Summary of Fun JavaScript Examples! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 13) - #100Devs

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video "Fun JavaScript Examples! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 13) - #100Devs" covers a range of topics related to programming in JavaScript, including variables, conditionals, and functions, as well as more advanced concepts such as loops and pseudo-code. The instructor also talks about the importance of overcoming imposter syndrome and dealing with frustration when learning to code. Throughout the video, there are various examples and exercises designed to help students feel more confident with the syntax and build real projects. The instructor also provides guidance on best practices, such as using camel casing, avoiding spaces when creating variables, and understanding comparison and conditional syntax in JavaScript.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the instructor begins the second class of the free software engineering bootcamp with some fun questions for the students. He asks about what they did for themselves over the weekend, which was part of their homework, and gets a range of responses including food, hobbies, and special purchases. The instructor then mentions the coming break and how it will give students more time to work on their projects.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the instructor begins by discussing impostor syndrome, which is something most students experience and something that may stick with them throughout their careers. He then covers the basics of programming, including variables, conditionals, and functions, before moving on to more advanced concepts such as loops and pseudo-code. The class also spends time talking about the temperature converter and the "big four" of variables, conditionals, functions, and loops, and the instructor encourages students to submit their code to Codepen. The class is full of fun and playful exercises that help students feel more comfortable with the syntax and build real stuff.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the instructor highlights some examples of how students have taken the homework given and made it their own, creating unique projects such as a Mario Kart version of the background picker or a weather changer. The instructor encourages students to personalize their projects and make it their own. However, the instructor also addresses a common issue faced by many, Imposter Syndrome. The feeling that they are not good enough and that they do not know as much as others. The instructor reassures students that it is normal to feel this way and advises them to focus on their personal growth and improvements.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker talks about imposter syndrome and how it affects many people, including himself. He stresses that it's important not to let these feelings stop us from achieving what we want. Using the analogy of a roller coaster, he emphasizes that we're all on the same ride and shouldn't compare ourselves to others who may seem to be further ahead. Instead, we should focus on our own progress and be our best selves.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, Dr. Thomas encourages viewers to leave their reality at the door and dream a little bit instead, leaving behind any frustration, imposter syndrome or unfinished work. He emphasizes the importance of separating concerns in coding, with content in HTML, style in CSS, and behavior and interaction in JavaScript. He explains how using IDs and classes can help keep code organized and make it easier to target specific elements with JavaScript. Viewers are told that they can use classes to bind similar actions to multiple elements, and that programming comes down to writing instructions for the computer to follow.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the instructor explains the concept of programming and how it involves writing instructions in a language that computers can understand, which is often not the same as the human-readable language that programmers write in. They use the example of Independence Day and the idea of breaking down an alien language into simple logic that the computer can understand, all the way down to binary code. The instructor notes that while JavaScript is meant to be more human-readable, it still has a specific syntax that can be intimidating to new learners, and encourages students to not be discouraged if they find it overwhelming at first.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the instructor advises the viewers to play, experiment, and break the code when learning JavaScript. He emphasizes that it is normal to struggle with the syntax at first and that pattern recognition is a crucial skill to develop early on. He recommends focusing on building projects and not worrying about understanding everything in the beginning, as it can be overwhelming. The instructor also reminds the viewers to be kind to themselves and not expect to become JavaScript masters after only one class.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the instructor teaches about variables in JavaScript. Variables are tools used to store a value for later use. There are two key steps to using variables: declaration and assignment. Declaration involves creating a space in memory to store a particular value while assignment involves placing a value inside that designated memory space. If a value hasn't been assigned, the variable will return "undefined" when called.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the instructor discusses variables in JavaScript and their assignments. He explains how a variable's value stays the same until it is reassigned, and demonstrates how to reassign its value using an example where age is assigned a new value of 30. The instructor also talks about the importance of using camel casing when creating variables and avoiding spaces. Furthermore, he notes that there are two types of variables in JavaScript, numbers, and strings and stresses the importance of consistency when wrapping strings in quotes, so it doesn't create an error in the program.