Summary of Michael Tellinger | Hidden Origins, Fossils of Giants, Shift in Consciousness | Megalithomania

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Michael Tellinger discusses ancient giants, strange structures, and the vanished civilizations of southern Africa in this four-hour presentation. He argues that these things are evidence of a shift in consciousness, and that by connecting the dots from the past, we can begin to understand our future and uplift ourselves.

  • 00:00:00 Michael Tellinger begins his four-hour presentation by discussing the theory that there are giants buried all over the world, and that they are a sign of a "shift in consciousness." He goes on to say that the current state of the world is a result of the disconnection of people from their ancient origins, and that by connecting the dots from the past, we can begin to understand our future and uplift ourselves.
  • 00:05:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the existence of ancient giants and other strange structures, the significance of which are still being debated by historians. He also mentions the vanishing civilizations of southern Africa, which suggests that similar events may have occurred there in ancient times.
  • 00:10:00 The YouTube video "Michael Tellinger | Hidden Origins, Fossils of Giants, Shift in Consciousness | Megalithomania" discusses the Vanished Civilizations of Southern Africa, which includes Stone Circles and Rune Stones that are unique and connect to each other. Anton Parks' books Adam's Calendar and In There He suggest that these ruins might have been a food-growing area for an unknown group of beings. When Michael Tellinger showed Zulu Shaman Mutoa the book, he wept tears of joy because he never thought he would see the place again.
  • 00:15:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the sacred nature of the site where he found giant mud fossils, and how his discovery shifted his perspective on history. He also discusses the importance of stone circles and their connection to the Giant remains.
  • 00:20:00 Michael Tellinger discusses fossils of giants, which he believes are evidence of an ancient alien race known as the Anunnaki. These creatures, he believes, were three times the size or twice the size of humans, and their bodies completely and utterly transmutated into dense crystalline rock known as hornfels when they got trapped in mud or water. He shows clips of some of these fossils, including a heart that is three times the size of a human heart and a bone with muscle attached. He also discusses bones with clearly identifiable muscle and tissue, which he refers to as "flesh fossils."
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the discovery of giant foot prints and skulls in various locations around the world. Michael Tellinger discusses the evidence and discusses the implications of this evidence on the history of civilization.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the possible existence of giants, and how evidence for their existence can be found in ancient texts. It also discusses the possible use of giant footprints as religious symbols.
  • 00:35:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the ancient knowledge of Cymatics, or the shape of sound frequencies. He discusses how stone circles were specifically designed to amplify sound frequencies, and how these circles continue to generate powerful electromagnetic fields even today. He suggests that the ancient creators of Adam's Calendar may have been using the energy generated by these circles for something other than gold mining.
  • 00:40:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the possible use of magnetism and energy-generating stones to create oxygen and water, as well as the importance of understanding the original purpose of ancient structures. He also shares a photo of an eroded break on a Stonehenge stone.
  • 00:45:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the shift in consciousness that has allowed mankind to see more information about the ancient civilizations, including their technology and worship practices. He points out that erosion on ancient sites proves that these civilizations did not simply fall apart due to natural causes, and that historians and archaeologists are likely to lie to us about the true nature of these sites. He explains that these ancient civilizations were using advanced technology that we could only begin to imagine, including giant energy circuit boards that were connected to acoustic chambers and other structures.
  • 00:50:00 In this video, Michael Tellinger explains how modern churches and other places of worship use cone-shaped architecture to send sound and energy up into the sky. He argues that these structures are simply lies, designed to keep people enslaved.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Michael Tellinger discusses the idea that humans evolved from apes, and that space and the cosmos are full of water. He also discusses the idea that theoretical physics is the black magic of the new millennium, and that this has led to many false claims being made about the nature of reality.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this video, Michael Tellinger discusses the importance of sound and frequency in creating light and life, as well as ancient civilizations' understanding of sound and its relationship to energy. He also discusses the origins of religious symbols and movements, and how these groups have used sound and resonance to manipulate humanity.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses how water is found on different stars in the universe, and how it suggests that the universe and water are the same thing. It also points out that water is present in all elements, and that it is connected to all creation. This suggests that water may be sacred because it is the foundation of all life.
  • 01:05:00 In this YouTube video, Michael Tellinger discusses the possible origins of space and the spirit of God moving across it. He also discusses sonoluminescence, which is the illumination of water due to sound waves. He argues that if water is the stuff that holds the universe together, then it is possible that water is the source of all life. He also suggests that the moon landing may have been one of the biggest hoaxes in history.
  • 01:10:00 Michael Tellinger discusses his hypothesis that the Moon is a hologram and the evidence that supports it. He also discusses the possibility that the Moon landing was a hoax.
  • 01:15:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the connections between sound, resonance, and creation, including the idea that all of these phenomena are manifestations of the same thing. He also discusses the origins of religious symbols and movements, and how these groups have used sound and resonance to manipulate humanity.
  • 01:20:00 The YouTube video discusses the importance of sound and frequency in creating light and life, as well as ancient civilizations' understanding of sound and its relationship to energy. The video also features a discussion of the Ark of the Covenant, which is believed to have been a communication device that allowed Moses to communicate with God.
  • 01:25:00 Michael Tellinger discusses Royal Rife's handwritten book of frequencies that cure cancer and other diseases, and how people may be using them to cure diseases without knowing it. He also mentions a device called a multiple wave oscillator, which he says can kill cancer cells.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses how sound can be used to cloak objects and make them invisible, as well as how magnetrons generate huge amounts of energy. It also mentions how sound can be used to levitate objects, and how this technology is being developed currently.
  • 01:35:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the effects of sound on the physical world, including the creation of DNA. He notes that this knowledge is typically not taught in medical school, as it is not considered part of mainstream science.
  • 01:40:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the particle physics agenda, which is to find the God particle. The agenda has been going on for 500 years and is deeper than we could imagine.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the particle physics agenda, which is to reduce everything to its parts in order to understand it. The goal is to find the God particle, which is said to be a very important discovery. The Large Hadron Collider is a very expensive machine that is used to search for the particle.
  • 01:50:00 In this interview, Nikola Tesla disputes the accepted atomic theory of matter and says that the secret to understanding the universe lies in the beauty of three, six, and nine. Dr. Manju Samantha Lawton's book, Bank Science, further illustrates this point by showing how everything in physics, science, and biology manifests into royal fields. Sound, in particular, is the primordial source of everything because God said "Let there be light."
  • 01:55:00 In this video, Michael Tellinger discusses the shapes of sound and how they manifest in nature. He also discusses how sound frequencies can be used to create vibrations, and how this can be used to create musical tones. He finishes the video by discussing how sound frequencies can be used to create symbols and logos, and how the Sheep farmer will never know what TV channels he watches at night if he doesn't want the Sheep to know.

