Summary of Маркетинг на международных рынках

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The speaker in this section emphasizes the importance of understanding and communicating with diverse cultures and audiences in international marketing. They share their experiences of operating on the Indian market, where they initially failed due to limited market research and a lack of understanding of the local audience's preferences. They highlight the importance of conducting client interviews and analyzing the results of marketing campaigns to gain a better understanding of the audience's needs and preferences. They also emphasize the benefits of finding local partners and forming connections with people who have successfully ventured into the international market. Ultimately, the speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of conducting thorough market research, customer research, and analyzing the results of marketing campaigns to ensure the success of any international marketing campaign.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker introduces herself and asks the participants to interact by writing where they are from and their goals for the webinar. She promises to answer all questions and provide useful information on marketing on international markets. The speaker also explains that participants should stay focused, take notes, and ask questions to get the most out of the webinar. She emphasizes the importance of actively participating and avoiding distractions.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker introduces himself as the founder and CEO of KI Marketing Academy and KI Marketing Agency, specializing in international marketing. He discusses the products his company has launched abroad, emphasizing the importance of expanding onto foreign markets. He shares his experiences and mistakes made in trying to enter different countries, highlighting the need for the right approach and learning from past errors. The speaker also mentions the benefits of entering international markets, such as a broader customer base and growth opportunities. He assures the audience that he will provide tips and tools to help them successfully enter foreign markets throughout the webinar.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential of expanding business models to international markets. They mention countries like Brazil, South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia as potential markets to explore. The speaker emphasizes that entering these markets allows businesses to build their empire from scratch and create barriers for competitors. They provide examples of successful businesses that have replicated their models in different countries, such as the Russian banking sector and fast delivery services. The speaker also highlights the benefits of entering foreign markets, including increased valuation and the opportunity to challenge oneself and understand different mentalities. However, they caution that entering Western markets, like the US, can be costlier due to higher marketing expenses.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenges of marketing on international markets. They mention that competition is higher, especially due to the higher cost of advertising inventory on platforms like Facebook. This means that businesses need to allocate a larger budget for hypothesis testing. They also highlight the importance of market research and understanding the target audience before entering a new market, using tools like SimilarWeb and Facebook Sliders to analyze competitor strategies and creative campaigns. The speaker emphasizes that it is crucial not to skip the initial marketing steps, as they experienced a costly mistake when they entered the US market without conducting proper research and understanding the market.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the process of analyzing competitors and understanding customer needs in marketing on international markets. They mention the importance of gathering data on competitors, such as revenue and sources of traffic, to determine their branding strategies. Understanding the customer journey and funnel is also crucial in order to tailor communication messages and identify any weaknesses that competitors might exploit. Conducting in-depth interviews with customers is emphasized as a critical step to gain insight into their preferences, needs, and how they perceive the product. The speaker advises selecting 6-8 respondents from each customer segment and using platforms like Zoom to conduct these interviews, which can be either paid or free depending on the availability of participants.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses their research process for understanding the target audience for their marketing services. They identified three target audiences in Russia: those who are new to marketing and want to learn from scratch, entrepreneurs who want to understand marketing to launch their own businesses, and professionals in the marketing field seeking further knowledge. They then decided to expand their market to the international level and noticed that there was a need for their product in the American market. However, they realized that they needed to localize their content to suit the preferences and needs of the American audience. Furthermore, they found that small and medium business owners were a particularly hot segment for them, as many entrepreneurs were transitioning to online platforms due to the impact of the pandemic. To better understand this audience, they conducted in-depth interviews with individuals who had already purchased similar products and were willing to pay a similar price. Overall, their research process helped them save money and better understand their target audience in order to deliver a more effective marketing strategy.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenges they faced in recruiting participants for surveys from different countries. They initially relied on agencies in the US and Europe but did not receive the necessary volume of respondents due to the specific requirements of their target audience. They then turned to websites like and Facebook groups to find participants, but the volume was still not sufficient. They also utilized platforms like LinkedIn and Reddit to reach a larger audience. Additionally, they mention using plugins and automation tools to streamline the process of finding and connecting with potential participants. Despite the various methods employed, they emphasize that it was not always easy to reach their target audience, and they had to explore different strategies to achieve their goals.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses marketing strategies for international markets. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs of international customers and analyzing competition. One approach suggested is to conduct practical and qualitative research by interviewing potential customers and understanding their product preferences. The speaker also suggests working as a subcontractor for larger organizations or utilizing online platforms like Upwork to gain exposure and build a portfolio. Additionally, they mention the possibility of launching an online product globally, but caution that it comes with challenges such as limited control over analytics and monitoring customer behavior.