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, the instructor discusses the concept of escaping characters in JavaScript to avoid issues with quotes. Additionally, the two different types of numbers in JavaScript are explained, as well as basic arithmetic operations using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus. The concept of even and odd numbers is introduced through the use of modulus, which can be useful in early programming. The instructor also covers conditionals, and demonstrates how to use them to execute a set of statements if a certain condition is met.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the video, the instructor goes over how to understand comparison in JavaScript in order to do more in-depth conditionals. They start by explaining that the double equal sign just compares the value, while the triple equal sign compares both the value and type. They then review different comparison scenarios using both equal signs and not equal signs with examples such as comparing a number to a string and comparing values in both value and type.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains some conditional syntax in JavaScript by asking various questions and showing how to evaluate them. One example includes "does three not equal string three in value and type", which is true because they are not equal in both value and type. Another example is "is three less than or equal to eight", which is true. The instructor encourages viewers to play around with these examples and use the console to execute their JavaScript code. They also mention that they will review these concepts and go over more conditional logic in the upcoming class.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video showcases various fun JavaScript examples for users to learn from. The instructor discusses topics such as conditional statements, manipulating the DOM, adding input values to the DOM, concatenation, and speech synthesis. The instruction emphasizes the importance of recognizing and combining building blocks while programming while also reminding the viewers to take a break and have fun. Additionally, the instructor plans to go over pseudo code and teach users how to order different code pieces in plain language while building a temperature converter project together.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the video pauses for a brief break, encouraging viewers to step away from their screens, get some water or look out into the distance for at least 20 seconds. The hosts also remind users to like and subscribe to their YouTube channel and express gratitude for viewer engagement.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, the instructor discusses conditional statements in JavaScript. He explains that if the statement inside the parentheses evaluates as true, then the code inside the curly braces will execute, otherwise, it will move on to the next else if statement. He mentions that JavaScript has many built-in features like switches that could make conditional syntax easier. He also provides examples of where conditional statements could be useful, like when figuring out the day of the week or making decisions based on information that is coming in. Finally, the instructor presents a practical example using const, which is a variable that will not be reassigned.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the instructor explains how to use conditional statements in JavaScript and demonstrates various examples such as the logical operators and, or, and if statements in detail. Additionally, the dangers of assignment vs. comparison are explained, and the instructor warns about using only one equal sign inside if/else statements which may result in variable reassignment. Finally, the instructor promises an exciting campaign against Papa John's coming up on Thursday, and encourages viewers to return then to join the movement.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the instructor takes a look at a previous class example and points out an important issue with the code. The issue is that the code doesn't work with both uppercase and lowercase letters. The instructor shows how to fix this issue and reminds viewers to make sure they are agreeing to the rules and clicking on the emojis in the Discord channel to access all the 100 Devs content. The instructor also gives a brief explanation of how JavaScript can manipulate the DOM and how refreshing the page resets the DOM.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the instructor explains how they add a smurf to a button and listen for a click event. They use the `addEventListener` function and set it to listen for a click event. When the click is detected, a function called `check` is run. The `check` function retrieves the value of an input with the ID of `day` and assigns it to a variable called `day`. The instructor also explains the concept of assigning a value to a variable and how it differs from simply retrieving it.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the video, the instructor discusses how JavaScript has many built-in features that make programming easier, such as addEventListener and querySelector, so developers don't have to code everything from scratch. However, it can be difficult to distinguish what is built-in and what is not, and the instructor emphasizes that the best way to learn is to practice and experiment with the code. The example highlights the issue of case sensitivity and the importance of accounting for it when programming.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the instructor explains how to use built-in JavaScript methods like "toLowerCase()" to manipulate strings. The example code compares the input value to specific days and if it doesn't match Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday, the output is "boring." The instructor assures users that the variable "day" is not being reassigned but is just running the same set of instructions every time the function is called. Later on, the instructor introduces an "angry parent simulator" and shows how to manipulate strings with JavaScript to mimic angry parents using different names.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to get input values from various forms and then display them in the DOM using JavaScript. The code includes event listeners and functions that grab the values of each input and store them in corresponding variables. Then, the code finds the location in the DOM where text should be displayed and populates it with the values of these variables. The instructor provides several examples of how to implement this code and encourages viewers to use these code snippets as building blocks for their own future projects.