Summary of NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section of a YouTube video titled "NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650", the speaker discusses the power of music to evoke memories and emotions. They emphasize that even songs that are no longer popular can still hold significant meaning for individuals, as they may be associated with specific moments in their lives. The speaker also highlights the importance of curating music selections for personal playlists or special occasions, as music has the potential to enhance our emotional experiences and make moments more impactful.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of a podcast titled "NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650", the host discusses various topics related to living in the United States and interacting with Americans who often don't speak Portuguese. He expresses gratitude to his friends and contacts who have helped him navigate this new environment, including a friend who helped him arrange a car and other necessities. He also mentions a former boss who was able to make connections with everyone they met and improve their experiences. The host speaks about struggles they have faced with issues like finding a suitable establishment to hold an interview or acquiring the necessary equipment for a recording.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a vocal tuning software that uses real-time technology. The software is used to improve the pitch and quality of a person's voice, making it sound more metalic and robotic. The program can be fine-tuned to achieve a specific sound. The program is used by musicians and artists to improve their singing abilities. The program is particularly useful for artists who want to sound more dramatic and theatrical. The program is easy to use and can be customized to suit the needs of individual artists. Overall, the program is an effective tool for anyone looking to improve their singing abilities, regardless of their level of experience.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker Marcos Guerrera discusses the topic of sound control in concerts. He explains that sound control has become easier due to modern equipment with features like noise cancellation. He also talks about how sound can be a significant distraction for performers and how it can affect other things, like eating. Additionally, he discusses the microphone picking up background noise during concerts and how it can be distracting for performers. He concludes the discussion with a light-hearted anecdote about a conversation with someone who wants to focus only on the rock festival experience without any additional noises.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of a YouTube video titled "NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650", the speaker discusses the importance of choosing a solo performance wisely. The example discussed is a young musician who played a simple song on guitar but executed it well. The speaker notes that the crowd loved the performance and even some experts questioned whether it was a live performance or a playback. Despite having some doubts, the speaker believes that the musician's performance was legitimate, and they dedicated time to practice until they were satisfied with their performance. The speaker also mentions other examples of musicians who initially struggled with the genre they were performing but eventually succeeded.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses several topics related to music and performance. First, they talk about Whindersson's live performance at the Rock in Rio festival and how he was able to perform well despite some criticism on stage. The speaker also shares their opinion that everyone, regardless of their level of talent, can have a bad day and that it's important to be respectful of others when they are performing. Next, the speaker talks about their own experience with music and performance, sharing that they have performed with Luan Santana and that they have a strong relationship with their fans. The speaker also discusses the importance of connection with the audience and of creating a memorable experience for them. Finally, the speaker talks about their love of Bruce Dickinson, the famous pilot and lead vocalist of Iron Maiden, and shares their experience of visiting him in his hospital room while he was undergoing treatment for cancer.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses several topics such as singing, success, human tragedy, and art. The conversations center on notable figures and their success or struggles with fame. The speaker mentions Whitney Houston and how successful she was, but also the psychological toll her fame took on her. He also discusses the legacy of the rock and roll industry, and reflects on Tony Bennett's influence on Maçda Mendonça's career in jazz. Furthermore, the speaker touches on the importance of determination and perseverance in pursuing one's passions, and speaks to the power of music as a source of solace and connection among people.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of musical talent and perception. He notes that while some people have a natural ability to perceive musical sounds and notes, this talent can also be developed through training and practice. He gives the example of Justin Bieber, who developed his talent for music from a young age but also had the support of a trained manager and team. The speaker highlights the importance of identifying and nurturing musical talent, and notes that even those who may not have a natural aptitude can still achieve success in the industry through hard work and dedication.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Marcio Guerra discusses the impact of ageing on the quality of someone's voice. The host uses the example of Justin Bieber to illustrate how an issue with dripping water onto the amount of hair, making the person uncomfortable about it. He discusses the problems that Bieber faced and how it affects his singing and his personal life. The discussion then shifts to Zega Di Camargo, a Brazilian singer with a distinctive style of singing. The host compares how the thick padding used by Brazilian singers helps them create a tone in their voice rather than just relying on pitch alone. The host also discusses how some singers have issues with finding a balance between the intonation of their singing and their ability to connect with the audience. He explores the importance of proper exercise, nutrition, and self-care, including taking breaks and practicing regularly. Finally, he talks about the experience of sleep, how with restful sleep, a singer's body can state, making it easier for the person to perform at their best. He also talks about the different activities that help to improve voice quality, such as singing school, vocal exercises, and shift gears.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how the voice is produced and operated, focusing specifically on the role of the vocal cords. According to the speaker, the voice is produced by the vibration of air as it is expelled from the lungs, and it is this vibration that gives the voice its unique characteristics. The speaker also highlights the role of the muscles involved in breathing and vocal production, particularly the diaphragm and the larynx, which helps to control the pitch and volume of the voice. The speaker also discusses the impact of emotions on the voice and its importance in vocal training, particularly in the fields of music and performance.