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding the target audience when marketing on international markets. They emphasize the need for localization and adaptation of marketing strategies, as consumer preferences and cultural norms can differ greatly from country to country. The speaker also mentions the importance of conducting research and analyzing target audience before implementing a marketing campaign. They also discuss the potential risks of launching a marketing campaign without adequate research and planning, such as a lack of understanding of the local market and failure to adapt creatives for different audiences.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of market analysis when entering international markets. He explains that factors such as GDP per capita, internet penetration rate, average income, and market growth rate should be considered. He also emphasizes the need to analyze competitors and understand customer needs and preferences. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of customer research and the use of scripts and sales techniques that resonate with the target audience. By conducting in-depth research and understanding customer problems and motivations, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies and improve their results.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses their marketing efforts on international markets. They mention reaching out to potential clients and showing them their website, but receiving a negative response due to the website design. The speaker then goes on to discuss the importance of understanding the needs of their audience and adjusting their marketing strategies accordingly. The speaker mentions the concept of subjectivity, emphasizing the need to objectively determine what their audience wants and needs from their marketing efforts. They also mention the importance of understanding different cultures and languages when marketing on international markets. Overall, the speaker highlights the importance of conducting thorough market research and testing different marketing strategies to determine what works best for their audience. They also emphasize the need for clear and concise communication in marketing efforts.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding and communicating with diverse cultures and audiences in international marketing. The speaker shares their experiences of operating on the Indian market, where they initially failed due to limited market research and lack of understanding of the local audience's preferences. The speaker then highlights the importance of conducting client interviews and analyzing the results of marketing campaigns to gain a better understanding of the audience's needs and preferences. The speaker also emphasizes the benefits of finding local partners and forming connections with people who have already successfully ventured into the international market. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of conducting thorough market research, conducting customer research and analyzing the results of marketing campaigns to ensure the success of any international marketing campaign.

01:00:00 - 01:55:00

In this section of the YouTube video titled "Маркетинг на международных рынках", the speaker discusses the importance of conducting research before entering international markets. They emphasize the need for market research, customer research, and communication in effective marketing strategies. The speaker also highlights the significance of creating engaging content that resonates with the target audience and utilizing social media platforms for marketing purposes. They stress the need for constant adaptation and improvement in marketing strategies based on feedback and performance data. Overall, the section emphasizes the importance of research, communication, and creating engaging content in successful international marketing.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Маркетинг на международных рынках", the speaker discusses the importance of conducting research before making a decision or launching a project, including market research and customer research. They also touch on the role of communication in marketing and the importance of adapting to different markets and audiences. The speaker also mentions the importance of content marketing, including creating content that resonates with the target audience and that is easy to consume and share. The speaker also talks about the role of social media in marketing and the importance of creating content that is engaging and shareable. Overall, the section is focused on the importance of research, communication, and creating engaging content in effective marketing strategies.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses marketing strategies for international markets. They mention a clever way to gain social proof by having articles published on popular platforms like Medium and then linking those articles back to your own website. This allows you to showcase social validation to potential customers. They also discuss the importance of reviews and testimonials but mention that they do not believe in buying reviews. Instead, they organize webinars and give participants certificates if they write a review about their company on platforms like Google or Facebook. They also suggest creating a YouTube channel with informative videos to establish expertise and attract customers. The speaker emphasizes the need to gather feedback from testers and customers to continually improve the product and mentions using tools like LinkedIn to connect with potential customers. Finally, they explain why they chose the Philippines and India as their target markets instead of Europe or Latin America, citing the large market size and the active presence in the education sector.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenges and potential of marketing in international markets. They mention that in Europe, there are strict laws and high costs associated with advertising, making it difficult for businesses. On the other hand, India has a large population and a potential for significant growth, with relatively few competitors. The speaker also highlights the opportunities in Southeast Asia, where various industries are developing rapidly. They emphasize the importance of analyzing different marketing channels, target audiences, and creative content to determine what works best for each market. Additionally, they stress the need to constantly iterate and adjust strategies based on performance data to ensure success.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of marketing on international markets and how it can help businesses attract the right customers and expand their reach. They emphasize the need for constant testing and research to identify the most effective marketing strategies. The speaker also introduces their marketing course, which aims to provide practical insights and guidance for those looking to enter international markets. They highlight the unique features of their course, such as access to experts, real-life projects, and continuous support. The course is designed for marketers, marketing directors, and entrepreneurs who want to enhance their skills and succeed in international markets. The speaker also mentions their partnership with Facebook and their experience in managing advertising budgets. Lastly, they emphasize that their course is based on practical experience, focusing on actual campaign launches and providing a hands-on approach to teaching marketing techniques.
