Summary of Napoleon Hill, The Law of Success Course in 16 Lessons: Lesson 2

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Napoleon Hill discusses the law of success, which is based on the belief that individuals can achieve their goals by applying the right principles and practices. The video also describes the life and work of Napoleon Hill, a famous author and lecturer on the topic of success. Hill is credited with developing the law of success course, which is a 16-lesson course that can help individuals learn about the principles and practices necessary for success.

  • 00:00:00 In this 16-lesson audio course, Napoleon Hill discusses the principles of success. He stresses the importance of having a definite chief aim, believing in oneself, and developing a well-balanced approach to life. The course is designed as a mind stimulator that will cause a student to organize and direct their thoughts to a definite end.
  • 00:05:00 This lesson introduces the concepts of "man-animal" and how to study others by taking into account their physical and verbal behavior. The lesson also introduces the idea of "appearances counting," and how to observe people critically in order to understand their true nature.
  • 00:10:00 This video provides a short overview of the law of success, which is described as a "scientific law" that can help individuals achieve success in their lives. The law of success is based on the belief that individuals can achieve their goals by applying the right principles and practices. The video also describes the life and work of Napoleon Hill, a famous author and lecturer on the topic of success. Hill is credited with developing the law of success course, which is a 16-lesson course that can help individuals learn about the principles and practices necessary for success.
  • 00:15:00 This video presents 16 lessons on the law of success, which outline principles that have been tested and proven to work. The principles covered include the law of the master mind, the principle of operation, and the principle of repetition. These lessons provide an overview of the course and provide advice for students on how to develop a sound judgment when applying these principles.
  • 00:20:00 Napoleon Hill's 16 lessons on the law of success cover the importance of using power effectively, how to develop a mastermind, and the importance of cooperation. These lessons were first developed 20 years earlier, when Hill interviewed Carnegie for a story. Carnegie attributed his success to his team of managers, and Hill later realized that the principle behind Carnegie's success was less than the principle of organized effort. It took years of subsequent contact and research to fully understand and apply this principle.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, Napoleon Hill discusses the importance of a disciplined mind and how it contributes to success. Hill discusses the law of mastermind, which he defines as the ability to organize the faculties of one's own mind and the faculties of other people's minds to achieve a common goal. Hill explains that every successful strategist understands the value of organized effort.
  • 00:30:00 Napoleon Hill discusses the importance of cooperation and working together as a team in order to achieve success. He gives the example of a man who was a more competent worker than Henry Ford, but was paid less than him. Hill explains that the success of an organization is largely dependent on the cooperation of its members, and that such cooperation can be achieved through the formation of an alliance.
  • 00:35:00 This 16-lesson course on the law of success is based on the 16 principles of success outlined by Napoleon Hill. It is designed to help individuals find out what their natural talents and limitations are, and to help them use that knowledge to achieve their goals. The course is accompanied by a questionnaire that can help individuals identify areas where they need improvement.
  • 00:40:00 This lesson discusses the psychological principles behind successful achievement, emphasizing the importance of having a definite chief aim in life. The lesson advises against using auto suggestion, or suggestion made to oneself, unless the objective is one that is both beneficial and constructive, and that will not bring hardship or misery to any person. Once a definite chief aim has been selected, it should be written down and placed where you will see it at least once a day for psychological reinforcement.
  • 00:45:00 Napoleon Hill teaches that one can achieve success by following the principle of self-suggestion. He talks about how one can develop qualities such as patience, patriotism, vision, and strength by imagining themselves with these qualities already in their personality. He also discusses how one can use self-suggestion to achieve their goals, even if they don't know what those goals are.
  • 00:50:00 In this video, Napoleon Hill discusses the law of attraction and how it applies to both our personal and economic lives. He explains that our intentions and goals matter most, and that by focusing on a specific, achievable goal, we can attract positive energy and support to help us achieve it. He also warns that if we lack a firm and definable goal, we will be at a disadvantage in both our personal and economic lives.
  • 00:55:00 Napoleon Hill discusses the importance of having a definite purpose in life, and the importance of having a plan to achieve that purpose. Hill provides examples of how a lack of a definite purpose can lead to failure, and offers advice on how to achieve success.

01:00:00 - 01:25:00

In lesson 2 of his "The Law of Success" course, Napoleon Hill discusses the importance of having a clear and achievable goal in life. He explains that successful people often have a clear purpose and are able to focus on a task until it is completed. Hill offers guidelines on how to form a friendly alliance with others who will help you reach your goals, and recommends prayer as an important part of the process.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses how successful people often have a clear goal and know how to work together to achieve it. It stresses the importance of having a clear purpose and being able to focus on a task until it is completed.
  • 01:05:00 In this lesson, Napoleon Hill discusses the idea of having a definite chief aim in life, which will lead to success. He cites examples of famous individuals who had a clear focus on one goal and achieved great success. It is important to have a clear goal in life, and to make it the focus of all your efforts, in order to achieve success.
  • 01:10:00 Napoleon Hill teaches that every voluntary movement of the human body is caused by thought. Second, the presence of any thought or idea in your mind tends to produce an associated feeling and urge you to transform that feeling into appropriate muscular action. Finally, Hill states that your definite chief aim in life should be backed up by a burning desire for its achievement. Hill explains that these principles are necessary for successful attainment.
  • 01:15:00 Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success" course is designed to help individuals achieve success in their lives. The course consists of 16 lessons, each of which covers a different aspect of achieving success. The first three lessons introduce the principle of goal setting and how to create a clear and achievable goal. The fourth lesson provides instruction on how to apply the principles of the course to achieve success.
  • 01:20:00 Napoleon Hill teaches that one must have a definite, practical plan for achieving their major aim in life in order to gain success. Hill offers guidelines on how to form a friendly alliance with others who will help you reach your goals, and recommends prayer as an important part of the process. If any member of your family loses faith in your ability to achieve your goal, you must replace them as quickly as possible.
  • 01:25:00 In this lesson, Napoleon Hill discusses the power of persistence and how it can be used to achieve success. He explains that without faith and loyalty, success will be difficult to achieve.

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