Summary of Agentes geológicos externos. Meteorización y transporte. Manuel Toharia.

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The video discusses the different ways in which external agents, such as meteorization and transport, affect the landscape. First, it shows how water and wind can move large rocks. Then, it explains how gravity and air temperature play a role in rock movement. Finally, it discusses how sediment transport is also affected by these external agents.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the various types of external geologic agents that can have an impact on human activity, such as meteorization and transport. Manuel Toharia discusses how these agents can affect rocks and how to study them in the laboratory.
  • 00:05:00 This video discusses how external geologists study the impacts of meteorization and transport on rocks. It shows how granitic rock nearby the surface has broken down, behaves like a clay, and can be explained by dehydration and interaction with the atmosphere. The alteration is so great that the rock is no longer recognized, and is simply land. Soil, but with a rock component me teorized, is the only reasonable explanation. We take a sample of granitic rock and weigh it 10 grams. We take a sample of soil and weigh it 10 grams. We put the samples in the oven to heat up and we can see now what has happened to the weight of our samples. We here is the sample of soil, it weighs 10 grams but the total weight of the sample is now 966. We think about granite and make sure to take care not to lose any weight. We weigh the granite sample again and see that it has not lost weight. The weight of the granite sample is now 999. Soil loses weight when heated, due to the decomposition of organic materials brought about by meteorization. We go to a higher mountain area to a lower area of 20 kilometers below the river, and there are no large, rough granite fragments now. We measure the
  • 00:10:00 This video discusses the different ways in which external agents, such as meteorization and transport, affect the landscape. First, we show how water and wind can move large rocks. Then, we explain how gravity and air temperature play a role in rock movement. Finally, we discuss how sediment transport is also affected by these external agents.

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