences, and leveraging the best of the web. He noted that, in order to make this easier, Remix has built hundreds of little levers into the framework.

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