Summary of clase 3 Herida de Abandono

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the dangers of abandonment and how it can lead to injuries, both physical and psychological. It talks about how people can become trapped in a cycle of abandonment, and how it can be difficult to release someone from that cycle.

  • 00:00:00 This video is about class 3 abandonment wounds. It features music and discusses how to treat them.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, we are going to discuss the wound of abandonment, which is the root of codependency in unhealthy relationships. This wound has always existed, but is now becoming very popular to call relationships toxic. We are going to talk about the wound behind all these toxic relationships today. Before I can invite you to do an exercise with me, I need to ask you to do something. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, then exhale for four seconds. Do this exercise four times. After you do the exercise, I want you to observe where your body changes when you do this exercise. Notice where your thoughts change, or where you feel something in particular when you do this exercise. This is just a beginner's exercise. I'm not going to close my eyes because I'm watching the people in the room. I'm keeping an eye on the microphones, but I want you to close your eyes and do the following: First, breathe in deeply, hold it for four seconds, and then exhale deeply, holding it for four seconds. Do this six times. Then, I want you to practice breathing in and out slowly and deeply. When you're ready, breathe in
  • 00:10:00 In this video, we learn how to practice a class 3 herida de abandono, which is a type of self-defense technique that helps to relax the body and reduce stress. Each person in the class shares how it has helped them in their own way, and at the end, everyone is invited to share their experiences with the practice. Those who struggled with the technique report feeling more at ease after practicing it, while those who found it easy to relax reported feeling tranquilized and more in control of their emotions.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the symptoms of the herida de abandono, or "her injury from abandonment," which is a psychological injury caused by being constantly rejected. The video provides an exercise to help people understand how this injury works. The exercise involves sitting with your back straight, refusing to be comforted, and holding the position for the entire session.
  • 00:20:00 This video discusses the concept of "herida de abandono," or the psychological injury caused by being deserted or neglected by someone. The video describes the different types of abandonment, and how they can lead to a psychological injury. The main message is that everyone experiences psychological injury at some point in their lives, and that it is important to be aware of and deal with these injuries to improve overall mental health.
  • 00:25:00 The third key component of emotional health is boundaries; when we are abandoned, our sense of belonging is broken. In this video, Ismael shares that you can be abandoned either physically or emotionally, and that the difference between abandonment and rejection is visible in the following way: for example, when I reject something, I say "I don't want it." When I abandon something, I say "I can't." Rejection doesn't require abandoning; abandonment necessarily involves a separation. This separation can be physical or emotional. We'll now move on and see that only someone who cannot defend themselves can be abandoned. A child, an adult, or someone who is handicapped can be abandoned. An adult who cannot defend himself cannot be abandoned. Next, I'm going to ask you a question. Who says a child can be abandoned? Most of us agree that a child cannot be abandoned because they do not have physical strength or economic power, and because they may not be able to defend themselves. This is very important to remember, so I'm going to stop here and I'll continue later. Who is the most likely person to be abandoned in this life? A person who cannot meet the three essential requirements for emotional health: physical strength, financial power, and defense
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the concept of "herida de abandono," which is a type of psychological injury characterized by a lack of self- reliance and a lack of trust in others. The video discusses how this injury can lead to feelings of dependency and a lack of self-confidence, which can create problems in relationships and in the ability to achieve goals.
  • 00:35:00 Adultos who are not children may suffer from a "herida de abandono," or a wound caused by parental abandonment. This wound can be caused by either the father being absent or the mother being absent emotionally or both. In cases of women, this wound activates the father's side, while in cases of men it activates the mother's side. Our problems usually relate to our sex opposite, and we blame men and women in equal measure. Yesterday we saw an example of this wound in the case of Rejection, which is produced when the father of the same sex as the child is absent. In cases of adults, we have issues with people of the same sex as us. For women, today's weight problems are a direct result of having this wound active. But when you are defined by rejection, as a woman, the ones who are gonna get fat are men. And in the case of men, when rejection is activated, they tend to blame women. This is a set of tips to help identify which wound is activated in the moment. There is always abandonment, or a lack of closeness, when a child is not raised by their biological parents. Imagine how your mother and father would have reacted when your brother, who was four when you
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses how a person can experience abandonment, typically due to the presence of an alcoholic partner or drug addict in the household. Many couples in these situations get married and their children often become neglected as a result. This can lead to a chaotic environment in which the individual feels abandoned, as well as a sense of insecurity and a lack of trust. This can lead to emotional wounds that are expressed in the form of abandonment behaviors, such as not wanting to be around others or not wanting to start new projects. It is often difficult for a person with a dependent personality to manage these behaviors, let alone end them completely.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses the idea that, in order to grow and be successful, we must first experience abandonment. We must be raised by adults who are not overly authoritarian or consenting, and who are capable of setting limits for us. If we are raised by such adults, we will be able to develop our own strength and be successful. However, if we are raised by authoritarian or consenting parents, we may grow up to repeat the same patterns in our own lives. For example, we may become overly obedient or overly protective, without developing our own strengths. Our children may also suffer as a result. The video concludes by saying that, in order to be successful, we must first experience abandonment. We must be raised by adults who are not too controlling or too lenient, and who are able to set limits for us. If we are raised by such adults, we will be able to develop our own strength and be successful.
  • 00:50:00 A child who has experienced parental abandonment feels a sense of fear and vulnerability in their life, due to the lack of security and protection they experienced during their formative years. This can lead to a permanent state of anxiety and depression, which can be compounded by a lack of support from family or friends. Parental abandonment can also create a sense of powerlessness in adults, as they may feel as if they have never learned how to cope with losses or deal with difficult relationships.
  • 00:55:00 This video discusses the dangers of leaving a baby unsupervised, and the importance of having a strong relationship with one's "dependiente" in order to avoid abandonment injuries. It talks about how people can become trapped in a cycle of abandonment, and how it can be difficult to release someone from that cycle. It tells the story of a woman who is deeply in debt because she spends all her money trying to keep her dependiente with her. She eventually becomes so attached to him that she decides to merge with him and forget herself in order to keep him by her side.