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the video, the instructor shows how to add variables into text on a webpage using concatenation and template literals. They discuss the difference between inner text and inner HTML, and the syntax of using template literals which is a newer and easier way to add variables into the text. The instructor also shows some additional code that uses an "on click" function to take the variables from a form and output the variables in all-caps on the webpage.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the instructor explains how he used built-in speech synthesis in the browser to create a click event that spits out rap lyrics. He also shares how he used this new feature to build an app with an accessibility feature to help deaf gamers. The instructor emphasizes that it's okay not to know everything about coding and to rely on external resources, such as Google and MDN. He stresses that developers don't have to memorize every code snippet and explains how it only took him a few seconds to find the speech synthesis feature he needed.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the process of programming and how it involves solving problems that have most likely already been solved in different contexts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and putting together building blocks or legos to solve problems, as opposed to reinventing the wheel. He also encourages having fun while programming and not letting anxiety get in the way. The speaker provides examples of using speech synthesis to make a web browser speak programmatically and emphasizes that learning to code is not about being good at JavaScript but rather being good at finding and putting together building blocks to solve problems.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, the instructor advises the students to take a break and have fun by building and breaking Lego sets without letting anxiety creep in. After the break, the instructor will talk about pseudo code and how to order the different pieces in plain language. The students will then build a temperature converter together. The chat is encouraged to take a break and move around.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

The instructor in this video stresses the importance of writing good pseudocode before starting to code and encourages viewers to approach coding problems in plain language first. He gives examples of how this can make coding more efficient and shows how previously built JavaScript building blocks can be used for new coding challenges. The remaining sections of the video focus on coding exercises related to "The Bachelor" television show and demonstrate the power and flexibility of JavaScript for manipulating HTML and CSS elements. These exercises emphasize the use of event listeners and toggle functions to add or remove classes to DOM elements based on user interaction.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the instructor talks about using plain language to approach coding problems before thinking about syntax, and the importance of writing good pseudocode for writing good code. He emphasizes that one needs to have a clear direction before diving into code and states that writing good pseudocode is a highly impactful skill to develop. The instructor used to have his students build a robot that made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and he would play the role of the robot as the students wrote the pseudocode necessary for him to follow.
  • 02:05:00 In this section of the video, the instructor gives an example of how difficult it would be to write the code for a simple task like drinking from a mug after describing a time his students had to write out pseudocode for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He then walks through an example temperature converter project and gives viewers two minutes to think through the steps needed to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, expressing the importance of breaking down tasks in plain language before starting to write code.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, the instructor discusses the necessary steps for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, which include obtaining the value in Celsius, performing the conversion, and displaying the resulting Fahrenheit value. These steps have already been covered in previous examples shown in class.
  • 02:15:00 In this section of the video, the instructor encourages viewers to try coding a conversion function using existing building blocks, as opposed to coding from scratch. He compares coding to playing with Lego blocks, and encourages users to find the other “Lego bricks” to complete the task, such as finding a brick that can reassign a variable and another that will allow one to put the new code back into the DOM. The instructor emphasizes that finding the formula is the most important part, and that the user should play around with the building blocks they already have to complete the task, and not always look for new bricks.
  • 02:20:00 In this section of the video, the instructor walks through how to take pieces from previously built items, specifically the Angry Parent Simulator, and use them to build a temperature converter in JavaScript. The HTML code from the Angry Parent Simulator is copied over and modified to fit the needs of the temperature converter. The necessary JavaScript code, including an event listener and a function called "convert", is also copied and modified to work with the converter. The instructor emphasizes the importance of naming conventions in JavaScript and matching function names with the function being called.
  • 02:25:00 working on a new feature or section of code, I like to start with writing pseudo code which later can be turned into comments to help me stay on track. This can help other developers too. In this section, we see an example of converting temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit using JavaScript where we get the input value and store it in a variable called temp. Then we reassign temp and convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit using some math. We have seen all this before in previous classes except for the math part. Finally, we output the result to the DOM with innerText.