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the podcast, Marcio Guerra discusses the concept of dubbing in Brazilian Portuguese, specifically the differences between dubbing American films for the Brazilian market and how it is perceived. He explains how the act of dubbing can cause confusion and change in the interpretation of the spoken word due to different intonations, cultural references, and voice modulation techniques. He also highlights how the perception of the dubbing process differs among people, with some preferring it to the original, while others consider it a form of degradation. Overall, the podcast sheds light on the complex process of dubbing and how it affects the cultural consumption of entertainment content in Brazil.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the perception of voice and the spoken word. He notes that the voice of a speaker is often classified as easy-going, frightened, or intimidating, depending on the quality of the voice and the speaker's personality. The speaker also notes that people with a very high-pitched voice may have voices that are with poor enunciation. He suggests that voice modulation can have a significant impact on people's perceptions of a speaker, and that it is important to be aware of how our voices can affect others.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of a podcast excerpt titled "NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650", the speaker discusses the idea that music, like various other forms of art, has the ability to evoke memories and emotions. He points out that even songs that are no longer popular or mainstream can still hold special significance for individuals, as they may be associated with specific moments in their lives, such as childhood or first love. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having a curated selection of music, whether it is for a personal playlist or for use during a trip or special occasion. According to the speaker, music has the potential to enhance our overall emotional experience and make memorable moments even more impactful.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In "NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650", Marcio Guerra shares his thoughts on a range of topics, from the therapeutic benefits of music to the challenges of working with guests on a TV show. Guerra noted that music in different forms, such as classical and heavy metal, can have a positive impact on plants when perceived as vibrations, and that large gatherings like rock concerts or laughter- and humor-based shows can have a therapeutic effect as well. He also discussed his own journey as a music educator and his passion for helping others learn and appreciate music. Throughout the video, Guerra made connections between music, popular culture, and the divine nature of the universe. He touched on the idea that music has the power to influence and manipulate culture, drawing on examples like "The Hi-Ways" and the Beatles' influence on Rolling Stones. He also talked about the impact of music videos and film on popular culture. In the last part of the video, Guerra discussed his views on various aspects of the music industry, including the commercialization and marketing of artists, the importance of originality and authenticity in music, and the challenges of working with guests on a TV show. He also talked about the concept of falsete, its use in popular culture, and how music has evolved over time.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the therapeutic benefits of using music in different forms, such as classical and heavy metal, in combination with plant extracts. According to the speaker, the musical vibrations perceived by the plants may have a positive impact on their development. The speaker also talks about how a one-of-a-kind show, such as a rock concert, can have a powerful effect on people, bringing together a large group to celebrate and shoot towards something positive. This finding is regarded as counterintuitive, as it may seem that it is precisely the chaos and decreasing adrenaline levels that make the show more therapeutic. The speaker also mentions the non-adrenaline-based show of laughter and humor, which are often associated with exposed sensations and vulnerability that lead to a powerfully positive experience. It is worth noting that these observations were made in the context of a discussion about the divine nature of the universe and the cyclical nature of life and death.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how he began his career as a teacher with a focus on music education. He started by learning guitar as a teenager and eventually began teaching others. Over time, he developed a passion for helping others learn music and became a dedicated teacher. The speaker's success came from his dedication to teaching, eventually leading to a full-time career as a music teacher.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Marcio Guerra discusses his thoughts on the film "The Hi-Ways" (1968) and its portrayal of Elvis Presley. He highlights the fact that there is no true conflict in the film, and that Elvis is often seen as being too dependent on Colonel Tom Parker. Guerra also comments on the film's portrayal of Elvis and his influence on the Beatles and Rolling Stones, as well as how Elvis's performance as Jerry Lewis in "A Magic Moment" (1963) differed significantly from his later work.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the video, the narrator discusses the phenomenon of music and its influence on popular culture. He explains how, in the past, people would gather in public spaces to sing but were limited by the antiquated microphone. The narrator describes a character named Marioca who created a different experience by performing from the hand, which drew attention and fake emotions. This shifted the focus to performing live, which became a popular trend at the time. The narrator further emphasizes how culture and music can be manipulated and overinterpreted, leading to the emergence of phenomena such as the Beatles and Michael Jackson, who inspired a younger generation. He concludes by stating that the phenomenon started in England and was gradually adopted in the United States, leading to a cultural shift.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker is discussing the concept of "fenômeno" (phenomenon) and giving examples of famous individuals who were considered phenomena in their respective fields. The speaker mentions Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley as examples of individuals who were considered cultural phenomena, but also notes that their success was due to a combination of factors, including their unique talent and the cultural context in which they emerged. The speaker also mentions the impact of music and dance on popular culture, as well as the influence of music videos and film. Overall, the section highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of cultural influence and success.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650", the host talks about his experience of meeting a famous musician who was performing at a Super Bowl commercial. The musician, who is described as having a theme of renovating and restoring things, was unable to hear the command to remove his 3D glasses, and the person filming had to wait for two minutes while the musician remained paralyzed. This scene on television is described as being very popular and valuable. The host goes on to talk about his nostalgia for a particular childhood television show and a band from the 1980s.