Summary of The Shocking Reason Why Men Today Are Single (& how to find a partner) - Jordan Peterson Motivation

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

Jordan Peterson discusses the reasons why men today are single and suggests that speed dating may be a way to overcome the fear of rejection. He explains that men are often self-conscious and afraid of contact with women, and that this fear can prevent them from reaching their full potential.

  • 00:00:00 Jordan Peterson discusses the power of male motivation and how the fear of rejection often keeps men from reaching their full potential. He suggests that speed dating can help overcome this fear, and that men should be willing to approach and talk to women without being immediately attracted to them.
  • 00:05:00 Jordan Peterson explains that men today are single because they are taught to be self-conscious and afraid of contact with women. Women make intense demands on men, and because of this, men compete for competence. The effect of this competition is multiplied by the fact that women who are hypergamous (choose partners based on potential reproductive success) peel from the top of the male hierarchy.
  • 00:10:00 The speaker discusses the reasons why men today are single, and how to find a partner. They suggest that the most competent men are more likely to leave offspring, and that this may be what drove cortical expansion over evolutionary time.

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