Summary of The Secret Formula For Success! (This Truly Works!)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The YouTube video discusses the secret formula for success, which is based on a combination of hard work and positive thinking. The speaker, Jay Paul Getty, shares how he became successful and offers advice for those who want to reach similar heights. Getty's book, The Success Principles, has sold over 110 million copies and is available in 47 languages.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Brian Harvey shares some ideas on how to achieve success. He emphasizes the importance of attitude, positive expectation, and joy, and advises listeners to remove any negative beliefs and replace them with a positive mindset. He also shares a story of how a clay Buddha was hidden in order to protect it from being stolen, and how the monks eventually rediscovered it. This story provides an example of the power of mindset transformation.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the "secret formula for success" which is based on a combination of hard work and positive thinking. The speaker, Jay Paul Getty, shares how he became successful and offers advice for those who want to reach similar heights. Getty's book, The Success Principles, has sold over 110 million copies and is available in 47 languages.
  • 00:10:00 This motivational speaker shares that success is not about having a high IQ, but rather it is about taking responsibility for one's life and working hard on oneself. He tells the story of a young boy who overcame obstacles despite having no arms or legs, and shows that anyone can achieve success if they set their mind to it.
  • 00:15:00 According to the YouTube video's presenter, thoughts can travel far and wide and have a powerful impact on reality. This is evidenced by research into the effects of inner work on astronauts in space and students at Duke University who study metaphysics.
  • 00:20:00 Dr. Masaru Emoto's work with water shows that when we think positively about it, our thoughts can actually change the molecular structure of the water. This has practical implications for achieving our goals, as thoughts about what we want can help to create the reality we desire. To maximize the power of our thoughts, it is important to understand the vibrational energy that they create. When Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen decided to sell 1 million books in one day, they tapped into the power of their thoughts by imagining and believing what was possible. By modeling their success, they were able to help others achieve their goals as well.
  • 00:25:00 In the video, Jack says that the success principle is called "to decide exactly what you want which is the asking part." He explains that the first step to achieving success is to have preferences, desires, goals, and visions. He then shares the story of Lou Holtz, a football coach who achieved great success after following the success principle. Lou's wife recommended that he add one more goal to his list, which was to find a job. Lou was able to achieve his goals by writing out a list and following through with it. He is now in his 70s and still living a successful and happy life.
  • 00:30:00 John Goddard says that if you have a clear and specific goal, the how will show up to help you achieve it. He also recommends goal setting and doing things daily to help make your goal a reality.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses how to achieve success in life by following intuition and following the guidance of the universe. Barbara Goldsmith, a psychotherapist and life coach, recommends creating an "irritation list" of things that don't fit your ideal life and taking action on those items as soon as you have an intuition about them.
  • 00:40:00 The video provides advice on how to create goals, accomplish them, and maintain success. It also discusses how to create healthy relationships and achieve financial independence.
  • 00:45:00 The speaker discusses the four stages of a person's life, which include "stuff," "purpose," "influence," and "legacy." The speaker then asks a group of listeners to close their eyes and think about what they want in the next two years.
  • 00:50:00 This YouTube video provides a secret formula for success. The author emphasizes the importance of setting measurable goals and being disciplined in how you think, read, watch, and talk. By following this formula, the author claims that anyone can achieve their goals.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses the benefits of being in a state of gratitude, and provides a few examples of people who achieved great things because they were in a state of gratitude. The author shares how to develop a gratitude habit, and provides a few examples of activities that can be enjoyed on a daily basis.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

The video discusses the idea that you can achieve success if you follow your passion and trust your internal guidance system. It also presents a method for achieving success that involves visualizing and believing in one's goals for 30 days.

  • 01:00:00 In this video, John Gray shares advice on how to achieve success. Gray recommends that you follow your passions, enjoy what you're doing, and be happy all the time. If you aren't happy, you might not be following your passions. Gray also shares a quote from Tiger Woods, who says that one of the things his father taught him was the joy of the game. Woods recommends that you enjoy your activities and make them fun.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the idea that you can achieve success if you follow your passion and trust your internal guidance system. Cliff Young, an 61-year-old farmer, broke the record for the longest distance running without sleep by running for five and 1/2 days. He attributes his success to never talking to an elite distance runner, never reading Runnels World magazine or books on long-distance running, and never listening to anyone about his dreams.
  • 01:10:00 Harv teaches people how to be successful by following the "Secret Formula for Success." This formula includes the law of least effort, affirmations, and visualization. Harv also teaches people how to achieve their desired outcomes by stating the outcome as if it is already happening, feeling the feeling, and being grateful for what they have.
  • 01:15:00 The video presenter demonstrates how to use a photo of your car as a screensaver and screensaver for increasing visual awareness. The presenter also tells the story of how he met a woman who was about to quit her job, and how he and his friend went to the White House to have dinner with the press secretary.
  • 01:20:00 The video presents a method for achieving success that involves visualizing and believing in one's goals for 30 days. The video also discusses the effects of acting as if one has already achieved one's goals, and the book "Act As If" provides further detail on the concept.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the principles of success, including staying motivated with the masters and learning more to earn more. Rhonda Byrne, a successful author, learned about these principles from reading a book called "The Science of Getting Rich." The minister helped her plan her funeral.
  • 01:30:00 This person offers advice on how to be successful, emphasizing the importance of practice and maintaining a positive attitude.

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