Summary of Clase 1 Flauta Dulce

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00:00:00 - 00:45:00

In this video, we are introduced to the Flauta Dulce project, which is a group of sisters who have received free flutes from the organization. The sisters have pledged to monitor and improve the project, and each attend live classes to further develop their skills. In the following classes, the teacher will be replaced by Norma.

  • 00:00:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:05:00 In this lesson, we learn how to play the flute, starting with the four basic pulses we have here. We'll use this pulse to represent the figure of a black woman. Today, we're going to learn two figures: the black figure will be our base figure, because it will be the figure that indicates the pulses, but there is another figure, the white one. This figure is called "white head" and it doesn't have a filling yet. You can fill it in and then it equals to two pulses. So, we'll play the note here with our fingers, and then we'll turn it around and play it back the other way. It's the same note, but with two different colors: black and white. We'll do the same thing with four more pulses, four black and two white. And finally, we'll play one note with both colors, the "sol" (solfege) note. Once again, you might feel a little bit of confusion at first where your fingers are going, but with practice, it will become automatic. So don't worry - let's stop for a second and talk about it so everyone understands it better. And then we can continue building. We have now
  • 00:10:00 The video shows a group of five lines and four spaces that form between the lines. The space between the lines is called a pentagram, and this is my pentagram. Obviously, it is a little more extended than the average pentagram. Pentagrams have a sign, which is known as the key of sol in music. We have different key signatures that give names to the notes in the case of the dulcet flute. We always play in key of sol. That is called the key of sol's division. Sometimes, we have fewer lines, and other times we have more but these lines are called lines divisorias. What they do is that they form chords. I compare it to a house. The house has walls and the walls separate the rooms in our house, so that is how the lines divisorias are similar to the walls in a house. These are the lines that divide the sections of our house. And these are the chords when we have arrived at the end of a piece. We have a thicker bar, which is called the final line. That bar indicates that we have finished the piece. The song, the anthem, and what we are playing for why is because sometimes what we are playing is more
  • 00:15:00 In this video, we learn about the first three notes of the flute. It is important to know where they are located on the pentagram so that when we encounter a piece, we can easily identify them. This way of learning is also similar to how we learn to read. We already knew how to talk now we are seeing graphically how to read what we already did with our mouths. It is important to know how to read in a Partitura, and this exercise will help you do that. We are going to play the first note that I will be indicating, and then you can try it yourself. The first song we are going to learn is called "Cita de la Clase de Hoy." It is played in slow tempo and we will be playing it slowly while I indicate the notes. Once you have learned the notes, you can play it in a normal tempo. Let's try it now. I will be indicating the notes, and then you can try it yourself. When you are ready, we will play the song together.
  • 00:20:00 This video shows how to play a sweet flute solo. We'll add difficulty and we'll play the note too. We'll cover both ends of the flute with our hands, then add a difficulty level for the three notes we already know. How does it go? We'll do it again, this time with the three notes on the A string. If you play the A string with your left hand, the E string should be played with your right hand. How do we do it? Simple. We'll start at the bottom of the pizarrón and work our way up. First, we play our pentagram (bottom-up), and then we invert the order and start from the top (top-down). The piece is complete when we reach the end, but we've made it different by inverting it. Once again, you're welcome to follow along. We're going to learn another piece, but this time it'll be a little simpler. The song is called "Maria Had a Little Lamb." The second piece we're going to learn is called "Maria Had a Little Lamb." It's complete, but we have to play it a little differently than the first time. We're going to follow the same meter, but
  • 00:25:00 This video introduces the two pulsing notes that comprise the melody of Clase 1 Flauta Dulce. The white note equals two black notes, or two pulses, and then we have smaller compases composed of just two pulses per measure. We also have larger compases with four pulses per measure because our meter tells us to. Here, we have four black notes plus the white note that equals two. These two notes, in turn, make up the chords in each measure. The next measure has the same chords, but with the addition of the blue note, which equals two more. Four plus two equals six. This pattern continues through the rest of the measures, with the green note being added in for the last time. At the end of the piece, we add the final note, the red one, to complete the pentagram.
  • 00:30:00 The classe 1 flute students were able to realize something now. Now that we made that exercise there are 2. Pentagrams that are similar. We have the pentagram number one and the pentagram number three, which are identical. They are exactly the same, and then the differences are the 2 and the 4. We are going to play them again from the beginning to end. [Music] [Music] Very good those two songs we have with the first three notes that we've learned in the pentagram, however we have more notes. We don't have just those notes. Today, we are going to play only those three and we are going to learn songs with those three. But it's good that they start to relate to all the notes in an octave. I just showed them the order from the 2 central point. That's the most grave note that can be played on the flute sweet and then it's called do central because it's practically in the center on the piano. The notes go ascending line to space line space like it was a staircase this note is called re the
  • 00:35:00 This video shows how to play a sweet flute melody. First, place the melody and follow it only audibly. Then, we'll review three sounds. Today, we're going to play a melody a little slower and I'll play one sound, and we'll try to guess which sound I'm playing by closing our eyes and trying to guess. Then, I'll play another sound, and we'll do the same thing, locating and guessing until we get the same sound. Once again, if you didn't get it the first time, try the other two sounds and locating and guessing until you find the same sound. Finally, we'll play the same melody with the same three sounds, but this time, we'll hold the notes longer so that the melody becomes more natural and automatic. We'll review the two pieces that we learned today, and then we'll return to the first one. I think it's the simplest of the two, and then we'll play it. This is the first of three music classes that you will take this semester. In this class, we will learn how to play two pieces of music using just three notes. The first piece is relatively easy, and the second is more difficult. It is important that you practice
  • 00:40:00 This project was created for sisters who have never played an instrument before and believe that is enough material to practice. I would like to hear your recommendations for making practice more effective, as the air is key to playing this instrument. What recommendations do you have for breathing correctly and knowing how to use the correct amount of air? Practicing for a short period of time and then resting is also recommended. The best way to learn to breathe correctly and play the flute is by practicing regularly, but making sure to practice at a rate that does not overwhelm you at first. Beginning with 10 minutes a day and gradually increasing to an hour, is the recommended pace. You can find more information about this project on the Union of North's website, Point Hereje.
  • 00:45:00 This video provides a brief introduction to the Flauta Dulce project, which is made up of sisters who have received free flutes from the group. The sisters pledge to monitor and improve the project, and each attend live classes to further develop their skills. In the following classes, the maestra (teacher) will be replaced by Norma.

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