  • 02:30:00 In this section of the video, the instructor emphasizes the importance of writing pseudo code before starting any coding project. He explains that building blocks can be reused and combined in different ways but one should commit to playing with them and exploring different options. He encourages students to have some fun with it and experiment with their ideas. The instructor also shares his idea of playing the game of pseudo code to think through potential solutions to a problem. Finally, he jokingly suggests that the best TV show of all time is The Bachelor and says that the remaining examples will be Bachelor themed to honor Bachelor Nation.
  • 02:35:00 In this section of the video, the speaker opens up some starter code called "bachelor" and explains that it contains three folders. They then focus on the first folder, which has an HTML file and a JavaScript file that contain images of contestants from Juan Pablo's season of The Bachelor. The speaker explains that they want the user to be able to click on a button to remove two of the contestants, leaving only the one who received the final rose. The user is given two minutes to work on the code before the speaker goes over it.
  • 02:40:00 In this section of the video, the instructor walks through two JavaScript examples related to the Bachelor television show. In the first example, he shows how to use an event listener to hide certain HTML elements, like the names of Bachelor contestants, when a specific header is clicked. On the second example, he demonstrates how to make different images show up when different text elements are clicked. Overall, the goal of both examples is to illustrate the power and flexibility of JavaScript for manipulating HTML and CSS.
  • 02:45:00 section of the video focuses on a JavaScript exercise where the goal is to click on a name and have the corresponding photo appear. The images all initially have a class of "hidden" in the CSS, so the instructor demonstrates how to remove this class using JavaScript. They also introduce the concept of variables and how they can make code more efficient and less repetitive.
  • 02:50:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates using event listeners and toggle functions in JavaScript to add and remove classes to DOM elements based on user interaction. Specifically, the code is designed to toggle the "hidden" class on images of two people named Claire and Charlene, making them invisible when a user clicks on a third person named Andy. The instructor encounters an error and uses the console to debug the code before successfully implementing the toggle function.
  • 02:55:00 In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to use event listeners and toggle classes to show and hide images of different people using JavaScript. By clicking on a person's name, the hidden class is toggled off, allowing the corresponding image to appear, while the other images disappear as their hidden class is toggled on. The instructor explains that this process can be made drier, but it's not yet time to do so. The end result is a web page that allows users to toggle between the different person's images while the others remain hidden.

03:00:00 - 03:10:00

This YouTube video from the #100Devs free software engineering bootcamp presents several fun JavaScript examples, including exercises where users must display certain photos and toggle the hidden class for certain elements. The instructor emphasizes using building blocks and experimenting without getting hung up on syntax or imposter syndrome. Viewers are reminded to play and experiment with JavaScript, read more, and join the instructor in a community "raid."

  • 03:00:00 In this section, the instructor presents a JavaScript exercise in which the user must write code that displays the photo of the contestant with the final rose from Juan Pablo's season of The Bachelor. The photo of the contestant without the rose should not be displayed, and clicking on it should result in an alert saying "wrong." The instructor gives two minutes to complete the task and emphasizes that users should not get hung up on the syntax, but rather should use the building blocks they already know. The solution involves using the querySelectorAll method to grab all elements with the "contestant" class and then using a conditional statement to display only the element with the "rose" class.
  • 03:05:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains the process of selecting elements with a class of "contestant" and using code to add a smurf image to each of them. The code also creates a click event that toggles the hidden class for elements with the class "rows". The instructor encourages viewers to play around with the code and have fun learning without imposter syndrome or negative energy. Finally, the instructor ends the video by encouraging viewers to participate in a raid and showing love on another channel.
  • 03:10:00 In this section, the instructor briefly mentions the homework and reminds the students to play and experiment with JavaScript. He advises that this will enable them to build it up, break it, and start again. Additionally, he urges students to read more to help them understand better. Finally, the instructor sets up a "raid" and asks the students to join him there.

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