01:00:00 - 01:35:00

This video is about abandonment and how it creates wounds that can never be healed. The only person who can ever truly abandon a child or person who once was is you, the adult. The video goes on to discuss how, if you can become a good father or mother to yourself, you will be able to teach yourself self-discipline and understand the value of responsibility.

  • 01:00:00 This video discusses the fourth step in the five-step model of addiction: becoming dependent on others. The speaker discusses how people can become dependent on others in different ways, and how this can lead to drama. If you answered four or more of the following questions, you may be experiencing a dependency on others. If you find yourself doing more drama than necessary, it may be time to consider treatment for your addiction.
  • 01:05:00 In this video, Carlos explains how abandonment wounds us emotionally, and how it can prevent us from healing. He goes on to say that, although we may feel alone at times, we can still heal by speaking about our experiences and by addressing the underlying issues that led to our abandonment. Carlos also discusses how recognising our dependencies can help us move on from our past.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses the physical characteristics of a person who suffers from abandonment syndrome, which is characterized by a lack of muscle tone and a lack of strength in the cervical column. The person's body is long, thin, and lack of muscle, with a jowled appearance. The person's legs are weak, their back is curvier, and their arms are too long. Some parts of the body are flaccid, and other parts are peg-legged. The person also has large, sad eyes and a look that attracts others. abandonment syndrome is often accompanied by mental health problems, such as feelings of loneliness and fear of abandonment. The person talks about how living in a toxic relationship is even more painful than experiencing the horrible problems on a regular basis.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses how people often abandon their dreams and goals, and how this can lead to problems in their lives. It talks about how someone who has been abandoned often feels very alone and helpless, and how this can lead to depression and other health issues. It also discusses how someone who has been abandoned may be more likely to become involved in dangerous and addictive behaviors, since they have lost the support of a significant other. The video encourages people to find ways to restore their energy and to be more disciplined, and provides examples of activities that can help.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the phenomenon of "herida de abandono," or the feeling of being abandoned. It discusses the general characteristics of this type of injury, and then goes on to discuss how one can deal with it. The third task is adapting to the new situation.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the importance of symbolic actions in overcoming trauma. It shows how a person can heal by revisiting photos from their childhood and adulthood, and creating a symbolic painting to represent the process. The artist encourages viewers to do the same.
  • 01:30:00 This video discusses how abandonment creates wounds which can never be healed. It explains that the only person who can ever truly abandon a child or child who once were is you, the adult. Probably your father or mother wasn't around, and even if you demand that your parents change, they can't. However, if you can become a good father or mother to yourself, you will be able to teach yourself self-discipline and understand the value of responsibility. You will also be able to become a father or mother who sets limits and tells their child that they have eaten too much or spent too much. This powerful artwork is always with me where I can see it, because I'm not going to deny it to myself. Sometimes I have a lot of fear, and at other times I feel like I can't do it. But when I look at my body art again, I see that always there is an "auto" behind me, holding me up and supporting me, and that is me, the adult. Just as they are starting to realize this, Agua Adentro, the artist, shares a video of herself weeping during an exercise. This exercise is meant to help people reflect on their responsibility, but one woman always cries. She tries to be strong,
  • 01:35:00 Mario talks about the importance of being strong and how it's important to have an adult in charge of the child, who instead embraces symbolically and tells him that he is there for him. The child doesn't have to be strong, he can rely on Mario. This video is a teaching tool to help the viewer learn how to cope with feelings such as sadness, anger, and anxiety. The video's main message is that the next lecture, which is on life mediation, is coming up and that everyone should be prepared. Make sure to tune in next Thursday at 7pm EST to learn more.

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