02:00:00 - 02:55:00

In this video, Michael Tellinger discusses the origins of the scientific view of the world, the God particle, andCreative Infinity. He also talks about how money is a tool of enslavement and how we can break out of this system. Finally, he discusses the shift in consciousness that was necessary for humans to wage war and enslave others.

  • 02:00:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the idea that everything, from atoms to the solar system, is composed of resonant fields. He believes that the Earth cannot be an exception to this, and that we live in a fractal, multi-dimensional toroidal nature of reality. This is by far the most close image he has come across to explaining creation, and it is mesmerizing. He reminds us that if we don't know who we are and where we come from, it is difficult to navigate space.
  • 02:05:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the significance of magnetism and how it can help us to understand the hidden origins of giants and the shift in consciousness that has occurred over the past few centuries. He also explains the different types of magnetism and how they affect the physical world. Finally, he discusses the role of sound in moving faster than the speed of light and how it can be used to access spiritual realms.
  • 02:10:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the magnetic fields in our universe, which he believes are in a toroidal shape. He points to the Pharaoh lens cell, which was not discovered until recently and has allowed us to see the magnetic fields in a much more accurate way. This helps us to better understand the dynamics of Galactic discs and solar disks, which we were previously unaware of.
  • 02:15:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the technology used by ancient people to manipulate and heal others, including using cone-shaped tools to create a powerful Caesar beam. He believes this technology is still being used today, and suggests that you can use your thoughts to create a powerful Caesar beam.
  • 02:20:00 Michael Tellinger discusses how giant ancient trees were chopped down with a technology called a "Caesar beam." He also discusses how dragonflies and other insects whose bodies are too big for their wings use hollow tubes in their wings to create a gravity free zone, and how Victor Grabinikov studied bugs and found out how to use their wings to build a levitation platform. He claims that this technology is still being used today.
  • 02:25:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the stone he broke 11 years ago and how it developed a crack. He then decides to leave it as it is, fearing that he may break it again. However, the stone starts cracking again, and he eventually has to leave it in two pieces.
  • 02:30:00 The video discusses the discovery of a new crack in a stone circle museum piece that was given to Michael Tellinger as a gift in 2008. The crack began developing after six months and eventually split into two pieces. The crack has been continuing to develop over the past 10 years, and has now split into six pieces. Michael believes that the crack is related to the influence of the tourist stones nearby, which can't handle the intense energies.
  • 02:35:00 In this video, Michael Tellinger discusses the origins of the scientific view of the world, and how the discovery of the electron in 1909 and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle signaled the beginning of the end for the ether theory. He also discusses the God particle and how it became a focus of science in the 20th century.
  • 02:40:00 This video discusses the concept of "Creative Infinity," which suggests that our universe is infinite because we are at the center of it. It also features a discussion of the work of Max Stegermark, who is considered one of the leading experts onbackground cosmic radiation. His findings suggest that the Earth is at the center of the universe and that everything revolves around it.
  • 02:45:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the idea that everything is connected and that, in particular, money is a tool of enslavement. He goes on to say that, in order to break out of this system, we need to come to terms with what money is and where it comes from. He also discusses the idea that, due to money being introduced as a tool of enslavement, we are still subject to those who control the creation and supply of money.
  • 02:50:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the origins of royal bloodlines and the shift in consciousness that was necessary for humans to wage war with fierce weapons and enslave others. He also discusses how small towns can change the world, and how people can cooperate to create businesses that benefit everyone.
  • 02:55:00 Michael Tellinger discusses the transformation of capitalism, how contributionism devours capitalism, and how this will lead to an abundance of wealth for everyone. He asks the audience to imagine how much wealth their town could create from 50 new projects, and asks them to share this information with others.

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