Summary of Unite Austin 2017 - Game Architecture with Scriptable Objects

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the use of scriptable objects in game development. It covers various use cases, including inventory, sound, and enemy stats. The presenter also discusses the dangers of using singleton objects, and how to avoid them.

  • 00:00:00 In this talk, Ryan Hipple discusses the principles behind his approach to game architecture, which revolves around using scriptable objects. He discusses the benefits of modularity and clean slate design, and explains how these ideas are applied in his own work. He also discusses the use of Unity's built-in components, and how they help to keep scenes clean and minimizes conflicts.
  • 00:05:00 Scriptable objects are a powerful way to create modular and debuggable game code. They enable designers and artists to change game mechanics without needing to code them themselves, and make it easy to iterate on game design. In this video, Unity developer Will Schofield discusses the benefits of using scriptable objects in game development. He covers various use cases, including inventory, sound, and enemy stats. He also discusses the dangers of using singleton objects, and how to avoid them. Overall, this video provides a good overview of the benefits and dangers of scriptable objects in game development. It is useful for anyone wanting to learn more about this versatile technology.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the benefits of using Singleton (or "singleton") objects in game development, as well as some of the drawbacks. The presenter goes into detail about how to create and use dependency injection frameworks in order to mitigate some of the issues with singleton objects.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses how to modularize data in Unity games using scriptable objects. It shows how to create a float variable, define a scriptable object to hold its data, and create a reference to that object from other scriptable objects. The variable can then be used in code to access its values. However, this workflow can be cumbersome, as it requires manually referencing each variable. A designer can help make this process easier by creating scriptable object variables, and the video provides an example of how this could be used in a game.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, the author introduces the concept of scriptable objects and how they can be used in Unity to facilitate more efficient and elegant design process. They also demonstrate how a player's health can be monitored and adjusted based on damage taken, and how an audio system can be tuned based on player HP.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses game architecture, including Scriptable Objects and event architectures. Scriptable Objects allow for modularity and code reuse, while event architectures help isolate and debug game code.
  • 00:30:00 This video demonstrates how to use scriptable objects to create modular game architecture. Unity events allow you to pass arguments and data to events without having to write code explicitly bound to buttons or collisions. This allows you to keep your user interface in its own prefab and still have it respond to events.
  • 00:35:00 Scriptable objects allow for modularity and data handling in Unity games, but there are still some issues to be addressed. Run time sets allow for different functions to be executed at different times, which can solve some of these problems.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, the author demonstrates how to create a scriptable object that stores a list of objects. This list can be used to avoid race conditions and to more easily maintain a list of components.
  • 00:45:00 In this YouTube video, game architecture expert Richard Fine discusses the use of scriptable objects and enumerations to modularize data in games. While enumerations are code-driven, scriptable objects make it easier to reorder or add data to an enum without breaking references. This makes enumerations a more efficient way to store data in games, and makes it easier to add new features or modifications to an existing game without needing to update and maintain code.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses how to create an entire system within an asset using scriptable objects, and how this can be helpful for game architectures. It also provides an example of how an inventory system works.
  • 00:55:00 The speaker discusses the benefits of using dependency injection in game development. He notes that dependency injection can address many of the problems that he and his team have experienced in game development. He also notes that code reviews are easier when code is easier to understand.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

The presenter discusses how Unity events can be used to communicate between game objects and provide a more "syntactic" approach to communicating state between objects. They also note that Unity events do not support instantiation in Scenes, but rather are meant for use in specific scenarios.

  • 01:00:00 The presenter discusses how Unity events can be used to communicate between game objects and provide a more "syntactic" approach to communicating state between objects. They also note that Unity events do not support instantiation in Scenes, but rather are meant for use in specific scenarios.

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