  • 01:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of adapting marketing strategies to international markets. He emphasizes the need to understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by each market, as well as to be able to pivot quickly based on new information and changes in the market. He also emphasizes the need to build a localized marketing team that includes local experts and cultural understanding. He provides examples of specific strategies and tools for success in different markets, including SEO, social media, and content marketing, and emphasizes the need to keep up with the latest trends and developments in each market.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the topic of marketing on international markets, emphasizing the importance of content creation and targeting Asian markets. They mention the relevance of promoting products and services on platforms like Alibaba and Taobao, which pose strong competition to Amazon. The speaker also discusses the opportunities and strategies for attracting customers through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They highlight the significance of understanding the appeal of the US market and offer insights from experts with experience in building businesses in the US and European Union. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of considering legal and financial aspects when expanding internationally, and they offer assistance in finding job opportunities abroad and developing ready-to-use projects and strategies.
  • 01:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker introduces the concept of international marketing and its importance in attracting top-managers, directors of marketing, entrepreneurs, and those seeking new work opportunities. They mention that their company aims to help individuals in these categories find new work in the marketing industry. The speaker then goes on to discuss the benefits of their program, which includes providing proven resumes and assisting with job interviews. Additionally, the program helps students with homework assignments and can help them advance their careers in the marketing industry. In particular, they mention that working for a company that specializes in marketing will allow individuals to successfully compete with giants in the industry.
  • 01:35:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses various aspects of marketing on international markets. They mention that salaries for marketing directors in England can reach 420,000 rubles per month, which is significantly higher than in Russia. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a strong marketing team and highlights the limited availability of spots in their training courses. They also mention the possibility of starting business operations directly in the US or Europe, bypassing Russia. The speaker advises having a basic understanding of math, literature, and Russian language, and notes that knowledge of statistics can be particularly useful for marketers. Additionally, they mention the availability of discounts for their marketing course and encourage viewers to reach out for more information.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the minimum budget required for conducting tests in different channels and markets. He mentions that the budget allocation depends on factors such as the cost per thousand views and the target audience. The speaker also mentions the importance of having marketing knowledge before venturing into international markets and advises companies to invest in marketing courses for their employees. Additionally, he provides insights on how to find clients in the online space, such as publishing articles and case studies, targeting audiences on Facebook, and participating in conferences to gain more exposure.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of a YouTube video titled "Маркетинг на международных рынках," the speaker discusses various methods for promoting a mobile application on the US market, specifically for advertising revenue. The speaker emphasizes the importance of content marketing, including publishing multiple posts on social media platforms to gain a large following and broad coverage. The speaker explains that this is considered a type of bottom-of-the-funnel marketing, where the focus is on converting potential customers into paying ones. Additionally, the speaker discusses the differences between ranked content and others, mentioning how focused groups and surveys are conducted differently from each other, and how this information can be used in content marketing.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of marketing oneself effectively on international markets. They emphasize the need to stand out among search engine robots by highlighting unique qualities and experiences in resumes. The speaker also mentions the significance of completing test assignments and assessing market demand and pricing elasticity. They admit their lack of knowledge about marketing in China but offer assistance with platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Additionally, they discuss the process of entering international markets with products targeting enterprise clients and suggest leveraging budget-friendly methods such as PR and sales through conferences. In terms of potential markets, the speaker suggests countries with larger populations like Brazil, India, and the United States. They note the importance of adapting to local markets and express optimism for a biotech project in the Middle East and the potential for success in the online lectures market focused on art and psychology.
  • 01:55:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of targeting different interest groups and testing a wide audience when it comes to marketing on international markets. They also talk about the high cost of attraction and how it's important to find the place where you have the highest cost of attraction. The speaker highlights how Facebook can be a useful tool in this regard, as it allows for quicker conversion rates. They also mention the concept of social proof and how buying something that has been tried and tested by others can be more reassuring. Finally, the speaker talks about the importance of making a last-minute effort to secure the last position in order to succeed. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the need to believe in yourself and not let setbacks discourage you from reaching your goals.

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