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the music scene of the past and how it has evolved over time. The listener reminisces about how they used to listen to music on cassettes, but the speakers lose interest in modern music since it's not as interesting as the old ones. He describes how bands create their own identity, such as Biquíni and Cavadão, which are named after popular cartoon characters, and how restaurants name their dishes after famous musicians. However, the speaker argues that even if music has become more accessible and convenient to access due to digital technology, it's not as enjoyable as the physical copies and the rituals of ripping them. The conversation switches to memories about discos and the culture of getting close to your friends while sharing them from places like bars and pubs. The listener believes that the music of the 1970s and 1980s is the best period in their musical journey.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different phases of their life and their experiences in each one. They believe that the best phase of their life started when they met their spouse and became aged. They also mention that the best phase of their life was during their adolescence, where they experienced love and were involved in Disney shows. They discuss the success of their YouTube channel, where they started by posting videos without a specific niche, but later found that combining entertainment with education was more effective. They mention a specific incident where a malfunction in the microphone while recording a program resulted in a unique sound that became popular. Overall, the speaker reflects on their life experiences and the lessons they've learned from them.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, Marcio Guerra discusses an issue with audio quality on a podcast. The guest's voice was not audible, even though the microphone was only a few inches away. After trying different techniques, they discovered that the problem was not someone who was nervous, but rather the guest's shyness. To fix the problem, they suggested using the Dolby Digital sound technology and the SRS Surround Sound, but the guest declined both options. They eventually decided to move on to a different guest who would not have such vocal issues.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the video discusses the challenges of having guests on a TV show who are not professionals and have difficulty learning and performing songs. The host of the show, Marcio Guerrera, talks about his respect for the stage and the audience, and the importance of treating both with respect. He also discusses the importance of having a professional staff who are knowledgeable and able to assist the guests. The video then goes on to talk about specific examples of challenges with guests on the show. For example, a guest who was trying to learn a song had difficulty memorizing the lyrics, and the host had to spend time helping the guest learn and preparing for the performance. Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of professionalism and respect for the stage and audience in TV shows, and highlights the challenges of working with guests who are not professionals.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the video, the host discusses different aspects of the music industry and various musicians and bands. He starts by critiquing the commercialization and marketing of many artists and their music. He then talks about the importance of originality and authenticity in music and how many musicians today lack both. The host then transitions to discussing Brazilian singer Zé Ruela's curse lyrics, which he finds idiotic and Skrillex's use of voiceovers in one of his albums. Finally, the host discusses Maria Mendonça, a Brazilian singer who had a powerful voice and unique style, and how the rise of online music platforms like Netflix has affected the music industry.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, Marcio Guerra discusses the concept of falsete, or falsetto, and explains how it relates to the voice and its vocal mechanics. Granieri discusses the correct way to produce a falsete, emphasizing the importance of not vibrating the sound incorrectly. He goes on to explain how the falsete originated in the theater world, where it was used to imitate a woman's voice and make more feminine or sweet-toned sounds. This use of falsete has remained in popular culture, particularly in singing and speech, and is often associated with certain artists and genres.

02:00:00 - 02:10:00

Marcio Guerra is seen discussing various topics in the podcast "NOS EUA: MARCIO GUERRA - Inteligência Ltda. Podcast #650". Notably, he discusses the impact of music, specifically, the use of drive, on vocal quality. He emphasizes how making music in the style of rock and roll can damage the voice and affect its ability to sing in different registers. He talks about certain notes creating a certain effect and the importance of meeting certain conventions when creating music. Later, Marcio talks about the concept of "Shape" in the context of personal branding and online presence. He highlights the challenges of building a successful online persona, such as dealing with negativity and criticism. However, he emphasizes the importance of authenticity, integrity, and having a solid social media strategy that can be adapted and evolved with the changing online landscape. Finally, Marcio talks about the importance of being prepared to face difficult situations and having faith in a higher power. He discusses the limitations of human intelligence and the role of faith in filling those gaps. He concludes with encouraging listeners to test their faith by writing in the comments about their own experiences.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the impact of music, specifically the use of drive and its effects on vocal quality. The speaker mentions how making music in the style of rock and roll can damage the voice and affect its ability to sing in different registers. They go on to discuss how using certain notes can create a certain effect, and the importance of meeting certain conventions when creating music.
  • 02:05:00 In this section of the transcript excerpt, Marcio Guerra talks about the concept of "Shape" in the context of personal branding and online presence. He emphasizes the importance of creating a unique and memorable online persona, especially for content creators who rely heavily on social media for their livelihood. Inga talks about the challenges of building a successful online persona, such as dealing with negativity and criticism, and the importance of maintaining authenticity and integrity in one's online presence. They also talk about the importance of having a solid social media strategy and being willing to adapt and evolve as the online landscape changes.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of being prepared to face difficult situations and having faith in a higher power. He also talks about the limitations of human intelligence and the role of faith in filling those gaps. The speaker shares an example of a promise he had made to his son, which he kept even when it meant giving up something he enjoyed, such as chocolate. He believes that negotiating with God is a complicated process but that it can be a worthwhile one. The speaker concludes by thanking his listeners and encouraging them to test their faith by writing in the comments about their own experiences.

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