Summary of No Doubt Course (Session 1): 10 strategies on how to deal with your and other people's doubts

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video provides an overview of the No Doubt Course, which is designed to help people learn strategies for dealing with doubts. The course begins with a metaphysical background and discusses the nature of the heart. Later, the speaker discusses crises and challenges, and the importance of finding a specialist. The video also provides case studies illustrating how studying Islam can help dismantle doubts.

  • 00:00:00 This eight-week online course, No Doubt Course, teaches strategies for dealing with doubts. The course begins with a metaphysical background and discusses the nature of the heart. Later, we discuss crises and challenges, and the importance of finding a specialist. We also discuss the epistemology of testimony and cognitive limitations. Finally, we provide case studies illustrating how studying Islam can help dismantle doubts.
  • 00:05:00 This video provides 10 strategies on how to deal with doubts, which come from various sources including trauma. These strategies may enable people to change the way they perceive their doubts, and ultimately, change the way they feel about themselves.
  • 00:10:00 The speaker discusses the importance of being open to the possibility that the strategies they are teaching may not work, and how to engage in a process of becoming the strategies themselves. The speaker emphasizes the importance of experiential learning, and how knowing the strategies alone will not allow one to become skilled at using them. The speaker provides an example of how knowing something abstractly (e.g., being a good parent) does not always translate to being a good parent in the real world. The speaker recommends engaging in an experience (e.g., going to my mother's house and tasting her greek dish) to experience the strategies firsthand.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses how to deal with doubts in your faith. It explains that doubts are not necessarily intellectual, but rather a wolf in sheep's clothing that has an "aura of falsehood." The different strategies for dealing with doubts are explained, and the importance of making distinctions is emphasized.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, No Doubt Course instructor Saalim b. Ahmad discusses strategies for dealing with doubts and negative thoughts. He discusses how to distinguish between shubu hat (destructive doubts), wasa (negative spiritual whispering), and valid questions, and how to be more patient and humble in order to navigate a path of knowledge. He also discusses studying islam, women's inheritance, and ethics.
  • 00:25:00 The main points of this video are that there are sources of doubts, morals and science, but that when you critically think about them they will never become a source of doubt for you. The metaphysical backdrop is that in the Islamic tradition, every child is born with a natural disposition to acknowledge God and to have faith. This innate disposition doesn't change because it's created by God, but it can get clouded over time due to socialization and parenting.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses how a person's natural disposition (fitrah) can either direct them towards the truth or contain primary knowledge of the truth. If the fitrah becomes clouded, the individual can experience a self-awakening and be directed towards the truth. If the fitrah is not clouded, a person will naturally acknowledge the truth due to their innate disposition. However, if the fitrah becomes clouded through socialization, the individual may be directed towards falsehood. This understanding of acquiring faith and dealing with doubts is important for Muslims, as it can help combat doubts or fitnah.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, No Doubt Course creator Farhat Saeed discusses ways to deal with doubts and how they can cloud the spiritual fitrah. He explains that there are different ways to deal with doubts, including through spiritual experiences, introspection, reflection, and rational arguments. He also stresses the importance of being intellectually and spiritually mature, which allows one to understand that human beings are not abstract rational robots and that there is an innate spiritual disposition within each of us.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses how doubts can come from different sources, and how to deal with them. It also provides a background on iman, and how it is more than just faith. The author says that when it comes to iman, it is not just an abstract belief, but something that one affirms in their heart, says with their tongue, and expresses verbally and in their actions.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the three levels of certainty in Islam, which are knowledge, certainty of the eye, and certainty of being it. The video contrasts these levels of certainty with the level of certainty a person has when they are doubting their faith. The video explains that certainty of the heart is the desired state for Muslims, and that the heart needs to remain firm on the truth in order to have this certainty.
  • 00:50:00 In this video, No Doubt Course instructor Hamza Yusuf discusses the two main types of doubts: destructive doubts, which are worse than desires, and fitna, or "the Trials." He explains that destructive doubts change the religion and destroy people's faith.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, No Doubt Course instructor Foyumi Al-Fiyumi discusses the different types of doubts that Muslims can experience. She discusses the different types of doubts that are caused by different factors, including philosophical, scientific, and moral concerns. She also discusses the ways in which doubt can harm Muslims spiritually and socially.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video provides 10 strategies for dealing with both your own doubts and other people's doubts. The strategies include being aware, making the distinction, avoiding attention, focusing on your heart, making dua, focusing on key sources of doubt, dealing with trauma, finding a specialist, and making dua.

  • 01:00:00 The 10 effective strategies for dealing with doubts are be aware, make the distinction, avoid attention, focus on your heart, make dua, focus on key sources of doubt, deal with trauma, find a specialist, deal with grief, and make dua.

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